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Lie Detector Circuits

Last Updated: June 02, 2021 01:45 PM

Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

Lie Detector -  The circuit diagram of the Lie Detector is shown above. It consists of three transistors (TR1 to TR3) , a capacitor (C1) , two lights or LEDs (L1 & L2) , five resistors (R1 to R5) , and a variable resistor (VR1). This circuit is based on the fact that a person's skin resistance changes when they sweat (sweating because they're lying) __

Simple Lie Detector -  Here's a simple lie detector that can be built in a few minutes, but can be incredibly useful when you want to know if someone is really telling you the truth. It is not as sophisticated as the ones the professionals use, but it works. It works by measuring skin resistance, which goes down when you lie. __Circuit designed by Aaron Cake

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Lie Detector Circuits

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