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Oscillators:  Triangle
Oscillator Circuits -- Main Page


Last Updated: June 02, 2021 01:44 PM

Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

1-IC Forms Precision Triangular-Wave Generator -  04/08/10 EDN Design Ideas:  Generate a triangular wave for testing other circuits.    /  Circuit Design by Akshay Bhat, Maxim Integrated Products Inc, Sunnyvale, CA

555 Triangle Waveform Generator -  The circuit is a triangle waveform generator that uses as few parts as possible.  A 555 timer IC, 2 resistors and two capacitors make the triangle wave.  The IC is connected in a 50% duty-cycle astable square-wave oscillator circuit.  The square-wave output is fed from pin 3 of the IC to an RC shaping circuit.  When the  /  Designed by Popescu Marian

High-Fidelity Triangle-Wave Generator Consumes Only 6 µA -  16-Oct-03 EDN Design Ideas:  Ideal triangle waves involve infinite d2V/dt2, so high-fidelity triangle waves entail very high bandwidths.  Micropower circuits have fairly low bandwidth, so generating good triangle waves with such circuitry becomes problematic.  The circuits of Figure 1 show two methods of generating triangle waves  /  Circuit Design by Glen Brisebois, Linear Technology Corp, Milpitas, CA

IC Forms Precision Triangular-Wave Generator -  04/08/10 EDN Design Ideas:  Generate a triangular wave for testing other circuits.    /  Circuit Design by Akshay Bhat, Maxim Integrated Products Inc, Sunnyvale, CA

Op Amp Triangle-Wave Generator & SPICE simulation files -  This signal generator gives you two waveforms for the price of one: a triangle-wave and a square-wave. What is the central component of this circuit? The integrator capacitor CI /  

RC oscillator generates linear triangle wave -  EDN Design Ideas:  09/07/2016    This DI describes a novel way to generate a triangle wave.  /  Circuit Design by Arturo Rivera

Single IC Forms Precision Triangular-Wave Generator -  04/08/10 EDN Design Ideas:  Generate a triangular wave for testing other circuits.    /  Circuit Design by Akshay Bhat, Maxim Integrated Products Inc, Sunnyvale, CA

Transconductance Amp Gives Oscillator Reciprocal Response -  17-Apr-03 EDN Design Ideas:  High-side current sensor monitors negative rail - The circuit in Figure 1 is a variation on the familiar integrator/comparator triangle-wave oscillator, which you typically implement with two op amps.  An integrator and a comparator connect in a positive-feedback loop; the comparator drives the integrator and vice versa.  A fixed amount of hysteresis exists in the comparator, producing a triangle wave at the integrator's output  /  Circuit Design by Mike Irwin, Shawville, PQ, Canada

Triangle to sine converter -  Circuit ony  /  Designed by Saxons @ Easytreasure.co.uk

Triangle Wave Generator -  This signal generator gives you two waveforms for the price of one: a triangle-wave and a square-wave.  What is the central component of this circuit? The integrator capacitor CI.  Basically we are interested in performing two functions on CI: charge it, discharge it, repeat indefinitely.  During the design process, we ask these (spice design)  /  

Triangle Wave Generator -  This triangle wave generator is made with a trigger Schmitt that converts a triangle wave into a rectangular one used to charge and discharge a capacitor through current sources.  The positive current source T1 provide the charging and T2 the discharging.  The trigger Schmitt is made from OR-EXCL gates IC1a and IC1b.  The  /  Designed by Popescu Marian

Triangle waves drive Simple Circuit frequency doubler -  11/23/06 EDN Design Ideas:  Extend a function generator's range, and get a sine wave signal in the bargain  /  Circuit Design by Jim McLucas, Longmont, CO

Triangular wave oscillator -  In this page, I introduce the triangular wave oscillator which used the Operational Amplifiers (TL082).  The circuit uses the two OP amplifiers.  The OP of the one works as "the Schmitt circuit".  The other OP works as "the integration circuit".  At the circuit diagram above, IC (1/2) is the Schmitt circuit and IC (2/2) is the integration circuit  /  Designed by Seiichi Inoue

Oscillators:  Triangle

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