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Metronomes Circuits

Last Updated: June 02, 2021 01:44 PM

Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

Circuit Emulates Mechanical Metronome - 08/19/99 EDN-Design Ideas - The circuit in Figure 1 produces timing signals with a sound like that of a mechanical metronome. IC 1 is a 555 timer that oscillates at approximately 3200 Hz.  The two 3-kW resistors and the 0.047-µF capacitor set the frequency. IC 2 divIdeas the frequency of IC 1 's output by 2. IC 2 produces a square wave with an exact 50% duty cycle.    Design by Jim Kocsis

Electronic Metronome - A metronome is used by musicians for practice in maintaining a consistent tempo, or rubato, around a fixed beat.  This circuit produces a regular beat at the rate of 40 to...__ Electronics Projects for You

Electronic Metronome - A Universal Power supply based on the L200 regulator, which includes an outboard pass transistor to boost output currents up to 4 amps.   __ Designed by Volker Jeschkeit

Electronic Metronome with 555 - This metronome circuit is not modern but is cheap and reliable.  The well known 555 is connected as an astable multivibratos in this electronic metronome and produces a regular train of impulses which can be heard with a speaker.  The metronome frequency can be adjusted with P1.  The power supply is a 9V battery and if you use a __ Designed by Popescu Marian

Emulate Mechanical Metronome - 08/19/99 EDN-Design Ideas - The circuit in Figure 1 produces timing signals with a sound like that of a mechanical metronome. IC 1 is a 555 timer that oscillates at approximately 3200 Hz.  The two 3-kW resistors and the 0.047-µF capacitor set the frequency. IC 2 divIdeas the frequency of IC 1 's output by 2. IC 2 produces a square wave with an exact 50% duty cycle.    Design by Jim Kocsis

Metronome - A Universal Power supply based on the L200 regulator, which includes an outboard pass transistor to boost output currents up to 4 amps.   __ Designed by Andy Collison

Metronome & Pitch Generator - CMOS IC1 and IC2B quad AND gate form a 2.4576 MHz crystal oscillator plus a 2400 times divider.  IC3A provides further division by 16, delivering a 64 Hz stable frequency square wave.  This frequency is multiplied  (by means of Phase Locked Loop IC5, double decade divider IC4 and IC3B 4 bit binary divider) by the number set by three miniature BCD thumbwheel switches SW1, SW2 and SW3: units, tens and hundreds respectively. __ Contact: Flavio Dellepiane, fladello @ tin.it

Mini Metronome - Linear scale Small size.40 to 208 beats per minute __ Contact: Flavio Dellepiane, fladello @ tin.it

Precision Metronome & Pitch generator - Precision Frequency generator 1 to 999 Hz; Precision Metronome 1 to 999 beats per minute __ Contact: Flavio Dellepiane, fladello @ tin.it

Silent Metronome - File contains several designs, please scroll to find this circuit.  The circuit below is a "silent" metronome that keeps the beat without becoming a member of the band.  The circuit flashes the 6 volt lamp at a rate set by the 20k potentiometer which can have a dial for setting the desired tempo.  Alternately, the potentiometer could be replaced with a rotary switch and selected resistors.  The lamp is an ordinary #47 bulb which will give good omni directional brightness but an LED and resistor could be used instead - try a 100 ohm in series with a   high-intensity LED.  The batteries could be three C or D cells for good life.  This circuit could be used to generate "clicks" in a speaker but such metronomes are not particularly pleasing.  The ambitious might replace the lamp with a solenoid which taps on the wall of a hardwood box or wooden chime for a "professional" sound.   __ Contact: Charles Wenzel of Wenzel Associates, Inc.

Simple Circuit metronome using LM1458 - No circuit description, schematic only__ CdS Electronic

Metronomes Circuits

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