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Rocket Hobby Circuits

Last Updated: June 02, 2021 01:44 PM

Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

Direction Finder System -  Similar to the system used in modern aviation where an antenna array modulates the phase of an incoming signal.  The commercial system is known as Commutated Aerial Direction Finding (CADF) where a ring of 18 identical antennas are each switched on in sequence, just like winding a rotary switch round and round so that one antenna is always connected to the receiver.   __ Designed by Harry Lythall-SM0VPO

Model Rocket Launch Controller -  Most commercial rocket controllers available to buy are either expensive or do not have many features.  After a lot of searching I found nothing that met my needs.  I wanted a controller that could work multiple pads, as well as being easy to set up and pack away, so I designed my own.  it has the ability to control up to 8 pads through a 6 core cable.  You may __ Designed by Andy Collison


Multi Launcher for Model Rockets -  This launch controller can be used with low voltage battery igniters, which fire rocket engines in model rockets such as the Estes range.  These circuits are electrical, only switches and contacts are involved.  First the circuit for a single rocket.   __ Designed by Andy Collison

One ounce rocket ejection timer -  This page describes the how to build a very small (1.5"x1.5", ~1 oz.) rocket ejection timer.  I have tired to give as complete of instructions as possible, but you still might encounter problems.  While it is possible to build this timer without printing a custom circuit board, I don't recomend it.  in the past i __ Designed by Jonny Dyer

Phase Shift Radio Direction Finder -  Similar to the system used in modern aviation where an antenna array modulates the phase of an incoming signal.  The commercial system is known as Commutated Aerial Direction Finding (CADF) where a ring of 18 identical antennas are each switched on in sequence, just like winding a rotary switch round and round so that one antenna is always connected to the receiver.   __ Designed by Harry Lythall-SM0VPO

Rocket Hobby Circuits

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