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Frequency Counter Circuits

Last Updated: June 02, 2021 01:45 PM

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Circuits Designed by Dave Johnson, P.E. :

60hz Clock Generator is Line PoweredThis circuit is connected to the 120vac power line and transfers 60Hz clock pulses to a logic circuit.  The optoisolator used provides 5000 volts of isolation between the power line and the logic side of the circuit . . . Hobby Circuit designed by Dave Johnson P.E.-February, 1999

Circuit Forms Divide By 1.5 CounterTwo inexpensive ICs divide a TTL clock signal by 1.5.  By following the circuit with another flip/flop, you could also generate a divide by three function. . . Circuit by Dave Johnson P.E.-July, 2000

Count Cars with LaserThis is an illustration how a laser could be used to count traffic and measure the speed of each car passing through the sensor area . . . Hobby Circuit designed by Dave Johnson P.E.-January, 2007

Divide By 1.5 CounterTwo inexpensive ICs divide a TTL clock signal by 1.5.  By following the circuit with another flip/flop, you could also generate a divide by three function. . . Circuit by David Johnson P.E.-July, 2000

Laser Used as Vehicular Traffic CounterThis is an illustration how a laser could be used to count traffic and measure the speed of each car passing through the sensor area. . . Circuit by David Johnson P.E.-January, 2007

Line Powered 60hz Clock GeneratorThis circuit is connected to the 120vac power line and transfers 60Hz clock pulses to a logic circuit.  The optoisolator used provides 5000 volts of isolation between the power line and the logic side of the circuit. . . Circuit by Dave Johnson P.E.-February, 1999

13 GHz Frequency Counter Prescaler -  Here is a fairly simple "divide-by-1000" circuit which was first designed by Zeljko Bozic, S52ZB, in a 2006 issue of VHF Communications Magazine.  The idea of this project is to extend the range of older   (and cheaper) frequency counters.  You can often find 100 MHz frequency counters for as little as $20 at hamfests or eBay, and this simple circuit will extend their range up to at least 13 GHz.  ___ Green Bay Professional Packet Radio

3.5GHZ Frequency Counter -  Frequency counter is a very important test instrument for Radio Amateurs, especially those who wish to develop or test circuits.  There are lots of frequency counters in the market but building one was never so easy exciting with __

A 600MHz Frequency Counter -  This cheap but high performance frequency counter was originally developed as a project for the members of the Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society to construct, but proved massively popular with around 110 units being built by members of both AHARS and SCARC   (South Coast Amateur Radio Club).  The counter is available in two styles, with a cheap but adequate quartz crystal oscillator being used as the time base in the most basic realisation.  In the second version, the time base used is a precision 10MHz TCXO, which lifts the performance of the counter to truly professional standards. __ Designed by VK5JST / VK5TR

Frequency Measurements using Pc -  PROBIR GOYAL Here is a simple technique for measuring frequencies over quite a wide frequency range and with acceptable accuracy limits using a PC.  It follows the basic technique of measuring low...___ Electronics Projects for You

LCD Frequency Counter -  This frequency counter module is intended as a "digital dial" frequency readout for portable QRP radio tranceivers.  It uses only six standard discrete logic IC's, i.e.  no PIC or other microcontroller, no programming to be done, etc.  The readout is designed to show kHz from the band edge with 100Hz resolution, i.e.00.0kHz to 99.9kHz.  The display updates ten times per second, which I have found to be a comfortable rate for tuning.  The current consumption is 1.4mA, very suitable for portable (battery powered) operation.  The size of the counter is 2.3 x 1.6 x 0.8 inches (58 x 41 x 20mm) __ Designed by Hans Summers

LCD frequency counter (PIC16F84) -  Schematic Only __ Designed by © Peter Halicky  OM3CPH

1 GHz Frequency Counter -  This simple counter is useful for frequency measurements of various wireless equipments, especially transmitters, receivers and signal generators in VHF/UHF band __   Jan Kolar

2.5 GHz Frequency counter -  This project describes a very powerful frequency counter.  Very simple construction which everyone can build.6 LED display will present the frequency with 1kHz resolution and RS232 communication to computer is available as option.  The software has also been implemented with some smart functions, for calculating frequencies in receivers where IF is 455kHz or 10.7MHz.  I present schematic, PCB, components and window software.   __

40/400MHZ Frequency Counter -  Frequency counter is a very important test instrument for Radio Amateurs, especially those who wish to develop or test circuits.  There are lots of frequency counters in the market but building one was never so easy & exciting with Microprocessors doing lots of work for us.   __

50 MHz Frequency Counter -  This project is nice and small frequency counter that reads frequency from 1 Hz to 50 MHz that I have modified from original designed by Weeder Technologies.  I have designed new PCB to fit with 16X1 LCD and change source code for compatible with new small PCB Specifications, Auto-ranging with floating decimal point.  , Up to 7 digits displayed on 1X16 LCD.  , Auto-adjusting gate speed   (0.1sec to 1 sec).  , Microcontroller-based circuitry provides for simplicity, ease of assembly, and highly stable readout.  , Sensitivity approximately 100 mV RMS   (100 Hz to 2 MHz) , 800 mV RMSAT50 MHz.  , Input overload protected.   __

50 MHz Frequency Counter Voltage Meter & SwR/PWR Indicator -  This is a successor of the PIC16C71 4-digit LED f-counter & V-meter.  Some hard to find parts used in the previous version, which are out of production for some time, has been omitted.  A rather early PIC16C71 has also been replaced by 28-pin device PIC16F876 __ Designed by Aleksander Stare

50MHz Frequency Meter -  This new 50MHz Frequency Meter is autoranging and displays the frequency in either Hz, kHz or MHz.  This makes the unit easy to read, as it automatically selects the correct range for any frequency between 0.1Hz and 50MHz and inserts the decimal point in the correct place for each reading.  Note that although we have specified this Frequency Meter at 50MHz maximum, most units will be capable of measuring frequencies somewhat higher than this.  In fact, our proto-type meter was capable of making frequency measurements to above 64MHz.   __

60hz Clock Generator is Line Powered -  This circuit is connected to the 120vac power line and transfers 60Hz clock pulses to a logic circuit.  The optoisolator used provides 5000 volts of isolation between the power line and the logic side of the circuit . . . Hobby Circuit designed by Dave Johnson P.E.-February, 1999

A Little More Serious Frequency Meter -  Maximum input frequency is specified to be 30 MHz in the multi-chip configuration, and in single-chip configuration, there are both 5 MHz and 10 Mhz versions operating with 10 and 20 MHz crystals, respectively.  All versions have 9 1/2 digit resolution.  I haveused __ Designed by Dick Cappels

BCD Frequency Meter -  Here is a simple circuit that precisely measures the frequency in BCD format.  The circuit is built around dual comparator LM393   (IC1), dual D-type flip-flop CD4013   (IC2), binary ripple counter CD4040...___ Electronics Projects for You

BCD readout frequency counter -  This frequency counter isn't the easiest to read, nicest, best frequency counter you can build.  But if all you can find is a few 74HC390 and some ordinary 5mm red LED's, it does the job and is easy and fast to make! This counter reads 040MHz to a resolution of 100Hz.  Readout is binary coded decimal   (BCD), with the least significant bits at the top.  The photo at top left shows the counter reading its own internal 2MHz clock. __ Designed by Hans Summers

Circuit Forms Divide By 1.5 Counter -  Two inexpensive ICs divide a TTL clock signal by 1.5.  By following the circuit with another flip/flop, you could also generate a divide by three function. . . Circuit by Dave Johnson P.E.-July, 2000

Count Cars with Laser -  This is an illustration how a laser could be used to count traffic and measure the speed of each car passing through the sensor area . . . Hobby Circuit designed by Dave Johnson P.E.-January, 2007

Divide By 1.5 Counter -  Two inexpensive ICs divide a TTL clock signal by 1.5.  By following the circuit with another flip/flop, you could also generate a divide by three function. . . Circuit by David Johnson P.E.-July, 2000

Exclusive 2.5 GHz Frequency Counter with Blue 2x16 LCD display -  This project explain a very powerful frequency counter which has many useful software functions.  The software can add or subtract 3 different IF frequencies (±455 kHz , ±10.7 MHz and ±21.4 MHz).  You have also two level of resolutions, 1kHz and 100Hz [Contact: info @ rfcandy.biz]

Exclusive 2.5 GHz Frequency Counter with Blue 2x16 LCD display -  This project explain a very powerful frequency counter which has many useful software functions. 
The software can add or subtract 3 different IF frequencies (±455 kHz , ±10.7 MHz and ±21.4 MHz).  You have also two level of resolutions, 1kHz and 100Hz.  The main oscillator can be on-board 13MHz or external 10 MHz.  The counter data can easy be transmitted to computer with RS232 cable (software below)  The construction is extremely simple and the unit is very small.  This project comes in a KIT version, se more details below.   __

Frequency Counter -  This is a circuit that uses IC NE555, five decade counters along with a 7-segment driver IC to form a 5 digit decimal counter.  The output of the decimal counter is used to drive the numerical display of frequency counter.   __ Designed by Electronics Projects for You

Frequency Counter -  This is the support page for the simple frequency counter project in Homebrew, RadCom October 2006.  The original design used a gate time of one second which gives a count resolution of 1Hz.  Maximum input frequency is about 50MHz.  A VHF/UHF prescaler for this counter is described in Homebrew, RadCom February 2008.  U2 is a PIC16F628 (PIC16F628-20 or PIC16F628A).  The PIC crystal frequency is 10.240MHz.  The firmware is easily modified so that a 10MHz crystal can be used instead.  Homebrew for March 2008 shows how this counter can be used with a GPS or Loran controlled gate. __ Designed by EI9GQ homebrew radio

Frequency counter -  This project explain a very powerful frequency counter which has many useful software functions.  The software can add or subtract 3 different IF frequencies (±455 kHz , ±10.7 MHz and ±21.4 MHz).  You have also two level of resolutions, 1kHz and 100Hz [Contact: info @ rfcandy.biz]

Frequency Counter -  Frequency counter with output on 7-segment display [Contact: info @ rfcandy.biz]

Frequency counter based on PIC16F628 & LCD display -  This is the support page for the simple frequency counter project in Homebrew, RadCom October 2006.  The original design used a gate time of one second which gives a count resolution of 1Hz.  Maximum input frequency is about 50MHz.  A VHF/UHF prescaler for this counter is described in Homebrew, RadCom February 2008.  U2 is a PIC16F628 (PIC16F628-20 or PIC16F628A).  The PIC crystal frequency is 10.240MHz.  The firmware is easily modified so that a 10MHz crystal can be used instead.  Homebrew for March 2008 shows how this counter can be used with a GPS or Loran controlled gate. __ Designed by EI9GQ homebrew radio

GPS-based universal clock generator -  For your microwave frequency counter you don't need a Cesium-beam clock inside your lab when there are at least five flying at 20000Km above you.  Locking on the 10KHz output of a Rockwell GPS module we built a 10ppb accurate frequency reference.    __ Designed by Andrea  IW9HJV and Johnny  IW9ARO

Laser Used as Vehicular Traffic Counter -  This is an illustration how a laser could be used to count traffic and measure the speed of each car passing through the sensor area. . . Circuit by David Johnson P.E.-January, 2007

LED Frequency Counter -  This counter was first known as the Modular Dial developed by Bill Carver, W7AAZ, and published in the Spring 1998 issue of Communications Quarterly. __ Designed by Web David White, WN5Y

Line Powered 60hz Clock Generator -  This circuit is connected to the 120vac power line and transfers 60Hz clock pulses to a logic circuit.  The optoisolator used provides 5000 volts of isolation between the power line and the logic side of the circuit. . . Circuit by Dave Johnson P.E.-February, 1999

Microcontroller makes effective frequency counter -  11/23/00 EDN-Design Ideas Figure 1 shows an efficient and costeffective frequency counter using an Atmel 89C2051 mC(Reference 1).  The design can use any mC of the 8051 family.  The circuit counts frequency and sends the count to a PC via the serial portPDF has several circuits, scroll down to find this one__ Circuit Design by Fazal Pathan, Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India

One GHz Frequency Counter -  This simple counter is useful for frequency measurements of various wireless equipments, especially transmitters, receivers and signal generators in VHF/UHF band __   Jan Kolar

PIC Counter -  Frequency Counter project detailed here is based on PIC18F4550 for which design and firmware/software support is given by Fox Delta Team.   There are many PIC based frequency counters out there but this one will stand apart from others. __ Designed by Nina Gajjar

PIC Frequency Counter -  Programmable frequency meter with PIC16F84 and UPB1505 prescaler __ Designed by YO5OFH, Csaba Gajdos

PIC frequency counter operating up to about 50 MHz (7 segment) -  EEPROM is useful for storing long term data such as data logger information and this PIC microcontroller EEPROM project saves the temperature from an LM35DZ IC to the PIC's internal long term data storage area.   The project follows on from the last project using the virtually the same hardware. __ Designed by John Main

Simple Circuit Frequency Counter -  This is the support page for the simple frequency counter project in Homebrew, RadCom October 2006.  The original design used a gate time of one second which gives a count resolution of 1Hz.  Maximum input frequency is about 50MHz.  A VHF/UHF prescaler for this counter is described in Homebrew, RadCom February 2008.  U2 is a PIC16F628 (PIC16F628-20 or PIC16F628A).  The PIC crystal frequency is 10.240MHz.  The firmware is easily modified so that a 10MHz crystal can be used instead.  Homebrew for March 2008 shows how this counter can be used with a GPS or Loran controlled gate. __ Designed by EI9GQ homebrew radio

Transcendent Frequency Counter -  This is a top quality project designed to obtain maximum performance.  The hardware and software has been pushed to reach the frontier of technology.  The transcendent is not only a frequency counter, it is a corner stone in your successfully constructions.   __

Transition Counter Gauges Thermal Stability -  01/04/96 EDN-Design Ideas The transition count of Figure 1is an easy way to determine if the temperature in a heater is stable.  The stable state maximizes the transitions.  This circuit works like a digital filter with controlled frequencies and is simpler than many other analog- and digital-circuit alternatives Design by Jose Luis Arce, Tecnosuma Havana, Cuba Jose Luis Arce, Tecnosuma Havana, Cuba

Frequency Counter Circuits

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