Interfacing ADXL202 Accelerometer to Palmpilot- EE-248 Analog Devices App Note__
Palm-Top/Hand-Held to RS-232 Serial Converter- This document details how to build your own SHARP palm-top/hand-held to RS232 serial converter. In summary, this device allows the SHARP range of hand-held computers and pocket organisers to be interfaced to (almost) any computer which has an RS232 serial port i.e. e. IBM-PCs (or compatibles) , Amigas, SUNs, other UNIX machines, etc __ Designed by Andrew Woods
Power Conditioning for Notebook & Palmtop Systems- AN51 Notebook and palmtop systems need a number of voltages developed from a battery. Competitive solutions require small size, high efficiency and light weight. This publication includes circuits for high efficiency 5V and 3.3 V switching and linear regulators, back light display drivers and battery chargers__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices
SHARP palm-top/hand-held to RS232 serial converter- This document details how to build your own SHARP palm-top/hand-held to RS232 serial converter. In summary, this device allows the SHARP range of hand-held computers and pocket organisers to be interfaced to (almost) any computer which has an RS232 serial port i. e. IBM-PCs (or compatibles) , Amigas, SUNs, other UNIX machines, etc __ Designed by Andrew Woods
Three-Input Supply Powers 3.3V Portable- 04/13/95 EDN Design Ideas: The single-ended primary-inductance converter in Fig 1 accepts input voltages ranging from 3 to more than 6V and produces a regulated 3.3 V, 200-mA output. The converter accepts an input voltage from three sources a 5V dc wall cu Design by Len Sherman, Maxim Integrated Products, Sunnyvale, CA
Unidirectionnal, Op-Amp-Based Interface- This is a very good interface for unidirectional purposes. It works with many computers, but not lap/palmtops. Its simplicity makes it very popular. __ Designed by Damien Douxchamps < d douxchamps AT tele ucl ac be