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UHF (Ultra High Frequency) Circuits

Last Updated: December 31, 2017 06:45 AM

Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics, designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

2 Stage Chaotic Colpitts Oscillator for the UHF range -  Chaos in the Colpitts oscillator was first reported at the kilohertz frequencies [1].  Later the circuit was investigated in the high frequency (HF: 3 to 30 MHz) range [2, 3].  Chaotic oscillations were demonstrated.  __ 

3-Channel UHF Rolling-Code Remote Control, Pt.1 -  This high-security 3-button UHF transmitter and receiver can be used for keyless entry into homes and commercial premises and for controlling garage doors and external lighting.  Three separate outputs on the receiver can be used to activate various electrical devices such as a door strike, a motorised garage door and 230VAC lights.  Up to 16 transmitters can be used with the one receiver so it's even suitable for a small business.__ SiliconChip

450MHz-800MHz UHF Preamplifier -  This circuit is designed to work at UHF frequencies in the range 450-800MHz.  it has a gain of around 10dB and is suitable for boosting weak TV signals __ Designed by Andy Collison

5 Watt UHF TV Amplifier -  This small circuit is a Linear amplifier for driving small UHF TV transmitters.  its gain is 7dB and can amplify a signal between 450-800 MHz.  You can drive the circuit with 1 to 1, 5 Watts signal.  Better use double layer PCB with the second layer connected to earth.  Use a stabilized power supply 25 volts and at least 5Amps.  The transistor case is the SOT-122A and be careful because the transistor is very toxic for your health.  Tuning can be achieved turning the two variable capacitors.  Do not forget to use heat sink for both transistors, specially for the BLW89 and it would be better if you place a small fan as well.__ 

A 3-Channel UHF Rolling-Code Remote Control, Pt.1 -  This high-security 3-button UHF transmitter and receiver can be used for keyless entry into homes and commercial premises and for controlling garage doors and external lighting.  Three separate outputs on the receiver can be used to activate various electrical devices such as a door strike, a motorised garage door and 230VAC lights.  Up to 16 transmitters can be used with the one receiver so it's even suitable for a small business.__ SiliconChip

A Real Yagi Antenna for UHF CB -  Are you good at scrounging? All it takes is some plastic conduit and a couple of wire coat hangers to build this really effective antenna__ SiliconChip

CMOS Inverter VCO tunes octave to UHF -  11/19/98 EDN Design Ideas:  NOTE:  File contain several designs.  Scroll to find this one.  A robust and versatile vco provide as a stable output to 300 MHz (Figure 1).  The circuit's simplicity, unconditional stability, and consistent high-drive capability over an octave make the oscillator ideal for many applications, such as synthesized sources, local oscillators, and transmitters.  The AHC logic family (Texas instruments, www. Ti.com) makes the circuit's performance possible.  AHC is a relatively new line of CMOS logic whose high speeds and good noise performance allow oscillator operation into regions in which bipolar-junction-transistor and FET designs prevail. __ Circuit Design by Shawn Stafford, AM Communications Inc, Quakertown, PA  

PC or PICAXE interface for UHF remote control -  Simple circuit lets you control the Oatley Electronics 4-Channel UHF Transmitter using a PC or PIC AX__ SiliconChip

Real Yagi AntennFor UHF CB -  Are you good at scrounging? All it takes is some plastic conduit and a couple of wire coat hangers to build this really effective antenna__ SiliconChip

Rolling code 4-channel UHF remote Control -  it has a long range, its rolling code is virtually unbreakable, it uses a keyring transmitter and it's ideal for use with garage door controllers. __ Designed by Frank Crivelli & Peter Crowcroft

Two Stage Chaotic Colpitts Oscillator for the UHF range -  Chaos in the Colpitts oscillator was first reported at the kilohertz frequencies [1].  Later the circuit was investigated in the high frequency (HF: 3 to 30 MHz) range [2, 3].  Chaotic oscillations were demonstrated.  __ 

UHF antenna Amplifier -  This amplifier circuit is used to amplify TV signals in UHF range.  it uses a low-noise transistor and gives 10 to 15 dB amplification in the frequency range from 400 MHz to 850 MHz.  The transistor must be shielded from the input components and in__ 

UHF Bypass & Decoupling -  RF Bypass and Filtration in a UHF VCO __ Contact Vasily Ivanenko

UHF TV PreAmplifier -  This circuit is designed to work at UHF frequencies in the range 450-800MHz.  it has a gain of around 10dB and is suitable for boosting weak TV signals __ Designed by Andy Collison

UHF-TV Preamplifier -  Circuit only__ 

VHF Video Transmitter 60-200 MHz -  Here's a simple video transmitter for VHF TV channel will accept baseband video input, hence it can be driven by most CCD cameras and VCR video outputs.  it ouputs roughly 80mW and when used with a 40cm telescopic antenna over 100 meters range is possible.__ 

VHF/UHF Prescaler -  The recommended Prescaler is ridiculously simple.  it consists of just one IC , a TV tuner prescaler, the Philips SAB6456A, which can divide by 64 or by 256.  This chip is widely available both new and in the surplus market at much lower prices than conventional divide by 10 prescalers.  __ 

VHF/UHF TV Modulator -  Simple oscillator that generates a frequency in the VHF or UHF region.  The oscillator is modulated with the video signal and the modulated carrier wave thus generated is fed into the TV set's aerial input via a cable.  Then all that remains to do is tune the TV to the correct frequency.  __ 

UHF (Ultra High Frequency) Circuits

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