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Triggering Circuits

Last Updated: June 02, 2021 01:44 PM

Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

CMOS Gate Implements Reverse Phase Control -  05/21/98 EDN Design ideas:  (FILE has severa circuits, scroll down) The circuit in Figure 1 implements a "reverse" phase control, using only a single CMOS 4001 quad NOR gate.  The circuit is known as a reverse phase control because, unlike with common TRIAC or SCR controls, conduction begins at the zero crossing of the ac sine wave.  Timing of the turn-off point Design by JC Johnson, Lithonia Lighting, Decatur, GA

DSO-triggering scheme is cheap & efficient -  05/07/98 EDN Design ideas:  NOTE:    Page includes several designs, scroll to find this one.   Although a logic analyzer is useful in troubleshooting a new design, nothing beats a digital storage oscilloscope (DSO) for the ability to see bus levels and timing.  However, the trigger mechanisms on most DSOs are not  sophisticated enough to trigger on a specific m P bus state Design by Robert Perrin, Z-World, Davis, CA

LED flasher & TRIAC pulser work off AC line -  01/15/98 EDN Design ideas:  (This File contains several Design ideas, please scoll to this one) A flashing LED is an excellent visual alarm.  Unfortunately, the LED is a dc device and requires additional circuitry to operate from an ac source.  Several circuits can perform the necessary function, but the circuit in Figure 1a  is the most efficient Design by Dennis Eichenberg, Parma Heights, OH

Positive Trigger Timer -  This 555 timer is designed unusually to give a positive output through a control over its reset pin.  Usually the timer IC 555 is triggered by applying a negative going pulse to its trigger pin 2.  This timer is triggered through a positive pulse in its reset pin.  in the monostable mode IC 555 starts timing cycle when a negative __ Designed by D Mohankumar

Trigger for Strobes -  This page contains some information on circuits which can be used for triggering stroboscopes from external circuits.  The circuit here are designed to be integrate to strboscope circuits so that they can triggered using external trigger pulse.  The standard trigger pulse used in professional stroboscope controllers is 3-10V pulse.  if you don't already have a suitable controller,  __ Designed by Tomi Engdahl

Trigger Locks onto one Horizontal Line -  09/02/96 EDN Design ideas:  Produces an oscilloscope trigger that synchronizes the horizontal sweep to a video signal that allows you to view any horizontal line by adjusting a potentiometer Design by Richard J Nachazel, Vista Electronics, Ramona, CA

Typical Strobe Light Trigger -  555 based Timing circuit which triggers a SCR which controls the trigger transformer __ Designed by Don Klipstein

Triggering Circuits

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