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Joy Stick


Last Updated: June 02, 2021 01:45 PM

Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

A PC Games Port Tester -  So your joystick dosen't work? Is it the games port, a software problem or the joystick itself? This simple device will tell you if the games port is OK.___ SiliconChip

Adding Second Joystick to PC Joystick Interface -  PC joystick interface was designed to support two joysticks, but unfortunately it has only one connector.  The second joystick can be added when you get a special Y-cable, which has connectors for two joysticks.  Those cables can be bought ready-made.   __ Designed by Tomi Engdahl

Build your own Joysticks & Controllers -  Building your own normal PC joystick is not economically wise, but if you can't find a joystick you would like to have, then you have te consider doing it yourself.  The connections inside PC joystick are quite simple to do, the harder part is the mechanics.  Buttons are quite easy to mout to the case you use when you select suitable buttons, but the problematic __ Designed by Tomi Engdahl

Connect Others to PC Joystick Port -  PC joystick port can be a very useful interface for simple digital input circuits, because joystick connector has +5V power output, which other standard PC interface connectors don't have.  You need to be a little bit careful with this power output, because it can give quite much current in short circuit situation (up to 20A in some cases).  This current is enough for burning small wires in your circuit or inside your PC (I have burned one flatcable coming form multi-IO card to joytick connector !) __ Designed by Tomi Engdahl

Fake Joystick -  The following very simple circuit can be used to make the computer to think that there is a real joystick connected to joystick port.  This adapter might be useful in some special computer testing applications when you don't have real joystick available __ Designed by Tomi Engdahl

Joystick Interfaces -  This is a very simple circuit to interface a current loop sensor to an input which is designed for a voltage, such as that from a standard potentiometer.  This page is technical so that interested persons can build the circuit themselves, but 4QD can also supply the interface on a 'postage stamp' sized (22mm x 27mm) board as shown in the first diagram.  It is a relatively trivial circuit! __ Designed by Richard Torrens

Joystick Interfaces -  This is a page of analogue interfaces for joysticks.  Although these interfaces have been developed for use with 4QD's controllers they will have plenty of other uses.  Also because of the development history, we have printed circuit boards available (either fully populated and tested) or bare boards) for these interfaces. __ Designed by Richard Torrens

PC Games Port Tester -  So your joystick dosen't work? Is it the games port, a software problem or the joystick itself? This simple device will tell you if the games port is OK.___ SiliconChip

PC Thermometer using PC Game Joystick Port -  A method of measuring temperature using the PC Game port.   Display is via the program dialog or in the System tray.  V2.2.5 supports timed FTP to a web server __ Designed by andrew  AT AndysWorld

Soundcard Joystick Port problem solver -  Typical PC soundcards (for example Sound Blaster family) has added MIDI interface to the joystick connector by using pin 12 for MIDI output and pin 15 for MIDI input.  This causes sometimes problems with some joysticks and adapters which work pefectly on standard joystick port.  The following conversion circuit enables standard joystick Y-cables __ Designed by Tomi Engdahl

The Wire Between Multiio Card & Joystick Connector -  Some PC multi-IO cards have a 16 pin header in the circuit board which is wired to the joystick connector (fitter to other slot place) using flatcable.  The wiring is straight one-to-one connection but, due to the different numbering scheme of the gameport connector vs the 16-way header, the pin numbers don't necessarily match (pin 16 in header is ocource lef not connected because joystick connector has only 15 pins) (Design Idea   07/03)  __ Designed by Tomi Engdahl

Use PC Joystick Port to measure temperature & light levels -  PC joystick port can be used very easily for simple measurement of light and temperature values.  All you need for light measurements is to connect a LDR resistor between +5V and potentiometer input.  For temperature measurements substitute the LDR.   __ Designed by Tomi Engdahl

Using the Joystick Port as General Purpose Input -  The joystick button inputs can be used as general purpose button or switch inputs, and can also be driven by logic level signals or by open collector or open drain logic outputs.  If used with a signal direct from a mechanical contact (e.  g.  a switch, microswitch, contact, or pushbutton) , remember that the joystick port does not perform hardware debouncing, so this must be provided by external hardware or provided by software __ Designed by Tomi Engdahl

Wire between Multiio Card & Joystick Connector -  Some PC multi-IO cards have a 16 pin header in the circuit board which is wired to the joystick connector (fitter to other slot place) using flatcable.  The wiring is straight one-to-one connection but, due to the different numbering scheme of the gameport connector vs the 16-way header, the pin numbers don't necessarily match (pin 16 in header is ocource lef not connected because joystick connector has only 15 pins) __ Designed by Tomi Engdahl

Joy Stick Circuits

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