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Comparator Circuits

Comparators:  #B        C       D - K       L - S       T - Z


Last Updated: June 02, 2021 01:44 PM

Circuits Designed by Dave Johnson, P.E.

Thermostat for 12v Cooling Fan This circuit will turn on a 12v DC powered cooling fan when the air temperature reaches a certain high temperature and will keep the fan turned on until the temperature drops below a second lower level.  Both the high and low temperatures are both adjustable . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David A. Johnson P.E.-February, 2011

Version 4 of a DC Current Indicator The circuit below uses some common components to turn on an LED whenever DC current above a certain level is detected.  The circuit uses a very popular LM393 dual voltage comparator from National Semiconductor and a common 1N4148 signal diode.  The diode . . . Hobby Circuit designed by Dave Johnson P.E.-October, 2005

Wide Band Zero Cross Detector This circuit was designed to convert a low amplitude 40KHz signal into a clean square wave signal.  It will work with inputs as small as 5mv peak-to-peak or as large as 3 volts peak to peak.  The input frequency can range from a few kilohertz to about 150. . . Circuit by David A. Johnson P.E.-February, 2006

Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

Thermostat for 12v Cooling Fan This circuit will turn on a 12v DC powered cooling fan when the air temperature reaches a certain high temperature and will keep the fan turned on until the temperature drops below a second lower level.  Both the high and low temperatures are both adjustable . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David A. Johnson P.E.-February, 2011

Two buttons provide safe start 07/06/00 EDN-Design Ideas The circuit in Figure 1 provIdeas a safety interlock that checks the actuation of two pushbuttons before enabling a relay.  When you push both buttons, the circuit actuates the relay.  At that point, you can release one of the switches without the relay'__ Circuit Design by   Vincent Himpe, Alcatel Microelectronics, Desselgem, Belgium

UltraLow Power Comparators Include Reference DN123 Design Notes___ Linear Technology/Analog Devices

Version 4 of a DC Current Indicator The circuit below uses some common components to turn on an LED whenever DC current above a certain level is detected.  The circuit uses a very popular LM393 dual voltage comparator from National Semiconductor and a common 1N4148 signal diode.  The diode . . . Hobby Circuit designed by Dave Johnson P.E.-October, 2005

Voltage Comaparator & Q Multiplier make a stable Sine Wave Oscillator (in PDF format) It is a known fact that sinusoidal oscillators must rely on the action of some amplitudelimiting mechanism in order to achieve good frequency and amplitude stabilities.  Likewise, accurate loop-gain control and high-Q tuned circuits are required for the attainment of low-distortion output levels. __ Designed by Ramon Vargas

Voltage Comparator This experiment only requires a single operational amplifier.  The model 1458 and 353 are both "dual" op-amp units, with two complete amplifier circuits housed in the same 8-pin DIP package.  I recommend that __ Designed by Tony R. Kuphaldt

Voltage Comparator Forms Pulse Demodulator 11/19/98 EDN-Design Ideas NOTE :  File contain several designs.  Scroll to find this one.  To process low-level ultrasound or radio-range pulses, you need a signal-conditioning amplifier followed by a pulse demodulator to translate the signals to dc pulses.  Traditionally, you would use a diode-demodulator configuration (for example, the circuit in Figure 1a) with one stage of a single-supply op amp.  The circuit in Figure 1b does the same job but uses a voltage comparator instead of a diode demodulator.__ Circuit Design by Abel Raynus, Armatron International, Melrose, MA  

Voltage Comparator Switch This circuit will provide an indication whenever the input voltage differs from two defined limits, V1 and V2.  The supply voltage, Vcc must be higher than the highest input voltage by at least 2 volts.  One application here is to monitor a 12V car battery __ Designed by Andy Collison

Voltage Comparator with Complementary Outputs Circuit Ideas for Designers App Note___ Advanced Linear Devices, Inc

Wide Band Zero Cross Detector This circuit was designed to convert a low amplitude 40KHz signal into a clean square wave signal.  It will work with inputs as small as 5mv peak-to-peak or as large as 3 volts peak to peak.  The input frequency can range from a few kilohertz to about 150. . . Circuit by David A. Johnson P.E.-February, 2006

Zero-Crossing Detector Circuit Ideas for Designers App Note___ Advanced Linear Devices, Inc

Comparators:  #B        C       D - K       L - S       T - Z

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