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Triangle Wave Generator Circuits

Last Updated: November 22, 2021 02:42 PM

Circuits Designed by Dave Johnson, P.E. :

40Khz Precision Triangle Generator -  This circuit generates a precision 40KHz triangle waveform . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David A. Johnson P.E.-July, 2006

Precision 40Khz Triangle Generator -  This circuit generates a precision 40KHz triangle waveform. . . Circuit by Dave Johnson P.E.-July, 2006

Triangle Signal Generator -  A Discover Circuits visitor needed a variable low frequency triangle signal generator, which would produce a full 5 volts peak to peak signal using a 5v supply.  I suggested the circuit below.  it uses three rail to rail op amps (2 LMC6484 dual op amp packages).  The first circuit produces a clean 2.5v reference voltage.  The second is configured as a classic multivibrator oscillator . . . Hobby Circuit designed by Dave Johnson P.E.-September, 2011

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Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

40Khz Precision Triangle Generator -  This circuit generates a precision 40KHz triangle waveform . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David A. Johnson P.E.-July, 2006

High-Fidelity Triangle-Wave Generator Consumes Only 6 µA -  16-Oct-03 EDN Design Ideas:  ideal triangle waves involve infinite d2V/dt2, so high-fidelity triangle waves entail very high bandwidths.  Micropower circuits have fairly low bandwidth, so generating good triangle waves with such circuitry becomes problematic.  The circuits of Figure 1 show two methods of generating triangle waves Design by Glen Brisebois, Linear Technology Corp, Milpitas, CA

Precision 40Khz Triangle Generator -  This circuit generates a precision 40KHz triangle waveform. . . Circuit by Dave Johnson P.E.-July, 2006

Scheme yields Frequency Locked Triangle Waves -  02/02/98 EDN Design ideas:  The circuit in Figures 1 and 2 generates frequency-locked triangle waves of constant amplitude.  it uses readily available TTL and other older-technology parts.  The circuit portion in Figure 1 comprises the frequency dividers, counters, and converter.  The portion in Figure 2 contains current sources, output circuits,  Design by Daniel Dufresne, Decatron, St Bruno, PQ, Canada

Summer Linearizes Ramp & Triangle Generator -  12/08/94 EDN Design ideas:  The ramp generator in Fig 1a and the triangle-wave generator in Fig 1b charge capacitor C1 linearly.  The key to the circuits' linearity is an op-amp adder that sums a reference voltage with the voltage on C1.  For Fig 1a's ramp generator, the adder comprises op-amp IC 1, R4, R5, and associated components Design by Valery G Chkalov, Scientific Association "Typhoon," Obnisk, Russia

Transconductance Amp Gives Oscillator Reciprocal Response -  17-Apr-03 EDN Design Ideas:  High-side current sensor monitors negative rail - The circuit in Figure 1 is a variation on the familiar integrator/comparator triangle-wave oscillator, which you typically implement with two op amps.  An integrator and a comparator connect in a positive-feedback loop; the comparator drives the integrator and vice versa.  A fixed amount of hysteresis exists in the comparator, producing a triangle wave at the integrator's output Design by Mike Irwin, Shawville, PQ, Canada

Triangle & Square Wave Generator -  Here is a simple triangle/squarewave generator using a common 1458 dual op-amp that can be used from very low frequencies to about 10 Khz.  The time interval for one half cycle is about R*C and the outputs will supply about 10 milliamps of current.  Triangle amplitude can __ Designed by Bill Bowden

Triangle / Square wave generator -  Transistor Q1, a 2N3563, and its associated components form an oscillator circuit that will oscillate if, and only if, a good crystal is connected to the test clips.  The output from the oscillator is then rectified by the 1N4148 signal diode and filtered by C3, a 100pF capacitor.   __ Designed by Izhar Fareed

Triangle Signal Generator -  A Discover Circuits visitor needed a variable low frequency triangle signal generator, which would produce a full 5 volts peak to peak signal using a 5v supply.  I suggested the circuit below.  it uses three rail to rail op amps (2 LMC6484 dual op amp packages).  The first circuit produces a clean 2.5v reference voltage.  The second is configured as a classic multivibrator oscillator . . . Hobby Circuit designed by Dave Johnson P.E.-September, 2011

Yield Frequency Locked Triangle Waves -  02/02/98 EDN Design Ideas:  The circuit in Figures 1 and 2 generates frequency-locked triangle waves of constant amplitude.  it uses readily available TTL and other older-technology parts.  The circuit portion in Figure 1 comprises the frequency dividers, counters, and converter.  The portion in Figure 2 contains current sources, output circuits,  Design by Daniel Dufresne, Decatron, St Bruno, PQ, Canada

Triangle Wave Generator Circuits

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