Frequency Counter - This is the support - Page
for the simple frequency counter project in Homebrew, RadCom October 2006. The original design used a gate time of one second which gives a count resolution of 1Hz. Maximum input frequency is about 50MHz. A VHF/UHF prescaler for this counter is described in Homebrew, RadCom February 2008. U2 is a PIC 16F628 (PIC 16F628-20 or PIC 16F628A). The PIC crystal frequency is 10.240MHz. The firmware is easily modified so that a 10MHz crystal can be used instead. Homebrew for March 2008 shows how this counter can be used with a GPS or Loran controlled gate. __ Designed by EI9GQ homebrew radio
Frequency counter - This project explain a very powerful frequency counter which has many useful software functions. The software can add or subtract 3 different iF frequencies (±455 kHz , ±10.7 MHz and ±21.4 MHz). You have also two level of resolutions, 1kHz and 100Hz __ Contact maxit91 @
Frequency Counter - Frequency counter with output on 7-segment display __ Contact maxit91 @
Frequency counter based on PIC16F628 & LCD display - This is the support - Page
for the simple frequency counter project in Homebrew, RadCom October 2006. The original design used a gate time of one second which gives a count resolution of 1Hz. Maximum input frequency is about 50MHz. A VHF/UHF prescaler for this counter is described in Homebrew, RadCom February 2008. U2 is a PIC 16F628 (PIC 16F628-20 or PIC 16F628A). The PIC crystal frequency is 10.240MHz. The firmware is easily modified so that a 10MHz crystal can be used instead. Homebrew for March 2008 shows how this counter can be used with a GPS or Loran controlled gate. __ Designed by EI9GQ homebrew radio
Frequency Window Comparator has hysteresis - 11/07/96 EDN Design Ideas: The frequency comparator in Figure 1 uses two VCOs. C1, R1+R2, and the voltage at pin 9 determine the frequency of IC 1 (900 Hz]. C3, R5+R6, and the voltage at pin 9 determine the frequency of IC 2 (1580 Hz]. if fiN is lower than 900 Hz, then the output P2 of phase-comparator 2 in IC 1 is high and drives Design by W Dijkstra, Consultant, Waalre, The Netherlands
Low-Cost 50MHz Frequency Meter - it features an LCD readout, auto-ranging and two resolution modes. And it can be run from a plugpack or battery operated.__ SiliconChip
Low-Cost 50MHz Frequency Meter; Mk.2 - This update of our very popular compact 50MHz Frequency Meter now has an internal battery pack or can run from a DC plugpack supply. it also incorporates a 10kHz rounding mode to enable 36MHz R/C transmitters using pulse position modulation (PPM) to be measured with an unambiguous reading.__ SiliconChip
Panel Frequency Meter - Here’s a simple panel frequency meter to measure the frequency of 230V AC mains. When you connect it to the 230V AC line, the display shows the line frequency. Generally, the...__ Electronics Projects for You
Simple Circuit Frequency Counter - This is the support - Page for the simple frequency counter project in Homebrew, RadCom October 2006. The original design used a gate time of one second which gives a count resolution of 1Hz. Maximum input frequency is about 50MHz. A VHF/UHF prescaler for this counter is described in Homebrew, RadCom February 2008. U2 is a PIC 16F628 (PIC 16F628-20 or PIC 16F628A). The PIC crystal frequency is 10.240MHz. The firmware is easily modified so that a 10MHz crystal can be used instead. Homebrew for March 2008 shows how this counter can be used with a GPS or Loran controlled gate. __ Designed by EI9GQ homebrew radio