Welcome to DiscoverCircuits -- online since 2002
Discover Circuits is a vital online resource for engineers, hobbyists, inventors & consultants.
The site's collection of information will help you find quick
design ideas to electronic design problems.
contact me with any questions or comments or suggestions. Thanks. |
Last Updated
12/19/2021 03:33 PM |
Got Designs?
Please eMail if you want me to link to and/or post your original design. Thanks. |
Dave's other websites to visit:
collection of resources
for inventors, hobbyists,
scientists & engineers |
resource portal for information
regarding renewable, alternative
or sustainable energy |
Dave Johnson & Associates
consulting services for new products from conception to
or improving the cost & performance
of existing products |
Note: Unless specifically mentioned by name, David Johnson did not design the circuits listed on this site and
will not be able to answer questions about them. Please direct questions to the circuit's designer. |