68HC11 Instruction Halts External RC Clock - 04/27/95 EDN-Design Ideas Using the circuit in Fig 1, a 68HC11 µP's stop instruction can put the µP's external RC-oscillator clock, as well as the µP itself, into a low-power mode. On receiving an interrupt, the µP will exit the stop condition and enable the RC clock. The RC clock, being a low-Q circuit, will start up immediately. Crystal oscillators, on the other hand, can waste precious milliseconds coming up to speed and stabilizing Design by Allen Harstine, Micro Systems Engineering Inc, Lake Oswego, OR
8038 Function Generator - Built around a single 8038 waveform generator IC, this circuit produces sine, square or triangle waves from 20Hz to 200kHz in four switched ranges. There are both high and low level outputs which may be adjusted with the level control. This project makesa useful addition to any hobbyists workbench as well __ Designed by Andy Collison
8038 Generator - ICL8038 signal generator chip, manufactured by Intersil. An improved version, made by Exar corp. is available (XR8038A) . It can be used to produce three types of waveforms, sine, square and triangle. The frequency, amplitude and duty cycle can be varied, and selection of waveform is done digitally. To further reduce the complexity, a 3-to-1 switch may be used in place of the digital selection circuitry. I made use of the digital selection mechanism because switches available on the market are prone to dirt accumulation and poor contact quality. Besides, the digital method is a lot cooler!.
DDS Function Generator - The function generator is a generic measurement equipment to generate test signals. Most function generators can generate a sine, square and/or triangle wave and high end equipments support arbitrary waveforms and have multiple channels. The simple __ Designed by Radio LocMan
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About the ICL8038 - The 8038 is a function generator capable of producing sine, square, triangular, sawtooth and pulse waveforms (some at the same time) . Since its introduction, marketing and application engineers have been manning the phones explaining the care and feeding of the 8038 to customers worldwide __ Designed by Bill O'Neil
Function generator - Function generator by NE566
Function Generator - Built around a single 8038 waveform generator IC, this circuit produces sine, square or triangle waves from 20Hz to 200kHz in four switched ranges. There are both high and low level outputs which may be adjusted with the level control. This project makes a useful addition to any hobbyists workbench as well. __ Contact: IQ Technologies
Function Generator aldinc - Circuit Ideas for Designers App Note__ Advanced Linear Devices, Inc
Function generator based on 8038PCD - Built around a single 8038 waveform generator IC, this circuit produces sine, square or triangle waves from 20Hz to 200kHz in four switched ranges. There are both high and low level outputs which may be adjusted with the level control. This project makesa useful addition to any hobbyists workbench as well __ Designed by Andy Collison
Function Generator Has Variable Frequency - 02/17/11 EDN-Design Ideas Use a function-generator IC and an internal reference voltage to provide reliable frequency settings. Design Adolfo Mondragon, Electrolux Products, Juarez, Mexico; Edited by Martin Rowe and Fran GranvilleFebruary 17, 2011
Function Generator Sine / Triangle / Square / SaW / Burst Sweep Noise based on PIC16F870 - PIC Project Sine Triangle Square Saw Burst Sweep Noiseruns on a PIC16F870 __ Designed by Luhan Monat-Mesa Arizona
MAX038 Function Generator - This is a function generator that can generates 10Hz through 20MHz in six ranges. Analog output can select one of any wave forms, sine, triangle or square. TTL output can select 50% fixed duty or variable pulse width. __ Designed by The Electronic Lives Manufacturing-presented Chan
Max-038 Signal - The Max-80 function gernerator IC is specified to work to 20 MHz. So far, this unit works nicely to 50KHz. Since I seldom need signals higher than that, it has taken up a happy.) __ Designed by Luhan Monat, Mesa, AZ
Program turns PC sound card into a function generator - 09/02/99 EDN-Design Ideas You can use a low-cost PC sound card as an analog-function generator by controlling the PC with the program "SoundArb. " [To obtain SoundArb, download di2409setup. exe, a 1.06-Mbyte self-extracting installation program. ] Design by David Sherman
Sweep your Function Generator - Function generators built around the XR2206 have always had an excellent price/performance ratio, and the IC although ‘obsolescent’ is still available. If your generator does not have built-in sweep (‘wobbulator’) capability, a small external circuit is all you need. must register on this site __ Designed by Published in Elecktor July/Aug, 2010
Timers Generate Variable-Sweep Frequencies - 08/01/96 EDN-Design Ideas The circuit inFigure 1 generates a 4- to 5-kHz output frequency that precisely sweeps a variable amount of 1 to 100 Hz over a variable time of 0.5 to 5.0 sec (1000-to-1 rate range) . The resolution is 1 Hz, and worst-case accuracy during the sweep is 3 Hz (0.06%) . This circuit was designed to run from an 8-bit PC ISA bus, but any µC with an 8-bit bus and the appropriate control signals can control the circuit. Design by D Hayden, Hayden Electronics Design, San Diego, CA |