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Pedometer Circuits

Last Updated: November 22, 2021 02:42 PM

Circuits Designed by Dave Johnson, P.E. :
Digital Counter using Pedometer - There are many occasions when you may want to count something electronically.  Perhaps it is car traffic on a street or items moving down an assembly line.  It might be the number of times a machine is activated or maybe you want to count the number of . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David Johnson P.E.-August, 2008

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Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

Convert your smartphone into a pedometer & tracking Device-  EDN Design Ideas:  10/22/12  When you go hiking or mountain biking, or simply take a long walk around the neighborhood, you might wonder about the distance you covered or specific details, such as speed.  A specialized device for such a task is an expensive idea.  Now, however, the increasing penetration of smartphones in the market with built-in GPS devices makes it possible to configure a mobile phone to log or send the current readings from its sensors to a server for viewing and processing. This design idea describes a simple approach to log readings from a GPS using the Python scripting language.  An advantage of Python is that an electronics engineer need not delve into the complex realm of C/C++ calls for Symbian/Android architectures to accomplish this simple task.  All that is required is the installation on a phone of the Python interpreter, along with a text file containing the script. Design by Ali Asgher Mansoor Habiby and Abdus Sami Abdul Qayyum, Sir Syed University, Karachi, Pakistan

Digital Counter using Pedometer-  There are many occasions when you may want to count something electronically.  Perhaps it is car traffic on a street or items moving down an assembly line.  It might be the number of times a machine is activated or maybe you want to count the number of . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David Johnson P.E.-August, 2008

Digital pedometer-  Pedometer has a range of 9.950 meters with2-digits.  Slip it in pants pocket for walking and jogging __ Contact Flavio Dellepiane, fladello @ tin.it

Digital Step-Km Counter-Max. Range: 9,950 meters-  This circuit measures the distance covered during a walk.  Hardware is located in a small box slipped in pants' pocket and the display is conceived in the following manner: the leftmost display D2 ( the most significant digit) shows 0 to 9 Km.  and its dot is always on to separate Km.  from hm.  The rightmost display D1 ( the least significant digit) shows hundreds meters and its dot illuminates after every 50 meters of walking.__ Learning Electronics

Pedometer-  Pedometer has a range of 9.950 meters with2-digits.  Slip it in pants pocket for walking and jogging __ Contact Flavio Dellepiane, fladello @ tin.it

Step-Km Counter-  Pedometer has a range of 9.950 meters with2-digits.  Slip it in pants pocket for walking and jogging __ Designed by RED Free Circuit Designs


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