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Thermometer Circuits

Last Updated: November 29, 2023 04:30 AM

Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

A Digital Thermometer/Thermostat -  it covers the range from -55 °C to 1200°C and has an over or under temperature alarm and switched outputs for thermostatic control.__ SiliconChip

A Very Accurate Thermometer/Thermostat -  Based on the very accurate Dallas DS18B20 digital temperature sensor, this thermometer/thermostat provides accurate readings to one decimal point.  The LCD shows current, minimum and maximum temperature readings.  An internal buzzer will sound when temperature limits are exceeded.  it is intended for controlling air conditioners, heaters, cool rooms, wine cellars, etc.  The software is user-customisable.__ SiliconChip

AT89C2051 Digital Thermometer & Clock -  Build your own a laboratory instrument for measuring time and temperature.  The DigiThermo demonstrates the use of 'C' language, a dual-slope converter, LCD interfacing, and digital filtering as well.   __ Designed by Wichit Sirichote

Automotive Thermometer -  Keep tabs on in-car temperatures__ SiliconChip

AVR Thermometer -  Build a simple digital thermometer using 20-pin uC, AVR 90S2313 and DS1820.  The thermometer is capable of measuring temperature from -55C to +125C!  with 1 degreeC resolution.   __ Designed by Wichit Sirichote

AVR thermometer / thermostat based on an Atmel ATtiny2313 -  This is a simple thermostat that I designed to use with my central heating system.  When is not in use acts like a thermometer.  The prototype uses the AT90S2313 but it’s obsolete now, so I changed it with the pin to pin compatible ATtiny2313 (the photo shows my first prototype).  __ AVR Projects Dim

Build a Thermometer Kit -  Build your own modern thermometer. __ Contact Jameco Electronics

Celsius-to-digital thermometer works with remote sensor -  04/15/04  EDN Design Ideas:  You can use a single-supply system to precisely measure the temperature at a remote location with less than 1°C error over a 0 to 100°C range (Figure 1).  The circuit includes T1, a low-cost AD590 temperature sensor; IC 1, an AD8541 r Design by Elana Lian and Chau Tran, Analog Devices, Wilmington, MA

Digital Remote Thermometer -  This circuit is intended for precision centigrade temperature measurement, with a transmitter section converting to frequency the sensor's output voltage, which is proportional to the measured temperature.  The output frequency bursts are conveyed into the mains supply cables.  The receiver section counts the bursts coming from mains supply and shows the counting on three 7-segment LED displays.  The least significant digit displays tenths of degree and then a 00.0 to 99.9 °C range is obtained.  Transmitter-receiver distance can reach hundred meters, provided both units are connected to the mains supply within the control of the same light-meter.  __ Learning Electronics

Digital Remote Thermometer -  This circuit is intended for precision centigrade temperature measurement, with a transmitter section converting to frequency the sensor's output voltage, which is proportional to the measured temperature.  The output frequency bursts are conveyed into the mains supply cables.  The receiver section counts the bursts coming from mains supply and shows the counting on three 7-segment LED displays.  The least significant digit displays tenths of degree and then a 00.0 to 99.9 °C range is obtained.  Transmitter-receiver distance can reach hundred meters, provided both units are connected to the mains supply within the control of the same light-meter.   __ Contact Flavio Dellepiane, fladello @ tin.it

Digital Thermometer -  This digital thermometer can measure temperatures up to 150C with an accuracy of +_1C.  The temperature is read on a 1V full scale-deflection (FSD) moving-coil voltmeter or digital voltmeter.  Operational amplifier IC ...__ Electronics Projects for You

Digital Thermometer Sends Data over AC Power Line -  This circuit is intended for precision centigrade temperature measurement, with a transmitter section converting to frequency the sensor's output voltage, which is proportional to the measured temperature.  The output frequency bursts are conveyed into the mains supply cables.  The receiver section counts the bursts coming from mains supply and shows the counting on three 7-segment LED displays.  The least significant digit displays tenths of degree and then a 00.0 to 99.9 °C range is obtained.  Transmitter-receiver distance can reach hundred meters, provided both units are connected to the mains supply within the control of the same light-meter.   __ Contact Flavio Dellepiane, fladello @ tin.it

Digital Thermometer/Thermostat -  it covers the range from -55 °C to 1200°C and has an over or under temperature alarm and switched outputs for thermostatic control.__ SiliconChip

Digital Thermometer-Cum-Controller -  This standalone digital thermometer controls the temperature of a device according to its requirement.  it also displays the temperature on four 7-segment displays in the range of –55°C to +125°C.  At...__ Electronics Projects for You

Digithermo 0-100.0 °C -  Build your own a laboratory instrument for measuring time and temperature.  The DigiThermo demonstrates the use of 'C' language, a dual-slope converter, LCD interfacing, and digital filtering as well.   __ Designed by Wichit Sirichote

Four Temperatures 8 digit LED termometer, using PIC16 & LM50B -  Since I started my watercooling prejoect, I have been verry interested in how well it perform, the only way is to measure all temperatures before and after, The motherboard temperature sensors is useless unacurate, so i'm using LM50B.  By using this LM50B sensor I get 1 C of real accuracy I use a PIC 16F876 to drive a four two digits LED displays, the PIC 16 has 4 analog inputs with 10 bits resolution, now I can display 4 temperatures at the same time to monitor performance :-) I monitor CPU, Chipset, GFX card, Harddisks. __ Designed by Thomas Scherrer OZ2CPU

High-Temperature Thermometer/Thermostat -  Need to measure or control temperature over a very wide range? Now you can do it with this compact unit which hooks up to a K-type thermocouple.  it drives a relay which can be used to precisely control the temperature in ovens, kilns, autoclaves, solder baths or at the cold end of the spectrum, fridges and freezers.  it is based on an Analog Devices AD8495 precision instrumentation amplifier with thermocouple cold junction compensation.__ SiliconChip

LCD thermometer -  in this page, I introduce the LCD thermometer which is sold by "AkizukI DenshI Tsusho".  At this thermometer, the IC thermo sensor (S8100) or the diode (1S1588) is used as the thermo sensor.  When using the IC thermo sensor, the thermometry to +100°C from -40°C is possible.  Also, when using the diode, the measurement to +150°C from -20°C is possible.  Both sensors are contained in the kit.   __ Designed by Seiichi Inoue

LCD thermometer using PIC16F871 -  Build your own temperature meter for fun.  This project uses the Microchip TC77 digital temperature sensor,  a PIC 16F871 microcontroller and a 7-segment 3˝ digit LCD.  You can study the source code on how to drive an LCD display.   __ Designed by Peter Jakab

LED Thermometer -  This LED thermometer is designed for in home use, to read temperatures between about 60 and 78 degrees Fahrenheit.  it is based around a precision temperature sensor IC , the LM34DZ.  This sensor require no calibration and can measure temperatures of between -50F and +300F.  While the circuit shown here does not use the full range of that sensor, it can be modified to do so by simply changing the voltage reference to U2 at the sacrifice of precision. __ Designed by Aaron Cake

LTC1392: Temperature & Voltage Measurement in a Single Chip -  DN106 Design Notes__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices

MicroMinimal Thermometer -    NOTE: Must register on this site __ Designed by Published in Elecktor July/Aug, 2010

Programmable Electronic Thermostat -  it's programmed using a PC and has three relays to control external equipment.__ SiliconChip

Quartz crystal-based remote thermometer features direct Celsius readout -  03/17/05 EDN Design Ideas:  Although quartz crystals have served as temperature sensors, designers haven't taken advantage of the technology because few manufacturers offer the sensors as standard products (references 1 and 2].  in contrast to conventional resistance- or semiconductor-based sensors, a quartz-based sensor provide as inherently digital-signal conditioning, good stability, and a direct digital ou Design by Jim Williams and Mark Thoren, Linear Technology Corp

Remote Digital Thermometer sends data over AC Power line -  This circuit is intended for precision centigrade temperature measurement, with a transmitter section converting to frequency the sensor's output voltage, which is proportional to the measured temperature.  The output frequency bursts are conveyed into the mains supply cables.  The receiver section counts the bursts coming from mains supply and shows the counting on three 7-segment LED displays.  The least significant digit displays tenths of degree and then a 00.0 to 99.9 °C range is obtained.  Transmitter-receiver distance can reach hundred meters, provided both units are connected to the mains supply within the control of the same light-meter.   __ Contact Flavio Dellepiane, fladello @ tin.it

Simple Circuit LM335 thermometer -  The circuit consists of two parts: The LM335 and its adjustment.  The output of the LM335 is 10 millivolts per degree C, with 25 degrees C corresponding to 2.982 VDC.  A reference circuit provides a zero reference voltage.  it is adjusted to (2.982 volts - (25 degrees x 10 millivolts/degree) = 2.732 volts.  To read the temperature of the LM335 directly in degrees C, connect the + lead from a high impedance DVMto the output pin and the - end of the DVM to the 2.732 volt pin.   __ Designed by Dick Cappels

TempBug-- Internet-Connected Thermometer -  26-Jun-14 -Design News:   Last January, we had some trouble with the heat in my office -- specifically, the kind of trouble wherein the heat is not on, you turn it up, and it is still not on.  This went on for more than a few days and finally ended a day or two after we got an email announcing that the heat was broken and __  Gadget Freak-Case #257

Temperature & Voltage Measurement in a Single Chip LTC1392 -  DN106 Design Notes__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices

Temperature Controller (AVR + DS1621) -  Wine doesn't like subzero temperatures, and during wintertime, my "winecellar" got pretty cold.  There was an electric heating element, but the thermostat was broken, so it was either full burn or nothing.  That's how the temperature monitor/controller came to be.  it was an obvious task for a small processor and I'vealways wanted to test the Dallas temperature sensors.  So, I designed this little device which could monitor the temperature and control the heater.  it's based on an AT90S2313 and a Dallas DS1621 Digital Thermometer.  The temperature is displayed on a dual 7-segment__ 

Temperature Measurement -  Measures temperature via SMT160-30, shows it on LCD and communicates with RS232 (sends values of temperature to terminal __ 

Tempmaster Electronic Thermostat Mk.2 -  Want to convert an old chest-type freezer into an energy-efficient fridge? Or convert a spare standard fridge into an excellent wine cooler? These are just two of the jobs this low-cost and easy-to-build electronic thermostat has been designed to do.  it can also be used to control 12V fridges or freezers, as well as heaters in hatcheries and fish tanks.  it controls the fridge/freezer or heater directly via their power cables, so there's no need to modify their internal wiring.__ SiliconChip

Thermocouple Interfaces to Serial Port -  11/09/95 EDN Design Ideas:  The circuit in Figure 1 acquires temperature data via an iBM PC serial port using a thermocouple-based sensor.  The sensor is a type-K (chromel-alumel]thermocouple.  When in contact, the dissimilar metals produce a potential difference that is a function of temperature.  Additional thermocouple junctions Design by Daniel Segarra, Sipex Corp  Billerica, MA

Thermometer with Four-Digit LED Display -  Until recently, the Philips SAA1064 LED driver IC has been a sort of unofficial standard for driving seven-segment LED displays.  it can be used to implement four-digit displays that can be driven over an i2C bus.  must register on this site __ Designed by Published in Elecktor July/Aug, 2010

Thermometer-Thermostat -  This is a simple thermostat that I designed to use with my central heating system.  When is not in use acts like a thermometer.  The prototype uses the AT90S2313 but it’s obsolete now, so I changed it with the pin to pin compatible ATtiny2313 (the photo shows my first prototype).  __ AVR Projects Dim

Thermostat with Adjustable Hysteresis -  Switching Circuits:  This small thermostat allows you to select the size of its hysteresis.  You can set both the temperature at which the relay will energize - and the temperature at which the relay will de-energize.  The difference between these two temperatures is the hysteresis.  __ Designed by Ron J.

Thermostat with LED Temperature Display -  I needed to replace two old, unreliable thermostats for controlling the heating and cooling for a large garden shed.  Commercial basic thermostats are available quite cheaply, but some lack the ability to control heavy loads or have the extra features that I require for saving energy when the door is often left open or to indicate temperature being out of range etc.  I like the PIC 18F1320 microcontroller used in my previous project, so decided to use it again in a very similar design to drive three multiplexed LED displays and read the temperature from a Dallas/DS18x20 "1-Wire" sensor.   __ Designed by D. Thorpe, 2006

Transistor Forms RS-232C Digital Thermometer -  05/09/96 EDN Design Ideas:  An ordinary transistor can serve as an uncalibrated temperature sensor (Figure 1) for an accurate, PC-compatible thermometer.  Unadjusted accuracy is more than0.5°:C over the -50 to +50°C range, and the only limitation on resolution is the time devoted to measurement acquisition Design by WS Woodward, University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill

Wireless Digital Thermometer for Multiple Sensors -  A lot of remote sensing thermometers have a problem with measuring more than one temperature at a time. To overcome this problem, a different technique is adopted here, which allows you to...__ Electronics Projects for You

Thermometers and/or Temperature Detectors, Monitors orSensors

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