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Solenoid Circuits

Last Updated: June 02, 2021 01:44 PM

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Bootstrap Speeds Solenoid Actuation -  10-Jun-10 EDN Design Ideas:  The circuit in This design idea bootstraps a large capacitor in series with the solenoid to provide a large actuation voltage (Figure 1).  This higher voltage provide as substantially more current to operate the solenoid (Figure 2], speeding the operation of the solenoid.  You can also choose operating voltages or solenoid specifications that result in lower continuous current through the solenoid, reducing dc power consumption and resulting in a cooler-running solenoid with better reliability Design by Ralf Kelz, Seefeld, Germany

Circuit Drives 9V Solenoids From 3V Battery -  08/17/95 EDN Design Ideas:  At times, it may be necessary to power a solenoid-type pulsed actuator from a low-voltage battery in portable equipment.  The circuit in Fig 1 accomplishes this task using a standby current of 10 µA.  The design takes advantage of the fact that solenoids like being actuated by capacitive discharge at much higher levels than their nominal voltage.  This mode of operation results in a good, crisp response by the solenoid plunger.    Design by Craig Varga, Linear Technology Corp, Milpitas, CA

Circuit Latches Solenoids at a Distance -  10/14/00 EDN Design Ideas:  The circuit in Figure 1 controls low-cost, latching solenoid valves over long distances.  For example, it can control one valve 1 km away using two wires and a 12V supply.  The circuit provide as 700 mA at 12V for the 20 msec necessary for latching a solenoid valve.  The CD4538 monostable multivibrator provide as an output-pulse width of 100 µsec to 1 sec.  The IC consumes 5-nA standby current.   Design by J Pelegri and D Ramirez, University of Valencia, Spain

Drive 9V Solenoids from 3V Battery -  08/17/95 EDN Design Ideas:  At times, it may be necessary to power a solenoid-type pulsed actuator from a low-voltage battery in portable equipment.  The circuit in Fig 1 accomplishes this task using a standby current of 10 µA.  The design takes advantage of the fact that solenoids like being actuated by capacitive discharge at much higher levels than their nominal voltage.  This mode of operation results in a good, crisp response by the solenoid plunger.    Design by Craig Varga, Linear Technology Corp, Milpitas, CA

Latches Solenoid at a Distance -  10/14/00 EDN Design Ideas:  The circuit in Figure 1 controls low-cost, latching solenoid valves over long distances.  For example, it can control one valve 1 km away using two wires and a 12V supply.  The circuit provide as 700 mA at 12V for the 20 msec necessa Design by J Pelegri and D Ramirez, University of Valencia, Spain

Simple Circuit Solenoid Driver Is Adaptable & Efficient -  06/04/12  EDN Design Ideas:  Use capacitive reactance to save energy while holding a solenoid in the energized position.   Solenoid loads generally exhibit large hysteresis.  Application of the rated voltage actuates these loads.  Once they are in position, however, you can use a significantly lower voltage to thereafter reliably hold them on.  A lower sustaining voltage results in less heat production and higher efficiency. Design by Jessica MacNeil

Simple Circuit Solenoid Driver Reduces Power & Cost -  07/18/96 EDN Design Ideas:  Solenoid  valves commonly control the flow of low-pressure gases and fluids in biological applications.  A typical valve may operate at 12V and draw 1A.  in systems using such valves, these power requirements can cause cost and space problems, even though a well-regulated supply is unnecessary Design by TG Barnett, Queen Mary College, London England

Solenoid Driver Is Adaptable & Efficient -  06/04/12  EDN Design Ideas:  Use capacitive reactance to save energy while holding a solenoid in the energized position.   Solenoid loads generally exhibit large hysteresis.  Application of the rated voltage actuates these loads.  Once they are in position, however, you can use a significantly lower voltage to thereafter reliably hold them on.  A lower sustaining voltage results in less heat production and higher efficiency. Design by Jessica MacNeil

Solenoid Driver Reduces Power & Cost -  07/18/96 EDN Design Ideas:  Solenoid  valves commonly control the flow of low-pressure gases and fluids in biological applications.  A typical valve may operate at 12V and draw 1A.  in systems using such valves, these power requirements can cause cost and space problems, even though a well-regulated supply is unnecessary Design by TG Barnett, Queen Mary College, London England

Solenoid-protection limits duty cycle -  28-Sep-06 EDN Design Ideas:  Analog timer prevents overheating Design by Panagiotis Kosioris, Inos Automation Software, Stuttgart, Germany

Switching (PWM) Solenoid Driver -  This is a very simple circuit to interface a current loop sensor to an input which is designed for a voltage, such as that from a standard potentiometer.  This  - Page
is technical so that interested persons can build the circuit themselves, but 4QD can also supply the interface on a 'postage stamp' sized (22mm x 27mm) board as shown in the first diagram.  it is a relatively trivial circuit!   __ Designed by Richard Torrens

Timer chip makes universal solenoid drive -  09/01/95 EDN Design Ideas:  Mechanical actuators that develop a force from magnetic interaction operate efficiently with high power until seated (the pull-in state).  You should then reduce the power to a lower holding level.  These rules are especially true for long-stroke solenoids.  Currently, the only available solenoid-driver ICs  are Motorola's MC3484 Series and National Semiconductor's LM1984, which are both designed to drive automotive fuel injectors.  Upon activation, either IC ramps the current to a peak value and switches to a holding current that is one-fourth as large.   Design by Richard Panosh, Vista, Bolingbrook, IL

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Solenoid Circuits

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