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Oscillators:  Wien Bridge
Oscillator Circuits -- Main Page

Last Updated: June 02, 2021 01:44 PM

Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

1kHz precision sine generator using PIC -  Using a 16F628 to generate an accurate 1kHz sine in software for calibration and test use __ Designed by Roman Black

2.4MHz White LED Step-Up Converters with Built-In Schottky in ThinSOT -  Switching Regulator__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices

A Low distortion Audio Signal Generator -  Scroll down.  The next circuit (above) is a better implementation of the Wien circuit: this uses the Wien in the normal fashion, in the positive feedback path and with negative feedback to maintain stability.  The device marked Th1 is a glass bead type thermistor: some of these thermistors consist of a bead in an evacuated glass envelope and they are designed specifically for amplitude stabilization in such circuits.  If necessary the 100R can be altered to suit various thermistors (and to trim the amplitude).   __ Designed by Richard Torrens

A Practical Wien Oscillator -  Scroll down.  The second circuit is a practical implementation of a Wien oscillator but in this the Wien network is inverted.  It is the 'wrong way up' and in the negative feedback path.  Positive feedback is applied via the 500R preset to make it oscillate.  And there's a nice incandescent light bulb to show that it's working __ Designed by Richard Torrens

Audio Test Oscillator -  As a piece of test equipment, an audio oscillator has to be considered essential for anyone working in with hi-fi gear.  Together with an audio millivoltmeter (as described in Project 16) , and even better if you have access to an oscilloscope, you will be able to make proper measurements on everything from preamps, RIAA equalisation stages (for vinyl disks) , tone controls, crossover networks, etc __ Designed by Rod Elliott  ESP

Few Extra Components Stabilize Oscillator -  02/15/96 EDN-Design Ideas - The circuit beneath the dashed line in Figure 1 is the well-known Wien-bridge oscillator.  The lamp is a common tungsten incandescent bulb.  Its resistance forms a substantial part of the gain-setting network.  For the oscillator to function properly, the increase in lamp resistance accruing from the ac signal must bring the open-loop Design by Israel Schleicher, Green Spin Bakersfield, CA

Gated RC Phase shift Oscillator -  Scroll down.  The last circuit is a simpler R-C phase shift oscillator, but this is one with a difference: it is gated,it can be turned on by an input signal.  Earth the input and the oscillator stops, connect it to 5v and the oscillator starts.  The oscillator will always start in the same fashion, with a positive edge  __ Designed by Richard Torrens

Injection-Lock a Wien-Bridge Oscillator -  10/31/12  EDN-Design Ideas - A low-distortion Meacham-bulb-stabilized Wien-bridge oscillator is used to acquire the FFT of a pure sinusoid of about 5 kHz.  I recently had the opportunity to investigate a new micropower 6-MHz LTC6255 op amp driving a 12-bit, 250k sample/sec LTC2361 ADC.  I wanted to acquire the FFT of a pure sinusoid of about 5 kHz.  The problem is that getting the FFT of a pure sinusoid requires, well, a pure sinusoid.  Most programmable signal generators, however, have fairly poor noise and distortion performance, not to mention digital “hash” floors, compared with dedicated op amps and good ADCs.  You can’t measure 90-dB distortion and noise using sources that are “60 dB-ish.  ”  Design by Glen Brisebois, Applications Engineer, Signal Conditioning group at Linear Technology

LT3465A-2.4MHz White LED Step-Up Converters with Built-In Schottky in ThinSOT -  Switching Regulator__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices

Oscillator keeps THD below One PPM -  11/10/94 EDN-Design Ideas - The Wien-bridge sine-wave oscillator uses a light bulb to stabilize its amplitude.  The circuit doesn't have a light bulb; it sports several enhancements that lower its distortion Design by Jeff Smith, Analog Devices, Wilmington, MA

Programmable oscillator uses digital potentiometers -  03/07/02 EDN-Design Ideas - Digital potentiometers are versatile devices; you can use them in many filtering and waveform-generation applications.  This design idea describes an oscillator in which setting the resistance of two digital potentiometers independently programs the oscillation amplitude and frequency.  Figure 1 shows a typical diode-stabilized Wien-bridge oscillator that generates accurate sine waves from Design by Alan Li, Analog Devices, San Jose, CA

Q Multiplication in the Wien Bridge Oscillator -  Tells how Pyroelectric sensors and Fresnel lenses are used in motion detectors. (same as sensor manual above)  __ Designed by Ramon Vargas 8-11-04

Simple Circuit Audio Oscillator -  As a piece of test equipment, an audio oscillator has to be considered essential for anyone working in with hi-fi gear.  Together with an audio millivoltmeter (as described in Project 16) , and even better if you have access to an oscilloscope, you will be able to make proper measurements on everything from preamps, RIAA equalisation stages (for vinyl disks) , tone controls, crossover networks, etc __ Designed by Rod Elliott  ESP

The Wien -  There are dozens, probably hundreds of circuits for audio sinewave generators but certain 'old chestnuts' are still favourite and the basic circuits haven't changed significantly since they were built with valves __ Designed by Richard Torrens

The Wien-bridge oscillator is reborn -  06/13/02  EDN-Design Ideas - In 1940, William Hewlett and David Packard launched a product from a garage.  The product was a Wien-bridge oscillator.  It consisted of a single-pole highpass filter in series with a single-pole lowpass filter.  To keep the gain cons Design by Michael Fisch, Agere Systems, Longmont, CO

Two Transistor Wein Bridge Oscillator -  Scroll Down to find this circuit.  Here is a two-transistor Wien bridge oscillator using an ordinary night-light bulb for stabilization.  The output is about 6 volts p-p and can drive fixed loads as low as 2 or 3 thousand ohms without additional buffering.  A 10 k amplitude potentiometer.   __  Contact:  Charles Wenzel of Wenzel Associates, Inc.

Wien Bridge Oscillator -  The OpAmp Wien-bridge oscillator provides a nice view into classic oscillator design using feedback analysis.  Feedback analysis reveals if your circuit is stable (well behaved) or unstable (spice design)  __ Designed by Andrew R. Morris

Wien Bridge Oscillator keeps THD below One PPM -  11/10/94 EDN-Design Ideas - The Wien-bridge sine-wave oscillator uses a light bulb to stabilize its amplitude.  The circuit doesn't have a light bulb; it sports several enhancements that lower its distortion Design by Jeff Smith, Analog Devices, Wilmington, MA

Wien Bridge Oscillator Rail-to-Rail Sine Wave Generator  -  Circuit Ideas for Designers App Note__ Advanced Linear Devices, Inc

Wien Bridge Oscillator with SPICE simulation -  Timing and oscillator circuit diagrams / circuit schematics__ 

Wien Bridge Oscillator-42003.0 -  Circuit Ideas for Designers App Note__ Advanced Linear Devices, Inc

Wien-Bridge oscillator has simplified frequency control -  In this article, a modified version of the classical circuit that uses a single low-cost variable resistor for frequency control will be described.   __ Designed by Ramon Vargas 20-8-04

Wien-bridge oscillator is reborn -  06/13/02  EDN-Design Ideas - In 1940, William Hewlett and David Packard launched a product from a garage.  The product was a Wien-bridge oscillator.  It consisted of a single-pole highpass filter in series with a single-pole lowpass filter.  To keep the gain cons Design by Michael Fisch, Agere Systems, Longmont, CO

Wien-bridge Theremin -  This circuit is a basic Theremin with only a pitch control.  It uses the "heterodyne" technique, as did Theremin's original instrument.  Heterodyning is advantageous in its simplicity, and is made further attractive in this design by eliminating the coils that are usually hard to find (electronic design 10/05)  __ Designed by Arthur Harrison

Oscillators:  Wien Bridge

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