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Converters: DC to AC Circuits and Inverter Circuits
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DC to AC:   #'s - B      C - L        M - Z

Last Updated: June 02, 2021 01:44 PM

Circuits Designed by Dave Johnson, P.E.

characteristics of CMOS Logic Inverter Amplifiers This chart shows some of the measured characteristics of three different unbuffered CMOS logic gates, used as voltage amplifiers . . . Hobby Circuit designed by Dave Johnson P.E.-February, 2002

Classic Plus & Minus DC Power Supply This is a classic example of a regulated DC power supply that produces both a positive 15v and a negative 15v from a 20vac wall adapter. . . Circuit by Dave Johnson P.E.-October, 2005

CMOS Logic Inverter Amplifier characteristics This chart shows some of the measured characteristics of three different unbuffered CMOS logic gates, used as voltage amplifiers. . . Circuit by David Johnson P.E.-February, 2002

Isolated Miniature AC/DC Power Supply This circuit uses a novel approach to produce a fully isolated and regulated 5 volts @30ma from the 120vac power line.  It uses two tiny SCRs that alternately discharge two capacitors through a miniature high frequency transformer . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David A. Johnson P.E.-June, 2000

Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

characteristics of CMOS Logic Inverter Amplifiers This chart shows some of the measured characteristics of three different unbuffered CMOS logic gates, used as voltage amplifiers . . . Hobby Circuit designed by Dave Johnson P.E.-February, 2002

Circuit converts 5V to –10V 26-May-05 EDN-Design Ideas Switched-capacitor circuit doubles, inverts dc source__ Circuit Design by Ken Yang, Maxim Integrated Products Inc, Sunnyvale, CA

Circuit converts DAC's outputs from single-ended to differential Mode 8-Jun-06 EDN-Design Ideas This design suits low-end ac applications or high-precision level-setting applications that rely on a single-ended current-output DAC__ Circuit Design by Liam Riordan, Analog Devices, Limerick, Ireland

Circuit makes Simple Circuit high-voltage inverter 27-May-04 EDN-Design Ideas A simple high-voltage MOSFET inverter solves the problem of driving a high-side MOSFET, using a low-voltage transistor, Q1, and a special arrangement involving D6(Figure 1).  This inverter is much faster than those that optocouplers drive, so dead-time problems are minimal.  The inverter has the usual blocking diodes D4 and D6, and the parallel diodes D5 and D8__ Circuit Design by Francesc Casanellas, Aiguafreda, Spain

Circuit Makes Universal VCSEL Driver 10-Jul-03 EDN-Design Ideas VCSELs (vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers] are commercially available infrared semiconductor lasers with λ≅850 nm.  Short-cavity-length, high-quality Bragg mirrors impart properties to VCSELs that differ from those that earlier__ Circuit Design by Andrzej Wolczko, Institute of Electronics AGH, Krakow, Poland

Classic Plus & Minus DC Power Supply This is a classic example of a regulated DC power supply that produces both a positive 15v and a negative 15v from a 20vac wall adapter. . . Circuit by Dave Johnson P.E.-October, 2005

CMOS inverters convert RF to digital signal 01/05/06 EDN-Design Ideas Hex-inverter-based design suits frequencies up to180 MHz__ Circuit Design by Francis Rodes

CMOS Logic Inverter Amplifier characteristics This chart shows some of the measured characteristics of three different unbuffered CMOS logic gates, used as voltage amplifiers. . . Circuit by David Johnson P.E.-February, 2002

Convert 5V to –10V 05/26/05  EDN-Design Ideas witched-capacitor circuit doubles, inverts dc source__ Circuit Design by Ken Yang, Maxim Integrated Products Inc, Sunnyvale, CA

Convert DAC's outputs from single-ended to differential Mode 06/08/06  EDN-Design Ideas This design suits low-end ac applications or high-precision level-setting applications that rely on a single-ended current-output DAC__ Circuit Design by Liam Riordan, Analog Devices, Limerick, Ireland

DAC Fine-Tunes Reference Output 08/25/11  EDN-Design Ideas Adding a DAC and op amp makes a precision adjustable reference.  Data converters must have a stable reference voltage to accurately measure or generate analog signals.  Such references offer many guaranteed levels of precision and stability.  Their variety of output-voltage levels is much smaller, which manufacturers specify as standard values, such as 2.048, 2.500, or 4.096V.  You sometimes need to dynamically calibrate the reference, fine-tune its output value, or generate a slightly different value.  For instance, when you measure a voltage with a resistive divider, you could adjust the reference voltage to compensate for an error in the divider__ Circuit Design by Fons Janssen, Maxim Integrated Products, Bilthoven, Netherlands

DC/AC inverter (1) This is the circuit which outputs 100 V of the alternating current from the input of 12 V of the direct current.  It is convenient to use the equipment which works in the alternating current using the battery (DC12V) of the car. __ Designed by Seiichi Inoue

DC/AC inverter (2) On this page, I will explain DC/AC invertor with center-tapless transformer.  As for the DC/AC invertor with center-tap transformer, refer to "DC/AC invertor (1) ".  The invertor that I made this time uses power MOS FET as swtching device.  I assum that this unit is used with the battery of car.  So, the input voltage is +12V DC.  The output voltage is AC 100V. __ Designed by Seiichi Inoue

Fluorescent Inverter This is a low-cost project for 20 or 40 watt fluorescent tubes.  However the most efficient is to use a 40 watt tube   (or two 20 watt tubes in series).  It's a circuit you can put together from junk box components or build from a kit.  It's very simple to build and requires no printed circuit board __ Contact: Collin Mitchell

Fluorescent Lamp Inverter This inverter is very easy to construct, reliable, and even powerful enough to light up a 15W florescent tube (if you cool your transistor well).  The only hard-to-find piece of this baby is the so-called yellow inverter transformer.  It's a miniature high frequency transformer that has a 25mm x 20mm x 5mm ferrite core, 30 turns of primary, 15 turns of feedback, and 250 turns of secondary all concentric, wound on plastic frame than wrapped with a 'yellow' adhesive tape.  If you can't find it in your local electronic shops then search for old portable rechargeble florescent lanterns since they have at least one yellow inverter.  Of course you can wind a handmade transformer which would do the same but it is a very difficult task when you don't have an original to inspire and it will still need an appropriate ferrite core. __

High-Quality Stereo Digital-to-Analog Converter, Part 3 The final article this month shows you how to assemble the various modules for the Stereo DAC into a low-profile steel case.  We also tell you how to get the remote control working and how to customise the configuration.___ SiliconChip

High-Quality Stereo Digital-To-Analog Converter, Pt.1 Are you listening to CDs via your DVD player? Does your DVD player have average sound quality or worse, cause buzz and hum problems when hooked up to your hifi system? Either way, you need this high-quality Stereo Digital-To-Analog Converter (DAC) to get first class sound and zero hum.___ SiliconChip

High-Quality Stereo Digital-To-Analog Converter, Pt.2 Last month, we introduced our new high-quality Stereo Digital-To-Analog Converter (DAC) and described the circuit.  This month, we show you how to build the various modules and make the header cables.___ SiliconChip

High-Voltage Inverter 05/27/04  EDN-Design Ideas A simple high-voltage MOSFET inverter solves the problem of driving a high-side MOSFET, using a low-voltage transistor, Q1, and a special arrangement involving D6 (Figure 1).  This inverter is much faster than those that optocoupler__ Circuit Design by Francesc Casanellas, Aiguafreda, Spain

Inverter generates a negative supply in a battery circuit for split power supply circuits. __ Contact: P. Townshend EduTek Ltd

Inverter 12 volt unit Mos-Fet Design A Very Reliable, Efficient and Practical Design.  Do Not ask how to Build this for Power ratings over 1000 watts, That is NOT Practical. __ Designed by G.L. Chemelec

Inverters to power fluorescent lamps from Low voltage DC This is a collection of non-intelligent (at least for now) inverter circuits for operating fluorescent or other similar devices from low voltage DC power sources.  These designsmostly obtained by reverse engineering commercial camping lanterns, power inverters, and the likeare all very basic circuits which use simple oscillators, easy to obtain or construct transformers, and common power semiconductors. __ Designed by © © 1997 Samuel M. Goldwasser

Isolated Miniature AC/DC Power Supply This circuit uses a novel approach to produce a fully isolated and regulated 5 volts @30ma from the 120vac power line.  It uses two tiny SCRs that alternately discharge two capacitors through a miniature high frequency transformer . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David A. Johnson P.E.-June, 2000

DC to AC Circuits:    #'s - B      C - L        M - Z

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