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(Palm Pilot) Circuits


Last Updated: June 02, 2021 01:44 PM

Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

Aladin interface-  Whoever thinks about reproducing an interface for the Aladin, should first of all be aware of the fact that there are two different versions of the interface.  The first version, easier to assemble, enables the user to transfer dive data from the Aladin to the personal computer.  The other version, a more complex construction than the first one, enables the user both to transfer data from the Aladin to the PC and to configure some Aladin features via the PC. __ Designed by Matthias

Controlling your SLR Camera from an Ipod-  How to control your camera shutter release from your Ipod (r) or other MP3 player. __ Designed by © 2014 - 2003 Paulo Oliveira'

DIY Microphone Cable for iPod Touch (2nd Gen)-  Put together your own Y Splitter Adapter Mic/Speaker recording cable as shown in the circuit diagram below to use a PC Mic Headset with the iPod Touch (2nd Generation only) and iPhone. __

Interfacing ADXL202 Accelerometer to Palmpilot-  EE-248 Analog Devices App Note__

Palm-Top/Hand-Held to RS-232 Serial Converter-  This document details how to build your own SHARP palm-top/hand-held to RS232 serial converter.  In summary, this device allows the SHARP range of hand-held computers and pocket organisers to be interfaced to (almost) any computer which has an RS232 serial port i.e.  e.  IBM-PCs (or compatibles) , Amigas, SUNs, other UNIX machines, etc __ Designed by Andrew Woods

Power Conditioning for Notebook & Palmtop Systems-  AN51 Notebook and palmtop systems need a number of voltages developed from a battery.  Competitive solutions require small size, high efficiency and light weight.  This publication includes circuits for high efficiency 5V and 3.3 V switching and linear regulators, back light display drivers and battery chargers__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices

SHARP palm-top/hand-held to RS232 serial converter-  This document details how to build your own SHARP palm-top/hand-held to RS232 serial converter.  In summary, this device allows the SHARP range of hand-held computers and pocket organisers to be interfaced to (almost) any computer which has an RS232 serial port i.  e.  IBM-PCs (or compatibles) , Amigas, SUNs, other UNIX machines, etc __ Designed by Andrew Woods

Three-Input Supply Powers 3.3V Portable-  04/13/95 EDN Design Ideas:  The single-ended primary-inductance converter in Fig 1 accepts input voltages ranging from 3 to more than 6V and produces a regulated 3.3 V, 200-mA output.  The converter accepts an input voltage from three sources a 5V dc wall cu Design by Len Sherman, Maxim Integrated Products, Sunnyvale, CA

Unidirectionnal, Op-Amp-Based Interface-  This is a very good interface for unidirectional purposes.  It works with many computers, but not lap/palmtops.  Its simplicity makes it very popular. __ Designed by Damien Douxchamps < d douxchamps  AT tele ucl ac be

PDA (Palm Pilot) Circuits

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