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Power Supplies: UPS
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Last Updated: June 02, 2021 01:44 PM

Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

5V Backup Supply from Supercap Runs Down to VIN = 2V with 250mA Load-  The LTC3112 is a fixed frequency synchronous buck-boost DC/DC converter with an extended input and output range.  The unique 4-switch, single inductor architecture provides low noise and seamless operation from input voltages above, below or equal to the output voltage.  With an input range of 2.7V to 15V, the LTC3112 is well suited for a wide variety of single or multiple cell battery, backup capacitor or wall adapter source applications.  Low RDS (ON) internal N-Channel MOSFET switches provide highly efficient operation in applications with higher load current requirements. __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note,.Dec 22, 2010

An Alarm Power Supply with Battery Back-up-  Power Supply Circuits:  This Power Supply is suitable for the Modular Burglar Alarm.  However, it has other applications.  It is designed to provide an output of 12-volts, with a current of up to 1-amp.  In the event of mains failure, the back-up battery takes over automatically.  When the mains is restored, the battery recharges. __ Designed by Ron J.

Basic UPS-  This circuit is a simple form of the commercial UPS, the circuit provides a constant regulated 5 Volt output and an unregulated 12 Volt supply.  In the event of electrical supply line failure the battery takes over, with __ Designed by Andy Collinson

Build a UPS for USB Devices-  04/11/02 EDN Design Ideas:  Portable systems often include circuitry that derives power from an external source, such as USB.  When the system disconnects from the USB supply, a battery takes over and supplies current via a DC/DC converter.  A diode-OR connection (Figure 1) offers the easiest way to ensure that the supply voltage doesn't sag during this switchover to the battery Design by Mark Cherry and Jean-Claude Ailloud, Maxim Integrated Products, Sunnyvale, CA, and France

Build a USB-based GPIB controller-  112/06/05 EDN Design Ideas:  Roll-your-own USB-based instrumentation bus Design by Boštjan Glazar, Marko Jankovec, and Marko Topic, Laboratory of Semiconductor Devices, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Circuit for UPS to Hybernate PC-  Most of the low-power UPS systems available in the market do not have the facility to shut down the PC before they turn off automatically due to low battery.  Some of them have the facility but they require software for the same. __ Electronics Projects for You

HP PowerWise L600/L900/L1250 UPS interface-  The HP PowerWise L600, L900 and L1250 are equipped with a standard communication port (DB9 connector) located at the rear of the unit.  The communication port provides__

Mini UPS System-  This circuit provides an uninterrupted power supply (UPS) to operate 12V, 9V and 5V DC-powered instruments at up to 1A current.  The backup battery takes up the load without spikes or...__ Electronics Projects for You

MOSFET UPS Regulator's Output Current-  02/01/96 EDN Design Ideas:  Use a current mirror and a power MOSFET to increase the output-current capability of an IC-voltage regulator. Design by Robert Buono, Universal Sonics Mahwah, NJ

Power Supply-Basic UPS-  This circuit is a simple form of the commercial UPS, the circuit provides a constant regulated 5 Volt output and an unregulated 12 Volt supply.  In the event of electrical supply line failure the battery takes over, with __ Designed by Andy Collinson

SuperCap Backup Power-  The LT8582 is a dual independent channel PWM DC/DC converter with a power good pin and built-in fault protection to help guard against input overvoltage and over-temperature conditions.  Each channel consists of a 42V master switch and a 42V slave switch that can be tied together for a total current limit of 3A. __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Jan 16th 2012

Supercap Powered Backup Supply-  The LTC3113 is a wide VIN range, highly efficient, fixed frequency, buck-boost DC/DC converter that operates from input voltages above, below or equal to the output voltage.  The topology incorporated in the IC provides low noise operation, making it well suited for RF and precision measurement applications.  The LTC3113 can deliver up to 3A of continuous output current to satisfy the most demanding applications__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Dec 22, 2012

Supercapacitor Energy Storage System for Data Backup-  This circuit shows a supercapacitor-based power backup system using the LTC3625 supercapacitor charger, an automatic power crossover switch using the LTC4412 PowerPath controller and an LTM4616 dual output μModule DC/ DC converter. __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Mar 16th 2011

Uninterruptable Power Supply-  This circuit is a simple form of the commercial UPS, the circuit provides a constant regulated 5 Volt output and an unregulated 12 Volt supply.  In the event of electrical supply line failure the battery takes over, with __ Designed by Andy Collinson

UPS inverter battery backup pure sine-  Why construct your own UPS from scratch? Simple : it is FUN and educational.  This page is all about how to make a PURE SINE version, our design needs : as little loss as possible, using available parts, scaleable design, from 20 watts up to any watts. __ Designed by Thomas Scherrer OZ2CPU

UPS to Hybernate PC-  Most of the low-power UPS systems available in the market do not have the facility to shut down the PC before they turn off automatically due to low battery.  Some of them have the facility but they require software for the same. __ Designed by Suresh Kumar K.B.

USB Power Booster-  The USB serial bus can be configured for connecting several peripheral devices to a single PC.  It is more complex than RS232, but faster and simpler for PC expansion.  Since a PC...__ Electronics Projects for You

Power Supplies: UPS

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