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Siren Circuits

Last Updated: November 22, 2021 02:42 PM

Circuits Designed by Dave Johnson, P.E. :
Sweeping Siren Alarm-3 volts -  A while back I was challenged by a visitor to the website.  He needed a very loud sweeping siren type audio sound generator powered by 3v.  He tried some of the commercial sirens but they were not very loud when powered by 3v.  He also said that those . . . Hobby Circuit designed by Dave Johnson P.E.-June, 2008

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Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

1 IC 2 Tones Siren Double Tone Police Sound Single Tone Old AM bulance Sound -  This circuit is intended for children fun, and is suitable to be installed on bicycles, battery powered cars and motorcycles, but also in models and other games.  With SW1 positioned as shown in the circuit diagram it reproduces the typical dual tone sound of Police __ Contact Flavio Dellepiane, fladello @ tin.it

3v Sweeping Siren Alarm -  A while back I was challenged by a visitor to the website.  He needed a very loud sweeping siren type audio sound generator powered by 3v.  He tried some of the commercial sirens but they were not very loud when powered by 3v.  He also said that those. . . Circuit by David Johnson P.E.-June, 2008

555 Siren Generator -  a simple design from 2 555 timers - this is versatile and loud.   __ Contact P. Townshend - EduTek Ltd

Ambulance Siren -  This siren circuit simulates police, fire or other emergency sirens that produce an up and down wail.   __  Contact:  Charles Wenzel of Wenzel Associates, Inc.

Automatic Heat Detector -  This circuit uses a complementary pair comprising npn metallic transistor T1 (BC109) and pnp germanium transistor T2 (AC188) to detect heat (due to outbreak of fire, etc) in the vicinity and...__ Electronics Projects for You

Buzzer for use as a doorbell -  How often on average do you have to call members of your family each day to tell them that dinner is ready, it’s time to leave, and the like? The person you want is usually in a different room, such as the hobby room or bedroom.  A powerful buzzer in the room, combined with a pushbutton at the bottom of the stairs or in the kitchen, could be very handy in such situations__ Learning Electronics

Electronic Police Siren -  The sound produced imitates the rise and fall of an American police siren.  When first switched on the 10u capacitors is discharged and both transistors.   __ Designed by Ron J.

Emergency Siren Simulator -  This siren circuit simulates police, fire or other emergency sirens that produce an up and down wail.   __  Contact:  Charles Wenzel of Wenzel Associates, Inc.

Factory Siren -  This circuit produces a sound similar to a factory siren.  it makes use of a 555 timer IC used as an astable multivibrator of a center frequency of about 300Hz.  The frequency is controlled by the pin 5 of the IC .  When the supply is switched ON, the capacitor charges slowly and this alters the voltage at pin 5 of the IC hence __ Designed by Radioland.nt.au

Kojak Siren -  Here is a very simple Kojak siren that is built with two 555 timer ICs  and has 2 linear potentiometers that allows the control of sound speed and tone.  IC 2 produces a sound that can be adjusted with P2 and then drives a small speaker.  The amplitude of the signal is modulated by IC 1 with a low frequency signal.  The modulation __ Designed by Popescu Marian

Light Activated Siren -  This light activated siren could make an unknowing “victim” wet his pants when turning on the lights in a dark room.  This thing is LOUD!  Power into the module is 3W and produces a 123db sound level from its 50mm diameter diaphragm.  it wavers between 2kHZ and 4kHZ.  An LDR senses ambient light level and switches on __ Designed by Jim Keith

MEET WAILER-Siren Sound -  Our WAiLER has many applications; fill your party with wailing sounds!  Mount the WAiLER on your bicycle so you can make noise while you ride.  No need for mechanical rings.  Mount it as a front door bell.  Or mount it in your room as an alarm.  Place WAiLER anywhere you’d like to draw attention, to make a neighbor yell, or cause your friends to laugh.  The unique small design will allow you to mount it almost anywhere.  Operate it with 6V (combination of four series D, AAA or AA size batteries) , 9V battery, 12V car battery or via one of our batteries simulator kits.   __ Contact Kit from Elich Industrial Development, Corp

Multitone Siren -  This multitone siren is useful for burglar alarms, reverse horns, etc.  it produces five different audio tones and is much more ear-catching than a single-tone siren.  The circuit is built around popular...__ Electronics Projects for You

One IC 2 Tones Siren Double Tone Police Sound Single Tone Old AM bulance Sound -  This circuit is intended for children fun, and is suitable to be installed on bicycles, battery powered cars and motorcycles, but also in models and other games.  With SW1 positioned as shown in the circuit diagram it reproduces the typical dual tone sound of Police __ Contact Flavio Dellepiane, fladello @ tin.it

Police Car Siren -  This siren circuit simulates police, fire or other emergency sirens that produce an up and down wail.   __  Contact:  Charles Wenzel of Wenzel Associates, Inc.

Police Electronic Siren -  The sound produced imitates the rise and fall of an American police siren.  When first switched on the 10u capacitors is discharged and both transistors.   __ Designed by Ron J.

Powerful buzzer for use as a doorbell -  How often on average do you have to call members of your family each day to tell them that dinner is ready, it’s time to leave, and the like? The person you want is usually in a different room, such as the hobby room or bedroom.  A powerful buzzer in the room, combined with a pushbutton at the bottom of the stairs or in the kitchen, could be very handy in such situations__ Learning Electronics

Powerful Security Siren-Transistors based -  This circuit was requested by several correspondents.  its purpose was to obtain more power than the siren circuit already available on this website (One-IC  two-tones Siren) and to avoid the use of IC s.  A complementary transistor pair (Q2 & Q3) is wired as a high efficiency oscillator, directly driving the loudspeaker.  Q1 ensures a full charge of C2 when power is applied to the circuit__ Learning Electronics

Powerful Siren -  Simple circuitry No ICs  12V Battery operation __ Contact Flavio Dellepiane, fladello @ tin.it

Screamer Siren -  This is a low-cost screamer circuit to add to our range of alarm modules.  it has been designed to protect your valuables on a 24 hour basis.   __ Contact Collin Mitchell

Screamer Siren-Light Controlled -  This circuit will produce an ear-piercing scream, depending on the amount of light being detected by the Light Dependent Resistor.  __ 555-Timer

Simple Circuit Siren -  This project is built on the third section of the PC board, identified by "SiREN" and "Project 5.  " You will notice the similarity between this circuit and the LED FLASHER circuit from project 2.  The only differences are the LED has been removed and the 22R resistor has been replaced by a minI speaker  __ Contact Colin Mitchelltalking @ tpg.com.au

Siren (page 84) -  This circuit was requested by several correspondents.  its purpose was to obtain more power than the siren circuit already available on __ Contact Flavio Dellepiane, fladello @ tin.it

Siren 100dB -  This is a very loud siren and if two or more piezo's are located in a room, the burglar does not know where the sound is coming from.  __ 555-Timer

Siren Driver -  Zetex Semiconductors have a siren driver IC Type ZSD100 available that is suitable for use in alarm systems for cars and model craft.  With the addition of only a few components as shown in the diagram, the device produces an ear-splitting sound of 120 dB.  The IC contains an a.  f.  rectangular-wave generator that is driven by a __ Designed by Popescu Marian

Siren Simulator -  This siren circuit simulates police, fire or other emergency sirens that produce an up and down wail.   __  Contact:  Charles Wenzel of Wenzel Associates, Inc.

Sweeping Siren Alarm-3 volts -  A while back I was challenged by a visitor to the website.  He needed a very loud sweeping siren type audio sound generator powered by 3v.  He tried some of the commercial sirens but they were not very loud when powered by 3v.  He also said that those . . . Hobby Circuit designed by Dave Johnson P.E.-June, 2008

Transistor based Security Siren -  This circuit was requested by several correspondents.  its purpose was to obtain more power than the siren circuit already available on this website (One-IC  two-tones Siren) and to avoid the use of IC s.  A complementary transistor pair (Q2 & Q3) is wired as a high efficiency oscillator, directly driving the loudspeaker.  Q1 ensures a full charge of C2 when power is applied to the circuit__ Learning Electronics

Two-Tone Siren -  This circuit is intended for children fun, and is suitable to be installed on bicycles, battery powered cars and motorcycles, but also in models and other games.  With SW1 positioned as shown in the circuit diagram it reproduces the typical dual tone sound of Police __ Contact Flavio Dellepiane, fladello @ tin.it

UM3561 Siren Generator Design -  UM3561 is an excellent ROM IC that can generate MultI siren tones simulating Police siren, Ambulance siren, Fire brigade siren and Machine gun sound.  This 8 pin low power IC can work down to 2.4 volts.  The UM 3561 is a low cost siren generator designed for use in toy applications.  The IC has an inbuilt oscillator and tone __ Designed by D Mohankumar

Wailing Siren -  This circuit provides a warbling sound to any alarm circuit.  IC 2 is wired as a low frequency astable with a cycle period of about 6 seconds.  The slowly varying ramp waveform at C1 is fed to PNP emitter follower Q1, and is then used to frequency modulate alarm generator IC 1 via R6.  IC 1 has a natural center frequency of about 800Hz.   __ Designed by Tony van Roon  VA3AVR

Siren-Sound Circuits

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