Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:
Circuit Simultaneously Delivers Square & Square Root Of Two Input Voltages - 03/01/12 EDN-Design Ideas - Use a common CMOS
gate to make long duration timers using low-value RC components. The CD4011 CMOS
NAND gate has a typical input current of 10 PA at room temperature. You can charge a capacitor connected to the gate input with currents on the order of hundreds of picoamperes and neglect the influence of the gate-input current on the charging time of the capacitor. You normally need large-value resistors to limit currents to this low level. These resistors are not commonly available. You can instead use a transistor as a current attenuator, despite its more usual amplifying nature. Design by Marián Štofka, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia |
Circuit takes square root of input voltage - 11/20/97 EDN-Design Ideas - For an NMOS transistor operating in the saturation region, the relationship between the drain current, ID, and the gate-source voltage, VGS, is governed by the square-law equation Design by Mark Shill, Burr-Brown Corp, Tucson, AZ |
Simultaneously Deliver Square & Square Root of Two Input Voltages - 03/01/12 EDN-Design Ideas - Use a common CMOS
gate to make long duration timers using low-value RC components. The CD4011 CMOS
NAND gate has a typical input current of 10 PA at room temperature. You can charge a capacitor connected to the gate input with currents on the order of hundreds of picoamperes and neglect the influence of the gate-input current on the charging time of the capacitor. You normally need large-value resistors to limit currents to this low level. These resistors are not commonly available. You can instead use a transistor as a current attenuator, despite its more usual amplifying nature. Design by Marián Štofka, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia Square Root Function Improves Thermostat - 09/30/99 EDN-Design Ideas - Perhaps the most elementary rule of control-loop design theory is that feedback-loop performance is fundamentally linked to the careful choice—and stability—of loop gain. Insufficient loop gain leads to poor setpoint accuracy. Too much gain can induce feedback instabilities, Design by W Stephen Woodward, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
Square-Root Circuit - This circuit generates the square root of the input at a reference voltage. Such type of square-root output is normally used in R&D labs. Fig.1 shows the proposed circuit. A sawtooth...__ Electronics Projects for You
Take Square Root of Input Voltage - 11/20/97 EDN-Design Ideas - For an NMOS transistor operating in the saturation region, the relationship between the drain current, ID, and the gate-source voltage, VGS, is governed by the square-law equation Design by Mark Shill, Burr-Brown Corp, Tucson, AZ
Math Function:
Square Root |