Public Address (PA) Circuits
Last Updated:
June 02, 2021 01:44 PM |
Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:
30 Watt PA For 80 Metres- Q1 and Q2 are IRF521 MOSFETs. The input transformer is 6 turns trifilar wound on a pair of stacked Ferrite cores. The output transformer primary is 1 turn, centre tapped, of brass tubing. I used a section of telescopic aerial from a portable radio. Perhaps I got a bit carried away, but I removed the chrome plating in an effort to reduce RF losses due to skin effect. The output transformer secondary is 3 turns of insulated wire. The transformer core is made from 6 Ferrite toroids, 3 on each brass tube. The end plates are made from single sided PCB __ Designed by EI9GQ homebrew radio Direct Injection Box for Recording & Psystems- An essential companion for the mixer for stage or recording work __ Designed by Rod Elliott ESP |
Lapel microphone adaptor for PA systems- Simple adaptor features a balanced output and lets you use electret lapel and headset microphones with PA systems.__ SiliconChip PortaPAL Public Address System-Part 2- Here's the good oil on putting it together and getting it to work. We even describe an easy way to build a box.__ SiliconChip
Telephone Line Audio Interface- This device connects the telephone line to a home theater system or PA system (receiver only). It is phone line powered and features automatic volume control (AVC). It also mutest itself when a phone is picked up to prevent feedback. __ Designed by Andrew R. Morris |
The PortaPAL Public Address System-Part 1- It's packed with features, is easy to build and rivals commercial systems costing much more__ SiliconChip Wireless PA for Classrooms- In large classrooms, many a times the teacher’s voice is not audible to students in the back rows. So the teacher have to literally shout to be heard by every student....__ Electronics Projects for You |
Public Address (PA)
Circuits |