Decimal to BCD Convertor - This circuit will provide an output in Binary Coded Decimal from any of the input switches. The input switches may be expanded to 16 switches, providing a Hexadecimal to BCD conversion __ Designed by Ron J.
Decimal to BCD Decoder - Miscellaneous: This is a keypad circuit that will convert the decimal value of any keypad switch - Into its BCD equivalent. __ Designed by Ron J.
Delay line upgrades vintage scope - 04/18/02 EDN-Design Ideas - Vintage triggered-sweep oscilloscopes find use in many applications. However, they have no internal delay line, so they can't display the pulse that triggers the sweep. Moreover, early laboratory scopes contain delay lines having insufficient delay to display such pulses during a uniform portion of the sweep Design by Robert Houtman, Blaine, WA
Delay Simulator Debugs Communications Equipment - 10/27/94 EDN-Design Ideas - Phone calls over satellite circuits experience a ¼-sec transmission delay in each direction. The low-cost circuit (around $20]in Fig 1a simulates this delay and provide as hooks for inserting noise, echo, and other Design by Stan Sasaki, Lake Oswego, OR
DSO-triggering scheme is cheap & efficient - 05/07/98 EDN-Design Ideas - NOTE
: Page includes
several designs, scroll to find this one. Although a logic analyzer is useful in troubleshooting a new design, nothing beats a digital storage oscilloscope (DSO) for the ability to see bus levels and timing. However, the trigger mechanisms on most DSOs are not sophisticated enough to trigger on a specific P bus state Design by Robert Perrin, Z-World, Davis, CA
Enable oscilloscope art - 09/24/13 EDN-Design Ideas - Let your inner artist out: Paint electrons in quadrature Design by Lyle Williams
LED Oscilloscope - George Katz of Balgowlah Boys high in Sydney presented a solid state oscilloscope. He says "probably the best advantage is its very small size and the fact that it can run off the power supply of the circuit being tested. Although it has a low frequency range, it can still be used for most circuits. Its poor resolution will still allow for most waveforms to be visualized. ". __
LED Oscilloscope 1 - Uses a matrix of 100 LED as a display __ Designed by shaunwilson19 @
Light Sensor Adapter for Oscilloscope - This circuit is a simple visible light or IR detector for testing any equipment which outputs light. The circuit can be also used for measuring ambient light levels. This circuit is based on one photodiode which is used in photocell mode so that the photodiode generates a voltage and current signal when it gets light. __ Designed by Tomi Engdahl
Low Speed AVR Oscilloscope - A few months ago as I was surfing on the net, I saw an oscilloscope based on PIC18F2550 microcontroller and a KS0108 controller based graphical LCD. That was Steven Cholewiak's web site. I had never seen before so amazing microcontroller, only oscilloscope. That was really impressive circuit, so I decided to design something like that but in C language instead. __
Modified Scope Probe Tests Surface Mount Assemblies - 09/25/97 EDN-Design Ideas - The small sizes and pad areas of surface-mount components make them difficult to probe. Typically, when you use an oscilloscope probe, it is difficult to keep the probe tip and ground bayonet from slipping off the pad areas of the surface-mount devices. The modified oscilloscope probe Design by Robert Buono, Mahwah, NJ
Multiplexer creates mixed-signal scope input - January 16, 1997 - EDN-Design Ideas - When you work with mixed-signal designs, it's often useful to view the timing of several analog and digital channels on the scope at once. Figure 1 accomplishes this task using two buffered multiplexer ICs and two TTL logic chips. IC1 and IC2 each combine a four-channel multiplexer with an op-amp on the output. The output of the multiplexer connects to the noninverting input of the op amp, and the inverting input is available as an external pin on the IC. This feature allows the multiplexer to have a buffered output and allows each channel to have different gain. Design by Steve Reine, Analog Devices, Wilmington, MA
Philips GM 3150 oscilloscope pictures, brochure, schematic - vintage television (schematic) __ Designed by Frank Pocnet
Philips GM 3152 oscilloscope pictures, brochure, schematic - vintage television (schematic) __ Designed by Frank Pocnet
Philips GM 5654 oscilloscope manual w/schematic (nl) - vintage television (schematic) __ Designed by Frank Pocnet
Philips GM 5655/01 oscilloscope manual w/schematic (nl) - vintage television (schematic) __ Designed by Frank Pocnet
Philips GM 655/03 oscilloscope manual w/schematic (nl) - vintage television (schematic) __ Designed by Frank Pocnet
Probe measures high frequencies - 01/18/96 EDN-Design Ideas - Measuring clocks and critical signals accurately is often inconvenient. Normal 10x probes usually have about 10 pF of input capacitance, which can considerably affect the signal. FET probes with 1 to 3 pF of input capacitance are expensive and often require an extra power supply or other special setup. Unless ground leads are short (10 to 20 mm) , these leads introduce considerable distortion to most probes. Design by Glenn J Keller, The 3DO Company, Redwood City, CA
Scope Text - Scope Text is a small circuit based on the ATTiny2313 microprocessor, which can be used to display text on a CRT oscilloscope. The text is shown on the screen as a scrolling message display must register on this site __ Designed by Published in Elecktor July/Aug, 2010
Simple Circuit light Sensor adapter for Oscilloscope - This circuit is a simple visible light or IR detector for testing any equipment which outputs light. The circuit can be also used for measuring ambient light levels. This circuit is based on one photodiode which is used in photocell mode so that the photodiode generates a voltage and current signal when it gets light. __ Designed by Tomi Engdahl
Simples enable oscilloscope art - 09/24/13 EDN-Design Ideas - Let your inner artist out: Paint electrons in quadrature Design by Lyle Williams
Solid-State Flasher Has Short-Circuit Protection - 01/16/97 EDN-Design Ideas - The circuit in Figure 1 switches an inductive or resistive grounded load using a bootstrapped, n-channel, power MOSFET. The circuit features short-circuit, reverse-polarity, and transient-input-voltage-spike protection. The input voltage, VDD, can vary from about 18 to 30V, and the circuit can handle as much as approximately 10A with proper heat sinking of the FET. The circuit flashes at a rate of about 100 flashes/minute, with a duty cycle of about 47%. You can use this circuit as a solid-state flasher for vehicles with 24V nominal-power systems. Design by Navdhish Gupta, TDF Corp, Naperville, IL
TV Oscilloscope Adaptor - This is an adapter attached to a TV set. This machine changes a TV to a Oscilloscope. See the photo! This photo indicates a sine wave 50mV 120Hz. See the circuit! Free oscillator makes an 15kHz pulse signal (A). This signal is amplified by an buffer AMP. On the other hand , an amplifier makes 300 times of input signal. And it is shifted to 6V center. A comparator. __
Under Sampling Extends utility of Digital Scopes - 04/09/98 EDN-Design Ideas - (Several circuits included, scroll the find this one) By undersampling the input signal, you can use a digital oscilloscope to digitize and display or collect signal data of even RF and IF signals. To sample a signal without aliasing, you must use a sampling rate that satisfies the relationship Design by Robert J Inkol, Defence Research Establishment, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Use a trick to count scope events - 01/21/99 EDN-Design Ideas - One advantage digital storage oscilloscopes (DSOs] have over analog scopes is trace persistence. You can easily see infrequent waveform features using a scope in infinite-persistence mode. However, the frequency of these features relative to that of a "normal" signal Page includes
several designs. Scroll to find this one Design by Allen Montijo, Hewlett-Packard, Colorado Springs, CO |