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Hall Effect Circuits

Last Updated: June 02, 2021 01:45 PM

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2 diodes change Demagnetization-signal polarity -  04/12/01 EDN-Design Ideas Power-supply designers usually like flyback converters to operate in DCM  (discontinuous-conduction mode) rather than in CCM  (continuous-conduction mode).  In DCM, the flyback converter is a first-order system at low frequencies, which eases the feedback-loop compensation.  You can use a low-cost secondary rectifier, thanks to soft blocking conditions__ Circuit Design by Christophe Basso, On Semiconductor, Toulouse, Cedex, France

35kHz Magnetic-Radiation Remote-Control -  Short-range 35KHz operation, single-channel units; Simple circuitry, no outer antennas required __ Contact: Flavio Dellepiane, fladello @ tin.it

3-Ph BLDC Drive Control with Hall Sensors -  This reference design describes a 3-phase 4-quadrant sensor BLDC motor drive, which can run in both a speed open loop and a speed closed loop.    application is designed for MC68HC908MRxx family dedicated to motor control applications __ Designed by Freescale

An RIAA Preamplifier for Magnetic Cartridges -  Many modern amplifiers lack phono inputs.  This preamplifier solves that problem.___ SiliconChip

Barry's magnetic levitation project -  If you hold two permanent magnets close together, you see that one of them will jump strongly toward   (or away) from the other.  In 1842, Samuel Earnshaw expressed the perversity of inanimate magnetic objects in his theorem.   __ Designed by Barry Hansen

Build a Magnetic Field Immunity Tester -  You can assemble a precompliance   (or even full compliance) magnetic field immunity test system in a few hours using common laboratory instruments, a 100-W audio amplifier, some white PVC Schedule-40 3/4-in.  water pipe, some wood, and a copper or aluminum sheet __

Build a Magnetic Stirrer -  Want CONSISTENTLY GREAT home-brew? Build this magnetic stirrer!___ SiliconChip

Build an Inexpensive Hall Effect Gaussmeter -  Have you ever wanted to find out how strong a magnet really was, or how the strength of the magnetic field varied as you changed the distance from the magnet or the temperature of the magnet, or how well a shield placed in front of the magnet worked?  Voltmeters are fairly inexpensive and easy to find, but where do you purchase a Gaussmeter   (also known as a magnetometer).   I built a hand-held Gaussmeter for measuring the polarity and strength of a magnetic field.   It uses a linear Hall effect device and some op-amps and resistors and things from Radio Shack.   __ Designed by Rick Hoadley

Current Monitor Uses Hall Sensor -  EDN-Design Ideas -- 01/05/12    Use a Hall-effect sensor to measure dc current in the range of 0 to 40A.   (Originally published in the March 31, 1987, EDN-Design Ideas)    The Fig 1 circuit uses a Hall-effect sensor, consisting of an IC that resIdeas in a small gap in a flux-collector toroid, to measure dc current in the range of 0 to 40A.  You wrap the current-carrying wire through the toroid; the Hall voltage VH is then linearly proportional to the current (I).  The current drain from VB is less than 30 mA.__ Circuit Design by Paul Galluzzi, Dynamics Research Corp, Wilmington, MA

Door-Opening Alarm using Hall Sensor -  This simple door-opening alarm uses a hall sensor to produce sound when someone opens the door.  The circuit can be installed at a workshop, office or home for security purposes.  The...___ Electronics Projects for You

Electromagnetic field Detector -  This circuit is sensitive to low frequency electromagnetic radiation and will detect for example hidden wiring or the field that encompasses a transformer.  Pickup is by a radial type inductor, used as a probe which responds well to low frequency changing magnetic and electric fields.  Ordinary headphones are used to for detection.  The field that surrounds a transformer is heard as a50 or 60Hz buzz.     __ Designed by Andy Collison

Electromagnetic Field Probe with Meter Output -  This tester is designed to locate stray electromagnetic (EM) fields.  It will easily detect both audio and RF signals up to frequencies of around 100kHz.  Note, however that this circuit is NOT a metal detector, but will detect metal wiring if it conducting ac current.  Frequency response __ Designed by Andy Collison

Electromagnetic Levitator -  The model of a small electromagnetic levitation device will be introduced in theOne of the significant parts of the model is the feedback circuit.  It __ Designed by Tomáš Hron

Electromagnetic Ring Launcher -- Building a Science Museum Classic -  21-Nov-16 -Design News:   Sajjad HaidarThe Jumping Ring or Electromagnetic Ring Launcher experiment is a staple of science museums and physics class rooms.  Here's how to build your own right in your home. __   Gadget Freak

Electromechanical damping stabilizes analog-meter readings -  09/29/05 EDN-Design Ideas Electronics damps meter-needle swings__ Circuit Design by Alexander Bell, Infosoft International Inc, Rego Park, NY

EMF Probe Version 2 -  An electromagnetic field probe designed to detect changing electric and magnetic fields.  The probe has switchable gain, a frequency response up to 400kHz and independent audio and meter monitoring.   __ Designed by Andy Collison

EMF Probe with Meter -  This tester is designed to locate stray electromagnetic (EM) fields.  It will easily detect both audio and RF signals up to frequencies of around 100kHz.  Note, however that this circuit is NOT a metal detector, but will detect metal wiring if it conducting ac current.  Frequency response __ Designed by Andy Collison

Geomagnetic field Detector -  Where there is heat, let us bring cooling: a fan will do the job, but unfortunately fans are usually noisy.  In many cases there is no need for the fan to run continuously at full speed, and so it makes sense to control the fan speed in response to the temperature of the heatsink or device being cooled, switching the fan off entirely if it should fall to room temperature __

GMR Sensors Manage Batteries -  09/02/99 EDN-Design Ideas The past few decades have seen remarkable progress in magnetic-sensor technology.  Early and current sensors exploit the Hall effect; more recent devices use an effect called giant magnetoresistance(GMR].  GMR sensors use semiconductor processing of materi__ Circuit Design by D Ramirez and J Pelegri, University of Valencia, Spain

Hall effect Current sensing -  How do simply incorporate constant power throttle __ Designed by Richard Torrens

Hall Effect Gaussmeter -  Have you ever wanted to find out how strong a magnet really was, or how the strength of the magnetic field varied as you changed the distance from the magnet or the temperature of the magnet, or how well a shield placed in front of the magnet worked?  Voltmeters are fairly inexpensive and easy to find, but where do you purchase a Gaussmeter   (also known as a magnetometer).   I built a hand-held Gaussmeter for measuring the polarity and strength of a magnetic field.   It uses a linear Hall effect device and some op-amps and resistors and things from Radio Shack.   __ Designed by Rick Hoadley

High-Isolation converters use off the shelf magnetICs -  07/22/99 EDN-Design Ideas Isolated flyback converters usually evoke thoughts-or bitter memories-of custom transformers, slipped delivery schedules, and agency-approval problems.  Off-the-shelf flyback transformers carry isolation ratings of only 300 to 500V and rarely of as much as 1 kV.  Gate-drive transformers are readily available from stock with high isolation ratings and low cost, but they are wound __ Circuit Design by Mitchell Lee, Linear Technology Corp, Milpitas, CA

Home-Built Magnetic Levitator -  With this assembly, I was able to suspend a magnet about 1" below an electromagnet.   Here are the details on the circuit design.  This project requires you to have some familiarity with building and testing electronic circuits.   A great way to start is to obtain an "Engineer's Mini-Notebook" book from Radio Shack, by Forrest M.  Mims III, on building circuits.   He has a lot of different booklets out for all sorts of projects.   They go into a fair amount of detail so you'll start to learn how the circuits work, how to put things together, etc. __ Designed by Rick Hoadley

Inductive sensing with left-handed antenna for biomedical applications -  05/15/14 EDN-Design Ideas Could an inductive sensor help assay biological and other substances? A left-handed (LH) antenna based biosensor is developed to investigate the near-field electromagnetic interaction between antenna and sample with different dielectric properties.  These dielectric properties can be determined by analyzing the electromagnetic coupling between the antenna and the test samples without labeling or chemical reaction.  It has the advantages of real-time detection, small feature size, reduced sample volume, and minor environmental disturbance.  Such an antenna sensor can be effectively used to measure both liquid and solid biological samples.  __ Circuit Design by Chii-Wann Lin

Inductively sense aircraft engine valve position -  04/25/14 EDN-Design Ideas Aircraft engine designers are conservative by nature, but here's a way to improve performance anyway.  This design uses an inductor to sense the position of a valve on an aircraft engine as a way to get camshaft position information.  Knowing the camshaft position along with the crankshaft position allows fuel injection while the intake valve is open and the use of individual coils for each cylinder.  __ Circuit Design by Angus McCamant

Inductively sense workpieces of any material -  05/16/14 EDN-Design Ideas Create an inductive switch using the LDC1000 to replace mechanical switches in dirty environments.  The problem originally undertaken was to sense the presence and position of nonmetallic objects in a gritty environment – such as a paper mill or woodworking operation – that requires accurate workpiece sensing for certain cutting and routing operations.  Microswitches are fragile and clog easily.  __ Circuit Design by Fred Rupinski

Mag Card Reader -  The unit provides the magnetic head on a spring mechanism along with low level head signal amplifiers and data slicers.  Three signal lines coming from the unit provide card presence, clock, and data.  When actively reading a card, it draws about 50ma of current at 5 volts.   __ Designed by Luhan Monat-Mesa Arizona

Maglev Demonstrator -  If you hold two permanent magnets close together, you see that one of them will jump strongly toward   (or away) from the other.  In 1842, Samuel Earnshaw expressed the perversity of inanimate magnetic objects in his theorem.   __ Designed by Barry Hansen

Magnetic Card Reader -  The unit provides the magnetic head on a spring mechanism along with low level head signal amplifiers and data slicers.  Three signal lines coming from the unit provide card presence, clock, and data.  When actively reading a card, it draws about 50ma of current at 5 volts.   __ Designed by Luhan Monat-Mesa Arizona

Magnetic Field Receiver -  There are two approaches for receiving the signals, a loop or coil antenna that picks up magnetic fields or a whip or wire antenna that picks up the electric field.  (Nature manages to make electromagnetic waves at these frequencies but you cannot make an "electromagnetic" or tuned antenna,  __ Contact: Charles Wenzel of Wenzel Associates, Inc.

Magnetic Gun -  When optimally tuned, it will propel a small slug about 1.5 metres high, or 2.5 metres horizontally.  IC1 is a 555 timer in astable mode, sending approx.10 ms pulses to decade counter IC2.  IC2 is continually reset through R3, until pin 15 is taken low through the "Fire" button __ Designed by Rev. Thomas Scarborough

Magnetic Levitation -  Suspend objects in midair! __

Magnetic levitation -  If you hold two permanent magnets close together, you see that one of them will jump strongly toward   (or away) from the other.  In 1842, Samuel Earnshaw expressed the perversity of inanimate magnetic objects in his theorem.   __ Designed by Barry Hansen

Magnetic levitation Device -  Here's the schematic of the device depicted in the photo.  Each of the ten coil-assemblies has its own copy of the above circuit.  The SS41 is a Microswitch Hall Effect magnetic field sensor IC that I found in Surplus catalog for $.50 each.  Any similar hall IC should work __ Designed by William J. Beaty

Magnetic-field probe requires few components -  12/15/06  EDN-Design Ideas Hall-effect sensor and DMM explore stray fields__ Circuit Design by Sandeep M Satav and VV Rama Sarma, EMI-EMC Centre, RCI, Hyderabad, India

Magnetic-Radiation Remote-Control -  Short-range 35KHz operation, single-channel units; Simple circuitry, no outer antennas required __ Contact: Flavio Dellepiane, fladello @ tin.it

Method offers fail-safe variable-reluctance sensors -  11/22/01 EDN-Design Ideas Variable-reluctance sensors are preferred for industrial and automotive environments, because they sustain mechanical vibration and operation to 300°C.  In most applications, they sense a steel target that is part of a rotating assembly.  Because the unprocessed signal amplitude is proportional to target speed, a sensor whose signal-processing circuitry is designed for high speed cease__ Circuit Design by Phil Levya, Maxim Integrated Products, Sunnyvale, CA

Monitor high-side current without an external supply -  03/01/01 EDN-Design Ideas Typical high-side current-sensing circuits require a dc source that is 2.5 to 13V greater than the V+ high-bus voltage(Figure 1 ].  Generating this supply is painful in many situations.   __ Circuit Design by Vijay Damle

Project-Magnetic Levitation -  With this assembly, I was able to suspend a magnet about 1" below an electromagnet.   Here are the details on the circuit design.  This project requires you to have some familiarity with building and testing electronic circuits.   A great way to start is to obtain an "Engineer's Mini-Notebook" book from Radio Shack, by Forrest M.  Mims III, on building circuits.   He has a lot of different booklets out for all sorts of projects.   They go into a fair amount of detail so you'll start to learn how the circuits work, how to put things together, etc. __ Designed by Rick Hoadley

RC Network Eliminates Precision Reference -  08/04/94 EDN-Design Ideas The circuit in Fig 1 uses a magneto-resistive sensor to detect small magnet displacements without resorting to a precision voltage reference.  A simple RC divider takes the place of the reference, eliminating an expensive component__ Circuit Design by Christophe Basso, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France

Two diodes change Demagnetization-signal polarity -  04/12/01 EDN-Design Ideas Power-supply designers usually like flyback converters to operate in DCM  (discontinuous-conduction mode) rather than in CCM  (continuous-conduction mode).  In DCM, the flyback converter is a first-order system at low frequencies, which eases the feedback-loop compensation.  You can use a low-cost secondary rectifier, thanks to soft blocking conditions__ Circuit Design by Christophe Basso, On Semiconductor, Toulouse, Cedex, France

Virtual instrument Determines magnetic core's B-H-loop characteristics -  01/05/06 EDN-Design Ideas Inexpensive solution combines a laptop, DAQ card, and LabView__ Circuit Design by Michael Nasab, Circuit Mentor, Boulder Creek, CA

Hall Effect Circuits

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