Autoreferencing nulls out sensor errors - 24-Jan-02 EDN Design Ideas: The autoreferencing circuit in Figure 1 nulls out the error of a sensor, such as a pressure transducer, at its reference level-for example, at ambient pressure. The circuit is an analog-digital-feedback control system that uses a digitally programmable potentiometer to provide the variability Design by Chuck Wojslaw, Catalyst Semiconductor, Sunnyvale, CA Build an Accurate Bipolar Voltage Reference - EDN-Design ideas -- 05/12/11 Use a precision amplifier to get a voltage reference from a single power supply. Pulse generators often need voltage comparators with accurately defined hysteresis, and such comparators need bipolar voltage references. Most voltage-reference-cell ICs are referenced to their low-side supply rail. if your circuit needs both positive and negative voltages, you could create the negative reference voltage by connecting a −1 gain inverter to the output of an IC reference cell. if your analog circuit runs from a single power supply, however, you must shift the common-mode voltage to a specific level. You can use the circuit in Figure 1 for that task. Design by Marián Štofka, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia
Build your own laboratory precision voltage reference - 05/24/07 Video Design ideas-EDN Mark Thoren, mixed-signal application engineering manager with Linear Technology, demonstrates an amplifier-based Circuit design for a relatively inexpensive precision voltage source. Design by Mark Thoren, mixed-signal application engineering manager with Linear Technology
Build Your Own Laboratory Precision Voltage Source-LT1206, LT1881, LT1010, LT1017 - Every electronics lab needs a couple different types of voltage sources. Power supplies are the obvious choice, but these bench top supplies are not very stable over time and temperature, they cannot sink current and it can be very difficult to set an accurate voltage. This video gives a step-by-step demonstration of an amplifier __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Mark Thoren-Applications Engineering Manager Jun 15th 2008
Cheap pushbutton replaces rotary switch - 26-Oct-00 EDN Design Ideas: The problem of setting any one of four modes of aµC-operated process has a straightforward solution Have the µC check the states of some 4 bits of aµC. Design by Abel Raynus, Armatron International Inc, Melrose, MA
Dual Buffered ±0.617V Reference Powered by Two AA Batteries - Lower OpAmp is a precision inverter setting outputs to set the outputs at the same magnitude but opposite polarity. The upper OpAmp drives the positive output so that the difference of the two outputs is the reference voltage, so the result is that half the reference voltage is the magnitude of the outputs__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Jun 21st 2011
Innovation Pushes State-of-the-Art in Voltage References - Most system designers use voltage references in their circuits. While many will agree that the performance may ultimately be limited by the reference, they are often unclear as to why. With so many reference products available, designers often choose based on a tradeoff between price and precision, using only initial accuracy __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Brendan Whelan Nov 8th 2010
Instrumentation Circuitry Using RMS-to-DC Converters - Linear Technology AN106 __ Designed by Jim Williams - Feb 21st, 2007
LS8 Package Improves Stability of Voltage References - Stability of precision electronic circuits is often dominated by the stability of the voltage reference. Most electronic systems rely on one or more voltage references to ensure that measurements or performance meets specifications, especially over long periods of time. Environmental factors directly affect the stability __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Brendan Whelan Design Manager-Signal Conditioning Products Feb 12th 2013
LTC6655 0.25ppm Noise, Low Drift Precision Buffered Reference Family-Video Product Brief - The LTC6655 is a complete family of precision bandgap voltage references, offering exceptional noise and drift performance. This low noise and drift is ideally suited for the high resolution measurements required by instrumentation and test equipment. in addition, the LTC6655 is fully specified over the temperature range of __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Lailanie Reyes-Signal Conditioning Marketing Team Jan 5th 2010
Micropower, 10ppm/°C, ±5V Reference - The left OpAmp precisely amplifies the 1.2V shunt reference to +5V and the right section inverts that to make -5V. __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Jun 21, 2011
Power-Miserly Voltage Reference Needs Just One Pin - 20-Aug-09 EDN Design Ideas: A capacitor holds a reference voltage so that the microcontroller pin can perform other tasks Design by Peter T Miller, Applied Inspirations LLC, Bethlehem, CT
Precision ±10V Reference - A precision 6.9V reference can be scaled up to +10V and then inverted with a precision -1 gain stage to provide symmetrical +/-10V reference voltages. The 3.3 K resistor feeding back to the + input of the non inverting amplifier maintains a constant 1mA of current to bias the zener reference device. __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Jun 21st 2011
Precision Voltage follower - in the previous op-amp experiment, the amplifier was used in "open-loop" mode; that is, without any feedback from output to input. As such, the full voltage gain of the operational amplifier was available, resulting in the output voltage saturating __ Designed by © EETech Media, LLC.
Precision voltage reference Delivers 80 mA - 12/01/06 EDN Design Ideas: Robust, 4.096V reference source packs a punch Design by James Horste and Gary Staiman, Maxim Integrated Products Inc, Sunnyvale, CA
Pushbutton replaces rotary switch - 26-Oct-00 EDN Design Ideas: The problem of setting any one of four modes of aµC-operated process has a straightforward solution Have the µC check the states of some 4 bits of aµC. Design by Abel Raynus, Armatron International Inc, Melrose, MA
Regulator Makes Dual Tracking Reference - 11/07/96 EDN Design Ideas: You can use the venerable 723 voltage regulator in new and unusual ways. For example, you can modify its topology as in Figure 1 to yield a low-component-count, dual-polarity tracking voltage reference. The 723, a long-time standard in power-supply design, is a flexible IC that includes a temperature-compensated voltage reference, an error amplifier, Design by James Mears, National Semiconductor, Tacoma, WA
Save 3 DB of Output Power using Feedback to Set the Output Impedance - 10/06/11 EDN Design Ideas: You can use this with high-side or low-side output current sensing. Design by Vic Jordan, Carson City, NV
Self Buffered Micropower Reference - The OpAmp provides controlled bias current to a shunt reference through its supply connection. Since the OpAmp can operate with both inputs and outputs at the low-side supply potential, the buffer action works properly for sourcing output current at the same voltage as the reference itself. __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Jun 21st 2011
Supply Delivers Pin-Programmable Multiple References - 1-May-03 EDN Design Ideas: in the circuit of Figure 1, the REF01, IC 1, is a buried-zener-diode-based, precision 10V reference that features minimal noise and drift over temperature. The circuit provide as not only the 10V output of the REF01, but also a 5V output that a REF02 reference would deliver. in addition, the circuit provide as -5V, -10V, and an unbalanced dual reference, the sum of whose voltages is precisely 10V Design by V Manoharan, Kochi, India
Two Terminal Current Source - The OpAmp buffers the upper potential of a shunt regulator to set a voltage drop on R1 equal to the reference. The net current to RL is the programmed R1 current plus the quiescent supply current of the OpAmp passing through the reference. __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Jun 21st 2011
Versatile Micropower Voltage Reference Provides Resistor Programmable Output from 0.4V to 18V - DN351 Design Notes__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices
Video Design Idea: Build your own laboratory precision voltage reference - 05/24/07 Video Design ideas-EDN Mark Thoren, mixed-signal application engineering manager with Linear Technology, demonstrates an amplifier-based Circuit design for a relatively inexpensive precision voltage source. Design by Mark Thoren, mixed-signal application engineering manager with Linear Technology
Voltage Reference Collection - AN42 A wide variety of voltage reference circuits are detailed in this extensive guidebook of circuits. The detailed schematics cover simple and precision approaches at a variety of power levels. included are 2 and 3 terminal devices in series and shunt modes for positive and negative polarities__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices
Voltage reference improves JFET - 26-Oct-00 EDN Design Ideas: The common JFET current-source in Figure 1a has average output impedance and depends heavily on the JFET's VP and iDSS variations. These manufacturing variations limit the initial accuracy of the current setpoint that the circuit can obtain with a fixed R1. Most users of JFET current-sources sample VPPDF has several circuits, scroll to find this one Design by Clayton Grantham, National Semiconductor, Tucson, AZ
Voltage reference is software-programmable - 08/18/05 EDN Design Ideas: Obtain extra reference voltages from existing ones Design by Reza Moghimi, Analog Devices, San Jose, CA
Voltage reference sets current limit - 11/19/98 EDN Design Ideas: NOTE: File contain several designs. Scroll to find this one. Power op amps have a real need for active output-current limiting. Most power-amplifier designs rely on the voltage drop across a user-supplied sense resistor to turn on an internal transistor. This method has several drawbacks, notably, an inability to change the current-limit point under program control. The current-limit circuit in Figure 1 allows you to establish the setpoint by applying a voltage to one of the amplifier's pins. Design by Joe Engle, Burr-Brown Corp, Tucson, AZ |