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Last Updated: June 02, 2021 01:44 PM

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A Low-Cost 50MHz Frequency Meter -  it features an LCD readout, auto-ranging and two resolution modes.  And it can be run from a plugpack or battery operated.__ SiliconChip

Frequency comparator draws 8 mA -  03/03/97  EDN Design Ideas:  The circuit in Figure 1includes all the necessary components to build a simple, low-power frequency comparator.  The circuit centers around the operation of IC 1, which integrates an amplifier, a comparator, and a voltage reference. Design by Dalius Baranauskas, Semiconductor Physics Institute, Vilnius, Lithuania

Frequency comparator has status output -  12/26/02 EDN Design Ideas:  The original application for the circuit in Figure 1 was to check the number of revolutions of an engine with only one LED as an indicator.  The measurement of the number of revolutions usually involves sensors with a frequency output proportional to the number of revolutions.  The circuit compares the frequency output of such a sensor with a lower and upper limit and gives a visual result, usi Design by Susanne Nell, Breitenfurt, Austria

Frequency Comparer Produces Binary Result -  09/29/94 EDN Design Ideas:  instead of resorting to full-blown frequency counters, the simple circuit in Fig 1 uses four ICs  to rapidly compare the frequency of two pulse trains.  The circuit produces a binary 0 if f1 is greater than f2 and a binary 1 if f1 is less than f2.  The circuit exploits the fact that inevitably two consecutive leading edges of the higher frequency pulse train will follow each Design by Jay Kirschenbaum, Columbia University, New York, NY

Frequency Counter -  This is a circuit that uses IC NE555, five decade counters along with a 7-segment driver IC to form a 5 digit decimal counter.  The output of the decimal counter is used to drive the numerical display of frequency counter.   __ Designed by Electronics Projects for You


Frequency Counter -  This is the support  - Page for the simple frequency counter project in Homebrew, RadCom October 2006.  The original design used a gate time of one second which gives a count resolution of 1Hz.  Maximum input frequency is about 50MHz.  A VHF/UHF prescaler for this counter is described in Homebrew, RadCom February 2008.  U2 is a PIC 16F628 (PIC 16F628-20 or PIC 16F628A).  The PIC  crystal frequency is 10.240MHz.  The firmware is easily modified so that a 10MHz crystal can be used instead.  Homebrew for March 2008 shows how this counter can be used with a GPS or Loran controlled gate. __ Designed by EI9GQ homebrew radio

Frequency counter -  This project explain a very powerful frequency counter which has many useful software functions.  The software can add or subtract 3 different iF frequencies (±455 kHz , ±10.7 MHz and ±21.4 MHz).  You have also two level of resolutions, 1kHz and 100Hz __ Contact maxit91 @ hotmail.com

Frequency Counter -  Frequency counter with output on 7-segment display __ Contact maxit91 @ hotmail.com

Frequency counter based on PIC16F628 & LCD display -  This is the support  - Page for the simple frequency counter project in Homebrew, RadCom October 2006.  The original design used a gate time of one second which gives a count resolution of 1Hz.  Maximum input frequency is about 50MHz.  A VHF/UHF prescaler for this counter is described in Homebrew, RadCom February 2008.  U2 is a PIC 16F628 (PIC 16F628-20 or PIC 16F628A).  The PIC  crystal frequency is 10.240MHz.  The firmware is easily modified so that a 10MHz crystal can be used instead.  Homebrew for March 2008 shows how this counter can be used with a GPS or Loran controlled gate. __ Designed by EI9GQ homebrew radio

Frequency Window Comparator has hysteresis -  11/07/96 EDN Design Ideas:  The frequency comparator in Figure 1 uses two VCOs.  C1, R1+R2, and the voltage at pin 9 determine the frequency of IC 1 (900 Hz].  C3, R5+R6, and the voltage at pin 9 determine the frequency of IC 2 (1580 Hz].  if fiN is lower than 900 Hz, then the output P2 of phase-comparator 2 in IC 1 is high and drives Design by W Dijkstra, Consultant, Waalre, The Netherlands

Low-Cost 50MHz Frequency Meter -  it features an LCD readout, auto-ranging and two resolution modes.  And it can be run from a plugpack or battery operated.__ SiliconChip

Low-Cost 50MHz Frequency Meter; Mk.2 -  This update of our very popular compact 50MHz Frequency Meter now has an internal battery pack or can run from a DC plugpack supply.  it also incorporates a 10kHz rounding mode to enable 36MHz R/C transmitters using pulse position modulation (PPM) to be measured with an unambiguous reading.__ SiliconChip

Panel Frequency Meter -  Here’s a simple panel frequency meter to measure the frequency of 230V AC mains.  When you connect it to the 230V AC line, the display shows the line frequency.  Generally, the...__ Electronics Projects for You

Simple Circuit Frequency Counter -  This is the support  - Page for the simple frequency counter project in Homebrew, RadCom October 2006.  The original design used a gate time of one second which gives a count resolution of 1Hz.  Maximum input frequency is about 50MHz.  A VHF/UHF prescaler for this counter is described in Homebrew, RadCom February 2008.  U2 is a PIC 16F628 (PIC 16F628-20 or PIC 16F628A).  The PIC  crystal frequency is 10.240MHz.  The firmware is easily modified so that a 10MHz crystal can be used instead.  Homebrew for March 2008 shows how this counter can be used with a GPS or Loran controlled gate. __ Designed by EI9GQ homebrew radio

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