Low-Cost LPG Leakage Detector - The circuit for an LPG leakage detector is readily available in the market, but it is extremely expensive and usually based on a microcontroller (MCU). This project presents a low-cost circuit for an LPG detector that you can build easily. The main objective of the circuit is to detect LPG leakage anywhere. At the heart of the circuit is dual comparator IC LM393 (IC 2). it is used to compare two different voltages, in this case reference voltage and MQ-6 gas sensor output voltage__ Electronics Projects for You
Low-Cost LPG Leakage Detector - The circuit for an LPG leakage detector is readily available in the market, but it is extremely expensive and usually based on a microcontroller (MCU). Presented here is a low-cost circuit...__ Electronics Projects for You
Pellistors - Pellistors employ catalytic combustion to measure combustible gases or vapors in air up to the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) * of the gas. The standard sensor consists of a matched pair of elements, typically referred to as a detector and compensator (reference element). The detector__ City Technology, Ltd
PIC16F84A Gas Detector using GH-312 SENSOR - This is a gas detecting circuit capable of sensing many different types of gases. The sensor used is the GH-312 and from the datasheet it is capable of sensing gases like smoke, liquefied gas, butane and propane, Methane, alcohol, hydrogen, etc.__
Propane Leak Detector - Can also detect Other Hydro-Carbon Gases. __ Designed by G.L. Chemelec
Smoke, Alcohol & LPG-Detection Alarm - Presented here is a circuit for raising an alarm on detecting smoke or LPG cooking gas leakage, or even alcohol vapours in breath. This is achieved by using a basic unit...__ Electronics Projects for You