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Voltage Multiplier, Voltage Doubler Circuits
Last Updated on: Wednesday, June 02, 2021 05:07 AM

Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

16- 16-Bit Multiplication in 15 ns  -  File contains several designs, please scroll to find this circuit. . . .  [Analog Devices-Analog Dialogue by Fair, David]

A Diode Ladder Multiplies Voltage Under Software Control -  12/01/11  EDN Design Idea   An eight-pin micro multiplies, monitors, and delivers a boosted voltage to a load. . . .  [by William Grill, Riverhead Systems, Greeley, CO]

Accurate, Low-Cost, Easy-to-Use IC Multiplier -  Analog Devices-Analog Dialogue. . .  [by Gilbert, Barrie]
AN804: Design Alternatives to the TC682 for Perfoming Inverting Voltage Doubler Functions TC682, TCM828/9, TC1209/20, TC1142 -  Application Note Published 28-Oct-03. . .  [Microchip]

Circuit Forms Single-Pulse Voltage Multiplier -  09/18/03  EDN Design Idea   It is sometimes necessary for a microcontroller to generate a pulse whose voltage is higher than the power-supply voltage of the microcontroller. The circuit in Figure 1 allows you to generate 14V pulses from a 5V power supply. An . . .  [by Richard Cappels, Mesa, AZ]

DC Voltage Multiplier Circuit Plans -  Build a circuit to boost the voltage of a DC power source using a MAX756 IC Chip. . . .  [REUK-Renewable Energy UK website]

Design Alternatives to the TC682 for Perfoming Inverting Voltage Doubler Functions TC682, TCM828/9, TC1209/20, TC1142 -  Application Note Published 28-Oct-03. . .  [Microchip]

Diode Ladder Multiplies Voltage Under Software Control -  12/01/11  EDN Design Idea   An eight-pin micro multiplies, monitors, and delivers a boosted voltage to a load. . . .  [by William Grill, Riverhead Systems, Greeley, CO]

High Current Voltage Regulation -  Connect voltage regulators in parallel to increase the current which can be regulated. . . .  [REUK-Renewable Energy UK website]

Making Voltage Doublers and Multipliers -  Find out how to construct an AC voltage doubler circuit. Extend it to a tripler circuit and more. . . .  [REUK-Renewable Energy UK website]

Microcontroller delivers Voltage-multiplied DC Power -  11-May-06 EDN Design Idea   Use the microcontroller's comparator and PWM blocks to form a simple inductor-based boost converter. . .  [by Aaron Lager, Masterwork Electronics, Santa Rosa, CA]

Push-Pull 846 -  schmatic only. . .  [puechmor AT mygale.org]

Single-Pulse Voltage Multiplier -  09/18/03  EDN Design Idea   It is sometimes necessary for a microcontroller to generate a pulse whose voltage is higher than the power-supply voltage of the microcontroller. The circuit in Figure 1 allows you to generate 14V pulses from a 5V power supply. An . . .  [by Richard Cappels, Mesa, AZ]

Three Phase Voltage Multiplier -  The Cockcroft-Walton turbine voltage multiplier. . . .  [REUK-Renewable Energy UK website]

Voltage doubler -  this circuit rougly doubles the voltage of the input, however the current output is low. doubled output is at 'V source. ' . . .  [Andy Wilson's site]

Voltage doubler improves accuracy -  02/05/09  EDN Design Idea   A transistor's low saturation voltage results in less loss. . .  [by Chekcheyev, Tiraspol, Moldova]

Voltage Doubler Input  DCC Only Block Occupancy Detector -  This circuit would be used to hold a BLOCK OCCUPIED condition as a train passes out of the block even if the normal detector is not sensing a train. The Helper circuit uses phototransistor type light activated detectors to sense that a train is still in the block, even though the engine has left that block. . .  [from Rob Paisley's Model Train web site]

Voltage Multiplier Circuit -  A collection of simple but useful circuits made with silicon diodes. Scroll to find the voltage multiplier circuit. . . .  [Jose Pino]

Voltage Multiplier, Voltage Doubler Circuits

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