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Three-Phase Circuits

Last Updated: June 02, 2021 01:44 PM

Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

$5 junkbox Determines Phase Sequence  -  04/23/98 EDN Design Ideas:  NOTE: File contains multiple circuits scroll to find this circuit.  Have you ever wondered which way a blower motor is going to turn when you plug it into anor socket, or have you ever inherited  task of modifying three-phase wiring in your plant?    Design by Hugh Adams, Fort Walton Beach, FL

60 Hz Modulator records process variables -  02/16/98 EDN Design Ideas:  (File contains several circuits, scroll to find this one) The circuit in Figure 1 allows you to record process variables (4 to 20 mA, 0 to 10V dc]on a three-phase power monitor designed to record only ac waveforms.  Many of se recorders have a seventh channel, normally used for recording neutral current, which you can use as a process-variable input.  The circuit operates Design by Warren Jochem, Research Triangle Institute, Research Triangle Park, NC

Circuit eases three-phase Monitoring -  12/17/98 EDN Design Ideas:  Measuring line-to-line voltages in a delta-connected three-phase system can present special problems.  Because all three lines may be floating several hundred volts above ground, you can not use nonisolated, grounded oscilloscopes or other single-ended instruments.  Special isolation amplifiers are available for oscilloscopes, but they can cost several thousand dollars.  You still need to make three measurements even with proper instrumentation   Page includes several designs.  Scroll to find this one Design by Henno Normet, Tavares, FL

Inverters form three-phase VCO -  08/04/01 EDN Design Ideas:  You sometimes need an inexpensive VCO that can produce evenly spaced three-phase outputs over a wide frequency range.  You could use tracking all-phase filters with only one oscillator, but this technique is difficult to implement and offers limited range.  Other methods, such as using a DSP, are feasible, but they're complex and expensive Design by Al Dutcher, AL Labs, West Deptford, NJ

Level-shifting nixes need for dual power supply -  01/06/00 EDN Design Ideas:  The AD736 true-rms-to-dcconverter is useful for many applications that require precise calculation of the rms value of a waveform.  This converter can determine the true rms value, the average rectified value, or the absolute value of a myriad input wavefo Design by Ron Olmstead, Westcor, Sunnyvale, CA

Optocoupler simplifies power-line Monitoring -  10-Jan-02 EDN Design Ideas:  The use of a linear optocoupler and a capacitor-based power supply yields a simple, yet precise power-line-monitoring system.  The circuit in Figure 1 converts the 110V-ac power-line voltage to an ac output voltage centered at 2.5V, covering 0 to 5V.  The circuit isolates the output signal from the power line Design by Alfredo del Rio and Ana Cao y Paz, University of Vigo, Spain

Phase Coupler for PLC or X10 Network -  As long as the AC power grid does not carry too much interference, power line carrier communications (PLC) works very well in homes with single-phase AC.  Unfortunately, this is not the case with a 3-phase installation.  if the transmitter and receiver find themselves on different phases, they cannot communicate! .  must register on this site __ Designed by Published in Elecktor July/Aug, 2010

RF transmitter uses AM I encoding -  11/24/99 EDN Design Ideas:  Although alternate-mark-inversion (AMi]encoding is well-suited for direct-conversion FM transmission, designers often overlook the technique.  AMi, a three-phase, synchronous-encoding technique, uses bipolar pulses to represent logic ones and no signal to Design by Paul Sofianos

Self-modifying code extends addressing Mode -  12/17/98 EDN Design Ideas:  As just about any assembly-language programmer knows, self-modifying code (SMC) is usually undesirable, unintentional, and destructive.  However, the SMC routine in Listing 1 is extremely useful to extend the indexed, 16-bit offset addressing mode of the venerable HC05 µC from 8 bits, or 256 locations, to the full 13-bit (8-kbyte) memory address space that the µC’s architecture supports.  This routine is very useful for error tables, text messages tables, or any array manipulation for a large number of elements.    Design  Paul Sofianos, Motorola Inc, Tempe, AZ

Three Phase Basics -  Get an understanding of three phase wiring in wind turbine alternators.   __ Designed by REUK-Renewable Energy UK website

Three Phase Bridge Rectifier -  Find out about three phase bridge rectifiers.   __ Designed by REUK-Renewable Energy UK website

Three Phase Voltage Multiplier -  The Cockcroft-Walton turbine voltage multiplier.   __ Designed by REUK-Renewable Energy UK website

Three Phase Circuits

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