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Sensors / Detectors: Vibration Monitors

Sensors / Detectors -- Main Page

Last Updated: November 22, 2021 02:42 PM

Circuits Designed by Dave Johnson, P.E. :

Alarm-Piezo Device Detects Motion -  Using a piezo device, this circuit will activate a beeper whenever the circuit is moved.  it could be used as an earthquake alarm. . . Circuit by Dave Johnson P.E.-July, 2006

Detect Motion with a Piezo Device -  Using a piezoelectric device, this circuit will activate a beeper whenever the circuit is moved.    it could be used as an earthquake alarm. . . . Hobby Circuit designed by Dave Johnson P.E.-July, 2006

Earthquake Alarm Circuit -  Geophones are dandy motion sensors.  They are metal cans containing a powerful magnet, suspended with springs inside a coil of wire.  The magnet functions as a floating mass.  The slightest vertical motion of the device causes the coil to move relative to . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David A. Johnson P.E.-July, 2005

Hour Meter triggered by Machine Vibration -  This hobby circuit allows an off-the-shelf battery powered digital hour meter to be turned on and off, according to a machine's operation, without requiring a direct electrical connection to the machine . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David Johnson P.E.-January, 1998

Machine Vibration Triggers Hour Meter -  This circuit allows an off-the-shelf battery powered digital hour meter to be turned on and off, according to a machine's operation, without requiring a direct electrical connection to the machine.  Machine vibrations are detected by an off-the-shelf piezo. . . Circuit by David Johnson P.E.-December 26, 1998

Motion Alarm using piezo Device -  An inexpensive piezoelectric device is used as a motion sensing device for this motion alarm. . . Circuit by Dave Johnson P.E.-July, 2006

Piezoelectric Device used for Motion Alarm -  An inexpensive piezo wafer is used to detect vibration and when the vibration is sufficient a switch is activated . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David Johnson P.E.-July, 2006

Piezoelectric Vibration Sensor Activates Switch -  An inexpensive piezo device is used as a motion sensing device for this motion alarm. . . Circuit by Dave Johnson P.E.-July, 2006

Switch activated by Piezo Vibration -  An inexpensive piezo wafer is used to detect vibration and when the vibration is sufficient a switch is activated . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David Johnson P.E.-July, 2006

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Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

Accelerometer -  A handheld vibration meter, to measure how much those poorly balanced machines are shaking!  __ Designed by Manfred Mornhinweg

Alarm-Piezo Device Detects Motion -  Using a piezo device, this circuit will activate a beeper whenever the circuit is moved.  it could be used as an earthquake alarm. . . Circuit by Dave Johnson P.E.-July, 2006

Bender senses shocks -  EDN Design Ideas:  05/14/2013    With the aid of a simple mounting system and some soldered-on weights, a piezoelectric “bender” can detect mechanical shocks Design by Don Sherman, Maxim Integrated Products, Sunnyvale, CA

Detect Motion with a Piezo Device -  Using a piezoelectric device, this circuit will activate a beeper whenever the circuit is moved.    it could be used as an earthquake alarm. . . . Hobby Circuit designed by Dave Johnson P.E.-July, 2006

Earthquake Alarm Circuit -  Geophones are dandy motion sensors.  They are metal cans containing a powerful magnet, suspended with springs inside a coil of wire.  The magnet functions as a floating mass.  The slightest vertical motion of the device causes the coil to move relative to . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David A. Johnson P.E.-July, 2005

Earthquake Indicator using Arduino -  An earthquake is an unavoidable and unpredictable natural phenomenon that often causes damage to lives and property.  We cannot fight it but we can stay alert and aware using technology that...__ Electronics Projects for You

Ferrocart Vibrator App Note -  Some notes on the design of vibrator power supplies as used in car radios, inverters, etcincludes Ferrocart type numbersThese were made by Astor and mainly used in their car radios __ Contact blehack @ yahoo dot com

Hour Meter triggered by Machine Vibration -  This hobby circuit allows an off-the-shelf battery powered digital hour meter to be turned on and off, according to a machine's operation, without requiring a direct electrical connection to the machine . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David Johnson P.E.-January, 1998

Machine Vibration Activates Hour Meter -  01/16/97 EDN Design Ideas:  Battery-powered digital hour meters commonly monitor how long a machine is in operation by detecting when the machine is supplied with power.  However, it is often difficult or dangerous to connect a battery-powered hour meter to a line-powered machine.  When the machine being monitored Design by David Johnson, P.E. -  www/discovercircuits/com

Machine Vibration Triggers Hour Meter -  This circuit allows an off-the-shelf battery powered digital hour meter to be turned on and off, according to a machine's operation, without requiring a direct electrical connection to the machine.  Machine vibrations are detected by an off-the-shelf piezo. . . Circuit by David Johnson P.E.-January, 1998

Motion Alarm using piezo Device -  An inexpensive piezoelectric device is used as a motion sensing device for this motion alarm. . . Circuit by Dave Johnson P.E.-July, 2006

Piezoelectric Device used for Motion Alarm -  An inexpensive piezo wafer is used to detect vibration and when the vibration is sufficient a switch is activated . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David Johnson P.E.-July, 2006

Piezoelectric Vibration Sensor Activates Switch -  An inexpensive piezo device is used as a motion sensing device for this motion alarm. . . Circuit by Dave Johnson P.E.-July, 2006

Seismometer & structural vibration meter -  05/14/14  EDN Design Ideas:  Use a TI LDC1000 as a sub-micron displacement sensor for vibration measurement and logging in seismic and structural mechanics applications.   Design by Dmitrii Loukianov

Sensitive Vibration Detector -  This vibration detector is realised using readily available, low cost components.  One of its many applications is in a rolling shutter guard for offices and shops.  The detector will sense vibration...__ Electronics Projects for You

Shock Sensor Amplifier (Accelerometer) -  A shock sensor is a capacitive piezoelectric element which generates a charge under physical acceleration.  This charge can be converted to a voltage and filtered using high valued resistors and a high input impedance CMOS amplifier such as the LTC6081.  This circuit has a gain of 100 and output 109mV per g of acceleration__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Mar 16, 2010

Shock-Sensor Prevents Data Corruption -  07/04/96 EDN Design Ideas:   Hard-disk drives for laptop and other portable applications need to withstand significant g-force shocks when operating.  A typical 1.8-in.  drive writes servo information over less than 15% of the disk's active area, which means that the read/write head spends more than 85% Design by Carolyn Platt, Raltron Electronics Corp, Miami, FL

Single Supply Shock/Vibration Sensor Amplifier -  The LTC6087/LTC6088 are dual/quad, low noise, low offset, rail-to-rail input/output, unity-gain stable CMOS operational amplifiers that feature 1pA of input bias current.  A 14MHz gain bandwidth and 7.2V/μs slew rate, combined with low noise (10nV/√Hz) and a low 0.75mV offset, make the LTC6087/LTC6088 useful in a variety __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Jul 25th 2012

Smart Vibration Sensor -  in this vibration sensor alarm circuit, initially, when power switch S1 is flipped to 'on' position, power indicator LED1 lights up immediately.  IC LM555 (IC 1) , wired as a simple latch circuit...__ Electronics Projects for You

Switch activated by Piezo Vibration -  An inexpensive piezo wafer is used to detect vibration and when the vibration is sufficient a switch is activated . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David Johnson P.E.-July, 2006

Thermowell vibration Monitor -  04/14/14 - EDN Design Ideas:  Use Ti's unique inductance - to - digital converter to sense potentially dangerous vibration in thermowell sensors Design by Robert Heider

Vibration Monitors / Sensors / Detectors

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