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Encoder Circuits
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Wednesday, June 02, 2021 04:35 AM

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2^16 remote control encoder & Decoder  -  Control up to 16 remote digital output lines by this remote control encoder/decoder.  The encoder can transmit either using a radio module or an infrared LED.  The decoder outputs can be latched or momentary __ Designed by Peter Jakab

8-channel DTMF Link: Encoder  -  The DTMF encoder circuit shown here is based on the HT9200B tone generator device produced by Holtek and distributed by Futurlec among others.  The encoder.  must register on this site __ Designed by Published in Elecktor July/Aug, 2010

A Hierarchical Priority Encoder  -  Anormal priority encoder encodes only the highest-order data line.  But in many situations, not only the highest but the second-highest priority information is also needed.  The circuit presented here encodes both__ Electronics Projects for You

Adaptive rotary encoder distinguishes fine from coarse  -  EDN Design Ideas:  06/20/2013    Need a rotary panel control that automatically switches between fine and coarse adjustment? it's here Design by Anthony Smith

Analog Encoding  -  Convert switches and sensors into DMX signals.  Uses are found in Haunted houses, stage plays, med events, holiday light animations, anytime you want to control DMX compatible equipment.  Fog machines and strobe lights can be indecently controlled be remote switches or sensors.   __ Designed by Peter Parker VK3YE

BA1404 Stereo Encoder  -  With 15 KHz low pass filter.   __  Jan Kolar

BH1415 HI FI Stereo Encoder   -  Latest BH1415 Stereo Encoder design from RHOM that includes a lot of great features in one small package.  It comes with pre-emphasis, limiter so that the music can be transmitted at the same audio level, low pass filter that blocks any audio signals above 15KHz to prevent any RF interference and crystal based stereo encoder for stereo transmission.  __ 

BH1417 HI FI Stereo Encoder   -  BH1417 Stereo Encoder design from RHOM that includes a lot of great features in one small package.  It comes with pre-emphasis, limiter so that the music can be transmitted at the same audio level, low pass filter that blocks any audio signals above 15KHz to prevent any RF interference and crystal based stereo encoder for stereo transmission.  __ 

Circuit Produces Valid Encoder Pulse  -  01/04/96 EDN Design Ideas:  To avoid this problem, you must use the quadrature signals to create valid pulses.  Consider a circuit design that requires the output to go high when B goes high and the output to go low only if A goes low after B goes high.  Such a circuit eliminates the problem of counting errors due to small oscillations of the shaft Design by Vuk Borich, Magnetek Inc Bridgeport, CT

Code Generator Completes OO Design Suit  -  07/18/96  EDN Design Ideas:  The Code Genesis tool from SES inc automates the translation step in object-oriented (OO) design, which allows software developers to create robust code by starting with a system model.  After simulating the model to ensure that the system behaves as required, developers can use Code Genesis to translate the working model to C++.   Design by Richard A Quinnell, SES Inc, Austin, TX

Composite-VGA encoder/decoder eases display upgrade  -  09/28/06 EDN Design Ideas:  Upgrade an RGB video system without adding cables Design by Werner Schwiering, Joystick Scoring Ltd, Whitby, ON, Canada

Controlling a Stepper Motor using a Rotary Encoder  -  Presented here is a project to control a stepper motor using an incremental rotary encoder.  It consists of a Raspberry PI (Raspi) board, 5-pin rotary encoder, 5V stepper motor and an__ Electronics Projects for You

Digital position encoder does away with ADC  -  05/08/97 EDN Design Ideas:  The position encoder in Figure 1 is a simple yet powerful circuit that converts the change in resistance of a potentiometer into a digital value without using an expensive A/D converter.  The working principle is a resistance-to-PWM converter built around the common 555 timer IC .  A change in the potentiometer's Design by Jose Carlos Cossio, Santander, Spain

Double-speed interpolation  -  09/18/13  EDN Design Ideas:  Low-end micros can still benefit from little coding tricks.  This one lets you "pan" between two signals or values more quickly than an explicit solution.  It is sometimes necessary to perform linear interpolation or “blending” of two vectors.  For example, this is done to “mix” two audio waveforms or blend two images.  The equation is: out  = a•in1 + (1-a) •in2  where out is the output vector, in1 and in2 are the two input vectors, and a is the fraction of in1 to be blended with the complementary fraction of in2.   Design by Miichael Mahon

Encoder & PC make complete Motor-control system  -  12-Dec-02 EDN Design Ideas:  This design idea combines a simple iSA-bus-resident interface circuit; a garden-variety PC; a high-resolution optical shaft encoder; and a PWM-controlled, 0.   05-hp, brushed, permanent-magnet dc motor to make a high-precision and high-power motion-control system.  The system sequences the precise rotation of an evacuated steel bell jar several feet in diameter, such as those used in molecular-beam Design by Steve Woodward, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC

Encoders & Decoders  -  Selector guide ~ links to pages that tell why you need Encoder and Decoder ICs  in your Wireless system.  Application circuits.  __ Golab.com

Hierarchical Priority Encoder  -  Anormal priority encoder encodes only the highest-order data line.  But in many situations, not only the highest but the second-highest priority information is also needed.  The circuit presented here encodes both__ Electronics Projects for You

High-quality Stereo Encoder  -  This stereo encoder is a halfway between analogue and digital processing.  It combines the best from both domains to provide high-quality and easy to build device.  The sampling frequency used in this stereo encoder is 97 times __  Jan Kolar

NJM2035 Stereo Encoder/ Multiplexer   -  This stereo encoder is the perfect solution for those looking for a high quality stereo sound transmission at a low cost.  This stereo encoder produces an excellent crystal clear stereo sound and very good channel separation that can match with many more expensive stereo encoders that are available on the market.  It is all possible thanks to a 38KHz quartz crystal that controls the 19kHz pilot tone, so you will never have to calibrate or re-adjust the circuit.  __ 

NTE789 Stereo Decoder  -  The NTE789, a monolithic silicon integrated circuit, is a stereo multiplex decoder intended for FM multiplex systems.  This stereo multiplex decoder requires only one low–inductance tuning coil (requires only one adjustment for complete alignment) , provides automatic stereo switching, energizes a stereo indicator lamp, and operates from a wide range of voltage supplies.  __ 

Optical Encoder Controls Range Switch  -  10/08/98 EDN Design Ideas:  (Several circuits included, scroll to find this one) instead of using a counter-controlled, pushbutton-activated range switch, you can use an optical encoder.  Inexpensive encoders are available, and they occupy minimal space on the front panel of an instrument Design by W Dijkstra, Waalre, The Netherlands

PL Tone Encoder Board  -  if your local repeater has got you singing the PL tone blues, then read on.  For less than $10, an inexpensive PL tone generator can be constructed that will bring new life into that old non-PL rig.   __ Designed by Radio Amateur Society of Norwich

Priority Encoders Slip Into FPGA  -  02/17/94  EDN Design Ideas:  The standard 8-to-3 priority encoder's design, in maximal canonical form (such as the 74148) , suffers from drawbacks when you try to use the design as a macro in a large digital project.  The drawbacks are:  The number of inputs to the gates varies from two to nine; if any of the inputs develops a stuck-at-zero or stuck-at-one fault, such a fault is difficult to detect; and Reconfiguring the design to suit a fault-tolerant design is difficult.   Design by Swapnajit Mittra, Baharat Electronics, Bangalore, India

Produce Valid Encoder Pulse  -  01/04/96 EDN Design Ideas:  To avoid this problem, you must use the quadrature signals to create valid pulses.  Consider a circuit design that requires the output to go high when B goes high and the output to go low only if A goes low after B goes high.  Such a circuit eliminates the problem of counting errors due to small oscillations of the shaft Design by Vuk Borich, Magnetek Inc Bridgeport, CT

Professional Stereo Encoder  -  Uses high quality NJM2035 stereo coder IC .  __ 

RDS Encoder  -  schematic only __  Jan Kolar

Remote Control Encoder/Decoder with PIC16C620 & PIC12C508  -  Control up to 8 devices by this easy constructable remote control.  It can work as a radio or infrared remote control, depending on the components.  Each device output can be configured to be momentary (turned on while you press the button) or latched.  Latched outputs can be toggled on/off by one button per channel, or turned on and off by two buttons per channel.   __ Designed by Peter Jakab

RF transmitter uses AM I encoding  -  11/24/99 EDN Design Ideas:  Although alternate-mark-inversion (AMi]encoding is well-suited for direct-conversion FM transmission, designers often overlook the technique.  AMi, a three-phase, synchronous-encoding technique, uses bipolar pulses to represent logic ones and no signal to Design by Paul Sofianos

Rotary Encoder Mates with Digital Potentiometer  -  6-Mar-03 EDN Design Ideas:  Buck IC boosts battery voltage for white LED - in developing electronic systems, designers look for products or ideas that may benefit from the better performance, smaller size, lower cost, and improved reliability that an IC can offer.  Toward that end, the digital potentiometer emerged as an alternative to its mechanical counterpart, the mechanical potentiometer Design by Peter Khairolomour, Analog Devices, San Jose, CA

Rotary encoder with absolute readout offers high resolution & low cost  -  Rotary encoders are typically used in positioning systems with servo feedback in which the cost of the encoder usually is of minor importance.  Encoders, however, are also used in user interfaces to encode the positions of knobs—the volume knob on an audio system, for example.  For those knobs, you have the choice between either a potentiometer boasting low cost, high resolution, and absolute readout but only limited travel—typically less than 340°—or a mechanical-optical rotary encoder, which has endless travel but a higher cost, low resolution, and only relative readout.  The Design ideas presented here attempts to combine the advantages of the potentiometer with the endless operation of the mechanical-optical rotary encoder.    Design by Michael Korntheuer

Stereo Encoder/ Multiplexer  -  based on NJM2035, very simple circuit and well documented__ 

Veronica Stereo Encoder  -  As you probably know, to enable stereophonic broadcasting, audio channels LEFT and RiGHT have to be specificaly encoded in such a way that FM receivers can reconstruct stereo.  This is a low cost, but powerful, stereo coder.  Since the schematic is very 'clean' there's no full documentation available.  Just note that : * Trimmers adjust 19KHz pilot tone and output levels (see schematics).  * Cap.  trimmer fine tune the 19KHz pilot tone frequency (from 76KHz crystal).  __ 

Encoder Circuits

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