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Tesla Coil Circuits
NOTE : These are very dangerous projects. 
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Build at your own risk.

Last Updated: June 02, 2021 01:44 PM

Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

DIY Tesla coil-DC Powered with Plasma Output -  The aim of this design was to get the highest voltage (or longest arcs) possible from a single self contained unit.__ © RMCybernetics

Build the Lightning Bulb -  The Lightning Bulb circuit uses a quadrac (see Fig.1) --a device that combines a TRIAC and a diac trigger in a single package--to control the supplied current.  Figure 1A shows the schematic symbol for the quadrac, while figure 1B shows the pinout for the unit used in our circuit.  Note that quadracs are increasingly difficult to come by;.   __ Designed by Vincent Vollono

Fres Finder -  Easy method for finding Tesla Coil resonances.__ 

Lightning - Create an electrical storm in a light bulb -  The Lightning Bulb circuit uses a quadrac (see Fig.1) --a device that combines a TRIAC and a diac trigger in a single package--to control the supplied current.  Figure 1A shows the schematic symbol for the quadrac, while figure 1B shows the pinout for the unit used in our circuit.  Note that quadracs are increasingly difficult to come by;.   __ Designed by Vincent Vollono

Solid State Tesla Coil Chapter 1 -  This book is written for people like me, challenged when faced with doing something without a recipe or complete set of instructions.  I will throw in things learned from other Tesla coil builders, but will quickly admit that when it comes to making long sparks, there are many who are far better thani __ Designed by Solid State Tesla Coil Dr. Gary L. Johnson

Solid State Tesla Coil Chapter 2 -  This book is written for people like me, challenged when faced with doing something without a recipe or complete set of instructions.  I will throw in things learned from other Tesla coil builders, but will quickly admit that when it comes to making long sparks, there are many who are far better than i __ Designed by Solid State Tesla Coil Dr. Gary L. Johnson

Solid State Tesla Coil Chapter 3 -  This book is written for people like me, challenged when faced with doing something without a recipe or complete set of instructions.  I will throw in things learned from other Tesla coil builders, but will quickly admit that when it comes to making long sparks, there are many who are far better than i __ Designed by Solid State Tesla Coil Dr. Gary L. Johnson

Solid State Tesla Coil Chapter 4 -  This book is written for people like me, challenged when faced with doing something without a recipe or complete set of instructions.  I will throw in things learned from other Tesla coil builders, but will quickly admit that when it comes to making long sparks, there are many who are far better than i __ Designed by Solid State Tesla Coil Dr. Gary L. Johnson

Solid State Tesla Coil Chapter 5 -  This book is written for people like me, challenged when faced with doing something without a recipe or complete set of instructions.  I will throw in things learned from other Tesla coil builders, but will quickly admit that when it comes to making long sparks, there are many who are far better than i __ Designed by Solid State Tesla Coil Dr. Gary L. Johnson

Solid State Tesla Coil Chapter 6 -  This book is written for people like me, challenged when faced with doing something without a recipe or complete set of instructions.  I will throw in things learned from other Tesla coil builders, but will quickly admit that when it comes to making long sparks, there are many who are far better than i __ Designed by Solid State Tesla Coil Dr. Gary L. Johnson

Solid State Tesla Coil Chapter 7 -  in this chapter, we deal with the design of the Tesla coil driver.  We will discuss several components or subsystems, including the power supply, the controller, the gate driver and inverter, the fast fuse, and the current sense resistors __ Designed by Solid State Tesla Coil Dr. Gary L. Johnson

Solid State Tesla Coil Chapter 8 -  This book is written for people like me, challenged when faced with doing something without a recipe or complete set of instructions.  I will throw in things learned from other Tesla coil builders, but will quickly admit that when it comes to making long sparks, there are many who are far better than i __ Designed by Solid State Tesla Coil Dr. Gary L. Johnson

Solid State Tesla Coil Chapter 9 -  This book is written for people like me, challenged when faced with doing something without a recipe or complete set of instructions.  I will throw in things learned from other Tesla coil builders, but will quickly admit that when it comes to making long sparks, there are many who are far better than i __ Designed by Solid State Tesla Coil Dr. Gary L. Johnson

Solid State Tesla Coil/High Voltage Generator -  This is a fun and useful circuit for demonstrating high frequency high voltage.  it can produce up to about 30KV, depending on the transformer used.  it is cheap and easy to make, thanks to the standard TV flyback transformer used.  it can power LASERS (although I have never tried) , demonstrate St.  Elmo's fire, and even cause a fluorescent bulb to light from as much as 2 feet away.   __ Designed by Aaron Cake

Solid-State Tesla Coil, #1 -  Nikola Tesla is considered by some to be the greatest inventor of our modern electrical age, and many experts consider him to be the true father of radio.  However, today he is best remembered for his facsinating wireless power-transmission experiments, using his famous Tesla Coil.  The high-frequency air-core, oscillating Tesla Coil is just as exciting today as it was back in 1899 __ Designed by Tony van Roon  VA3AVR

Solid-State Tesla Coil, #2 -  Nikola Tesla is considered by some to be the greatest inventor of our modern electrical age, and many experts consider him to be the true father of radio.  However, today he is best remembered for his facsinating wireless power-transmission experiments, using his famous Tesla Coil.  The high-frequency air-core, oscillating Tesla Coil is just as exciting today as it was back in 1899 __ Designed by Tony van Roon  VA3AVR

Square Tesla Coil -  Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of the Tesla Coil circuit.  The circuit consists of little more than a few coils, a step-up power transformer, and a capacitor.  Power from an AC wall receptacle is fed to transformer T1 (a small neon-sign transformer) which steps the voltage up to about 3000-volts AC __ Designed by Tony van Roon  VA3AVR

Tesla Coil/H Volt Generator -  This is a fun and useful circuit for demonstrating high frequency high voltage.  it can produce up to about 30KV, depending on the transformer used.  it is cheap and easy to make, thanks to the standard TV flyback transformer used.  it can power LASERS (although I have never tried) , demonstrate St.  Elmo's fire, and even cause a fluorescent bulb to light from as much as 2 feet away.   __ Designed by Aaron Cake

Tesla Power Receiver -  Here's something that has always bugged me: light waves are about 5000 Angstroms in wavelength, while atoms are more like 1 Angstrom across.  Atoms are thousands of times smaller than light waves, yet atoms obviously interact very strongly with light.  How can they do this? Perhaps they get around the problem by employing Quantum Mechanics (photon-physics rather than EM waves?) There must be some explanation. __ Designed by William J. Beaty

Triggered spark gap -  This is purely a construction article.  __ 

Tesla Coil Circuits

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