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Circuits designed by David Johnson, P.E.
Last Updated on: Sunday, May 10, 2015 08:19 AM

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Audio Amplifiers

Dave's Amplifier Circuits:      Audio       Buffers         High Frequency-HighSpeed-Wide Band       
High Impedance Circuits      Low Noise      RF (Radio Frequency)       
Transimpedance             Variable Gain      Current  to Voltage Converter

  • 3Khz Filter + Audio Amplifier -  This circuit is the audio amp section for a complete optical transmitter.  The circuit amplifies and filters the voice audio signals from an electret microphone.  The circuit is described in more detail in... [Circuit by David Johnson P.E., 6/04/00]

3Khz Low Pass Filter Plus Audio Amp  -  This circuit uses a switched capacitor filter IC from National Semiconductor to filter signals with frequencies higher than the 3KHz needed for voice audio. The schematic includes an audio amplifier that is designed to drive a standard audio head phone . . . [Circuit by David A. Johnson P.E.,  06/04/00]

Audio Amp + 3Khz Filter  -  This circuit is the audio amp section for a complete optical transmitter.  The circuit amplifies and filters the voice audio signals from an electret microphone.  The circuit is described in more detail in . . . [Circuit by David Johnson P.E.,  06/04/00]

Band Drummer’s Microphone Switch  -  I received an email from guy who plays drums for a small band.  He wanted a simple way to turn on and off his microphone with just a tap of his drum stick onto a small box.  The circuit below performs this task with the aid of a piezo device as a shock sensor and a small dual coil latching relay with two sets of contacts.  The contacts can be wired any number of ways to a microphone circuit . . . [Hobby Circuit designed by David A. Johnson P.E.,  10/31/11]

Boost Infrared TV/VCR Remote Signal  -  This circuit will boost the signal from any infrared TV or VCR remote, extending the range by a factor of 3X.  . . . [Hobby Circuit designed by Dave Johnson P.E.,  10/07/05]

DVD Recorder + TV Camera Make Cheap Data Logger  -  Sometimes recording the results of a test requires as much ingenuity as designing the product. Consider a situation which requires the collection of many different variables over a long period of time . . . [Hobby Circuit designed by David A. Johnson P.E.,  04/01/05]

Improve the quality of standard TV images  -  I designed this circuit many years ago, based on the claims that the technique would improve the quality of standard TV images. The circuit adds information to the edges of the objects and was reported to bring out more detail. After building and testing . . . [Hobby Circuit designed by David A. Johnson P.E.,  07/08/00]

Infrared TV/VCR Remote Booster  -  This circuit will boost the signal from any infrared TV or VCR remote, extending the range by a factor of 3X.  . . . [Circuit by Dave Johnson P.E.,  10/05/05]

Low Pass Filter, 3Khz, With An Audio Amp  -  This circuit uses a switched capacitor filter IC from National Semiconductor to filter signals with frequencies higher than the 3KHz needed for voice audio. The schematic includes an audio amplifier that is designed to drive a standard audio head phone . . . [Hobby Circuit designed by Dave Johnson P.E.,  06/04/00]

Pop Free Microphone On/Off Switch Circuit  -  This circuit uses a simple technique to eliminate the usual “pop” sound when an electret type microphone is switched on or off.  The circuit is completely passive and will work on dynamic and electret type microphones . . . [Circuit by David A. Johnson P.E.,  02/15/02]

Remote Range Extender TV/VCR  -  I often get frustrated by how poor some infrared remotes in many new electronic devices operate.  I used to be able to turn on the TV from 30 feet away.  Now, it seems that I have to get within 15 feet.  To address this issue, I designed the circuit shown below.  The circuit taps into the TV remote’s existing infrared LED and drives 8 more efficient devices.  The result is a communications range some 4 to 5 times longer. . . . [Hobby Circuit designed by David Johnson P.E.,  12/14/00]

Remote TV Camera Power  -  A while back I received an email from a company with a problem. They needed a security camera installed at some remote location.  The camera was a high quality color camera sending out standard NTSC video through a long 500 foot 50 ohm coax cable.  With some difficulty they got the coax strung.  They were told that there would be AC power near the camera location to power that device.  But, they then learned that in fact, there was no power available.  They thought about using a solar panel and a battery but they decided to call me for help instead.  Was there some way to power the camera without stringing another cable? . . . [Hobby Circuit designed by David Johnson P.E.,  07/03/11]

TV /VCR Remote Range Extender Circuit  -  I often get frustrated by how poor some infrared remotes in many new electronic devices operate.  I used to be able to turn on the TV from 30 feet away.  Now, it seems that I have to get within 15 feet.  To address this issue, I designed the circuit shown below.  The circuit taps into the TV remote’s existing infrared LED and drives 8 more efficient devices.  The result is a communications range some 4 to 5 times longer. . . . [Circuit by Dave Johnson P.E.,  10/05/05]

Video Signal Edge Enhancements  -  I designed this circuit many years ago, based on the claims that the technique would improve the quality of standard TV images. The circuit adds information to the edges of the objects and was reported to bring out more detail. After building and testing . . . [Circuit by David A. Johnson P.E.,  07/08/00]


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