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Theremin Circuits

Last Updated: June 02, 2021 01:44 PM

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1 Transistor Theremin -  This design is from a magazine called "Divirta-se com a Eletrônica", which translates to "have fun with electronics", and, indeed, is very fun.  For those who don't know what a Theremin is, it's one of the first synths ever made and it's named after his inventor, Mr.  Leon Theremin (a Russian guy).  it's perhaps the only instrument which you don't actually touch: there's an antenna, and as the musician moves his hand near it, the pitch changes.  That's the thing Page used in "Whole Lotta Love" (he used it with an echo, to get even weirder).  This circuit is a very simplified version of a theremin, but is also very easy to build and really works! __ 

Build a Theremin for a Really Eerie Sound -  You wave your hands around mysteriously to play it.__ SiliconChip

Build an Optical Theremin -  Make music hands free!  __ Contact Jameco Electronics

Infrared Theremin Musical Instrument -  The constituents of the electronic circuitry in the invention are represented in the following figure, "Block Diagram of the Optical Theremin.  " Note that the interconnecting lines and arrows in the figure are representative of the signal process sequence, and not representative of specific electrical connections __ Designed by Arthur Harrison

mini Theremin Mk.2; Pt 2 -  Last month, we described the features of our new Theremin and gave the full circuit details.  This month, we show you how to build it and describe the adjustment procedures.__ SiliconChip

Mini Theremin Mk.2; Pt.1 -  Just move your fingers near the antennas of this theremin to create your own electronic music or eerie science fiction sounds.  it's easy to build, easy to set up and easy to play.__ SiliconChip

New, Improved Theremin Mk.2 -  This design is an upgrade of our most popular Theremin which was featured in the August 2000 issue.  We have added a voicing control, incorporated a larger loudspeaker and increased the power output.  We've also changed the power supply to avoid problems with switchmode DC plugpacks.__ SiliconChip

One Transistor Theremin -  This design is from a magazine called "Divirta-se com a Eletrônica", which translates to "have fun with electronics", and, indeed, is very fun.  For those who don't know what a Theremin is, it's one of the first synths ever made and it's named after his inventor, Mr.  Leon Theremin (a Russian guy).  it's perhaps the only instrument which you don't actually touch: there's an antenna, and as the musician moves his hand near it, the pitch changes.  That's the thing Page used in "Whole Lotta Love" (he used it with an echo, to get even weirder).  This circuit is a very simplified version of a theremin, but is also very easy to build and really works! __ 

The 125 Theremin -  A Vacuum Tube Pitch Theremin__ 

The 126 Theremin -  A Complete Vacuum Tube Theremin__ 

The 144 Theremin -  An improved Version of the Southwest Technical Products Model 142 Theremin__ 

The 145 Theremin -  An improved Version of the 144 Theremin__ 

The 2006 Minimum Theremin -  An improved Version of the Minimum Theremin__ 

The 203 Theremin -  A Battery-Operated Version of the Wien-Bridge Theremin__ 

The Minimum Theremin -  A Very Simple Pitch Theremin__ 

The Wien Bridge Theremin -  A Theremin without inductors__ 

Theremin -  This circuit uses a common CMOS 4069 IC .    The MC14069 is pin for pin compatible.   __ Designed by Tony van Roon  VA3AVR

Theremin for Tube Enthusiasts by Craig Sellen -  Nearly everyone who has ever watched television or attended a motion picture has heard music and background effects produced by a Theremin, yet relatively few could recognize the instrument, and fewer still have had the chance to own or play one.  With its astounding tonal and dynamic ranges, it has been used to produce background music and special effects in scores of science-fiction, fantasy, horror, and mystery shows __ Designed by C. Sellen

Theremin Model Introduction -  Since the publication of the type 144 theremin project article in September, 1998, many of them have been successfully constructed.  As in the 144, and its forerunner, the Southwest Technical Products model 142, the 145 theremin retains a heterodyne topology similar to that used by Mr.  Theremin in his original instruments. (8/03)  __ Designed by Arthur Harrison

Wien-bridge Theremin -  This circuit is a basic theremin with only a pitch control.  it uses the "heterodyne" technique, as did Theremin's original instrument.  Heterodyning is advantageous in its simplicity, and is made further attractive in this design by eliminating the coils that are usually hard to find (electronic design 10/05)  __ Designed by Arthur Harrison

Theremin Circuits

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