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Tilt Meter Circuits

Last Updated: June 02, 2021 01:44 PM

Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

Adjustment Free Inclinometer operates on 27V -  4/24/97 EDN Design Ideas:  The circuit in Figure 1 is an inclinometer (tilt-measuring circuit] in which the sensor is filled with liquid electrolyte.  Acting like a potentiometer, this sensor produces a voltage proportional to the tilt on the center electrode.  Because the liquid is subject to electrolysis, the sensor must have an ac-forcing voltage with an average dc component of zero Design by John Wettroth, Maxim Integrated Products, Sunnyvale, CA

Arduino-Based Tilt Detector -  An accelerometer, which is an electromechanical device, can be used for various applications like tilt detection, obstacle detection, motion inputs, earthquake sensing, etc.  Tilt detection is a simple application of an...__ Electronics Projects for You

Implement an audio-frequency tilt-equalizer filter -  EDN Design Ideas:  02/02/2012    Developing the transfer functions lets you customize the filter Design by Francesco Balena, Electro-Acoustic Design, Conselve  PD, Italy

Precision Tilt/Fall Detector Consumes Less Than 1.5 Mw -  3-Dec-09 EDN Design Ideas:  Detect X-axis position and indicate it with an LED Design by Marián Stofka, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia

Sequential Tilt-Motion Lock -  Here is a project for locking and unlocking with a tilt sensor by tilting it in a defined sequence.  it uses an accelerometer module to detect the tilt motion.  if the...__ Electronics Projects for You

Tilt Sensor Alarm -  Ultra simple circuit of the tilt sensor alarm presented here can be fabricated using readily available inexpensive components.  The circuit is a true transistor based design.  Home made Tilt sensor for this circuit is an ordinary little glass/plastic bottle with two metal needles inserted through its cap, and a small quantity of __ Designed by T.K. Hareendran

Tilt Switch -  The output is LOW at start-up due to the capacitor on pin 4.  When the mercury switch closes, the output goes HiGH and remains HiGH until the reset button is pressed.  This circuit is called a LATCH.  __ 555-Timer

Tilt/Fall Detector Has Staggered Thresholds -  18-Feb-10 EDN Design Ideas:  Comparators and a voltage-divider network let you set threshold levels Design by Marián Stofka, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia

Tilt Meters

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