Light-Sensitive Fire Alarm - This light-sensitive fire alarm circuit is extremely sensitive, low-cost and easy to assemble even by a beginner. It uses infrared photo transistor as fire sensor. Circuit and working Circuit diagram of the light-sensitive...___ Electronics Projects for You Make a Fire-alarm System for Your House! - Many buildings and homes need smoke detectors to alarm at the initial stage of a developing fire accident. To prevent damage, smoke detectors perform… __ Designed by Upasana Dewan
Photodiode-Based Fire Detector - This ultra-sensitive fire sensor protects your electronic devices like computer and television set. It uses a photodiode as the fire sensor and sounds an alarm immediately on sensing a spark or...___ Electronics Projects for You
Photoelectric Smoke Detector - This photoelectric smoke detector circuit uses one LED and 2 LDRs to detect the smoke and sound an alarm. The LM1801 IC is the best choice for this circuit because we need a few external components and is used in almost any smoke alarm. The whole photoelectric smoke detector circuit is powered from the 220V mains supply. D1 __ Designed by Popescu Marian
Pin Diode Based Fire Sensor - This is an ultra-sensitive fire sensor that activates an alarm when it detects fire. In this circuit, a sensitive PIN diode is used as a fire sensor for longer-range fire detection. It detects visible light and infrared (IR) in the range of 430 nm – 1100 nm. Visible light and IR from the fire activate the sensor to trigger the alarm. It also detects sparks in the mains wiring and if these persist, it gives a warning alarm. The anode can easily be identified from the top-view flat surface of the photodiode. A small solder point to which a thin wire is connected is the anode and the other one is the cathode terminal.___ Electronics Projects for You
Simple Smoke Detector - This simple smoke detector is highly sensitive but inexpensive. It uses a Darlington-pair amplifier employing two npn transistors and an infrared photo-interrupter module as the sensor. The circuit gives audio-visual alarm...___ Electronics Projects for You
Smart Smoke Alarm - At the heart of this ultra simple smoke alarm is H21A1, which is a photo-interrupter module consists of a gallium-arsenide infrared LED coupled to a silicon phototransistor in a plastic housing. The slot between the infrared sender(LED) and receiver (phototransistor) allows interruption of the signal with smoke, switching the __ Designed by T.K. Hareendran
Smoke Alarm - The original smoke alarm circuit http://www. electroschematics. com/5450/smart-smoke-sensor-alarm/ has some problems and has left some hobbyists and students disappointed. Rather than to attempt to solve its many problems, I have created an update that uses the venerable LM741 op amp. It is simpler, more conventional, easier to __ Designed by Jim Keith
Smoke Detector - This home smoke detector circuit warns the user against fire accidents. It relies on the smoke that is produced in the event of a fire and passes between a bulb and an LDR, the amount of light falling on the LDR decreases. This type of circuit is called optical smoke detector. Do not use it as a home smoke detector it’s __ Designed by Popescu Marian
Smoke, Alcohol & LPG-Detection Alarm Presented here is a circuit for raising an alarm on detecting smoke or LPG cooking gas leakage, or even alcohol vapours in breath. This is achieved by using a basic unit...___ Electronics Projects for You |