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Fluorescent Light Circuits
Fluorescent Lamp Circuits:  #'s - D         E - Z

Last Updated: June 02, 2021 01:45 PM

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Circuits Designed by Dave Johnson, P.E. :

1 Watt Fluorescent Lamp Night Light - If you are tired of replacing small night light lamps, try this circuit.  The line powered circuit uses a long life cold cathode fluorescent lamp.  A simple charge pump technique runs the lamp without any transformer. . . Circuit by Dave Johnson P.E.-March, 1999

5w Fluorescent Lamp Intensity Modulator - The circuit was designed to experiment with using small fluorescent lamps as a broad pattern source of modulated light.  The circuit hits the small lamp with narrow 1us pulses at a rate of 10KHz.  Each pulse launches about 10 watts of visible light.  The lamp. . . Circuit by Dave Johnson P.E.-June, 2000

1 Watt Fluorescent Lamp Night Light -  If you are tired of replacing small night light lamps, try this circuit.  The line powered circuit uses a long life cold cathode fluorescent lamp.  A simple charge pump technique runs the lamp without any transformer. . . Circuit by Dave Johnson P.E.-March, 1999

12 Volt DC Fluorescent Lamp Driver -  This fluorescent lamp driver uses a normal 120 to 6V step-down transformer in reverse to step12V to about350-Volt to drive a lamp without need to warm filaments.   __ Designed by Aaron Cake

12 Volt fluorescent lamp drivers -  Three schematics of 12 V drivers for 2, 8 and 20 Watt, plus a lot of explanations about fluorescent tubes.  Use the drivers for camping, emergency, boating, etc.   __ Designed by Manfred Mornhinweg

12V Flourescent Lamp Inverter -  Drive a standard 36/40W fluoro tube to fll brightness from a 12V DC.  Ideal for camping, a trouble light or even emergency home lighting.___ SiliconChip

12V Fluorescent Inverter -  This is a low-cost project for 20 or 40 watt fluorescent tubes.  However the most efficient is to use a 40 watt tube   (or two 20 watt tubes in series).  It's a circuit you can put together from junk box components or build from a kit.  It's very simple to build and requires no printed circuit board __ Designed by Collin Mitchell

12VDC Fluorescent Lamp Driver -  This fluorescent lamp driver uses a normal 120 to 6V step-down transformer in reverse to step12V to about350-Volt to drive a lamp without need to warm filaments.   __ Designed by Aaron Cake

220V Non Dimming Ballast -  Efficient fluorescent lamps and magnetic ballasts have been the standard lighting fixture in commercial and industrial lighting for many years.  Several lamp types, rapid start, high output, and others are available for cost effective and special applications.  This user guide covers operation and development details of the non-dimmable version of our fluorescent ballast for operating a variety of lamps that are available today.   __ Designed by AT89RFD-10 / EVLB002

3-Way Dimming CFL Ballast -  3 way dimming system widely adopted inUS with conventional filament lamps consists of a light bulb that has a modified Edison screw type base which allows 3 connections to be made to a special lamp socket that also has 3 connections.   __

40 Watt Fluorescent Lamp Inverter -  This40W fluorescent lamp inverter allows you to run40W fluorescent tubes from any12V source capable of delivering3A.   __ Designed by Aaron Cake

42 Watt Compact Fluorescent Ballast -  CFL-2 is an electronic ballast design for driving a 42 watt compact fluorescent lamp from a 120 or 230 volt AC line.  circuit was designed usingIR2156 Ballast Driver IC.  main features of circuit are programmable frequency, preheat time, over-current threshold and dead time.   __

5w Fluorescent Lamp Intensity Modulator -  The circuit was designed to experiment with using small fluorescent lamps as a broad pattern source of modulated light.  The circuit hits the small lamp with narrow 1us pulses at a rate of 10KHz.  Each pulse launches about 10 watts of visible light.  The lamp. . . Circuit by Dave Johnson P.E.-June, 2000

8W Fluorescent lamp driver -  Here is the schematic of a simple fluorescent lamp driver circuit based on two transistors.  The circuit uses capacitive ballasting for driving the tube.  An 8 W standard fluorescent tube can be efficiently driven using the circuit.  The two __ Designed by Radio LocMan

A 3-Way Dimming CFL Ballast -  The 3 way dimming system widely adopted inUS with conventional filament lamps consists of a light bulb that has a modified Edison screw type base which allows 3 connections to be made to a special lamp socket that also has 3 connections.   __

A Ballast that can Be Dimmed from a Domestic Phase Cut Dimmer. -  A system has now been developed, based aroundIR2156, whereballast is able to operate with minimal flicker over a considerable portion ofadjustment range of a dimmer andlight output may be controlled over this range from maximum output down to around 10%.   __

Addressable DALI Dimming Ballast -  A digitally addressable digital dimming ballast has been developed.  It conforms to DALI standard requiring very few parts and operates at very low power.  Applications include building management or studio lighting where it is desired to control single or groups of lamps for conserving energy, performing lamp maintenance or creating prefect light quality.  The design includes the digital dimming ballast, the code of the micro-controller and a platform to control the ballast by PC.   __ Designed by Cecilia Contenti and Tom Ribarich Applications Engineer, International Rectifier, Lighting Group

Avoid pitfalls in dimming & shutting down CCFL backlighting for LCDs -  03/14/96  EDN Technical Article: Providing high-efficiency backlighting for LCDs is easier than it used to be thanks to ICs tailored for the purpose, but several elements of the circuit design still require care.  Dimming and shutdown are two of them.  __ Circuit Design by Jim Williams, EDN's most revered contributor, passed away in June 2011 after a stroke.  He was 63.

Ballast that can Be Dimmed from a Domestic Phase Cut Dimmer. -  A system has now been developed, based aroundIR2156, whereballast is able to operate with minimal flicker over a considerable portion ofadjustment range of a dimmer andlight output may be controlled over this range from maximum output down to around 10%.   __

Black Light powered by a 6 volt battery -  This circuit is a simple ultraviolate light that can be powered by a 6 volt battery or power supply that is capable of supplying 1 or more amps.  Circuit diagram Parts C1 0.0047uf Mono Capacitor C2 0.1uf Disc Capacitor D1, D2 1N4007 Diode FTB __ Designed by Aaron Cake

CFL Ballast for 26w/ Sprial Lamp 220VAC Input -  The IRPLCFL5E reference design is an electronic ballast for driving 26W compact fluorescent lamps from 220VAC.  The circuit provides all of  necessary functions for preheat, ignition and onstate operation of  lamp and also includes  EMI filter and  rectification stage.  The circuit is built around  IR2520D Ballast Control IC.   __

CFL ballast to drive LEDs -  04/26/07  EDN-Design Ideas A CFL ballast can drive a string of as many as 64 LEDs__ Circuit Design by Christian Rausch, Unterhaching, Germany

Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL). Part 1 -  Compact fluorescent lamps have some benefits in comparison with classic light bulbs.  It is lower power consumption (to 80%) and much longer lifetime (5 to 15 times).  Disadvantages are longer starts mainly at more expensive types,  __ Designed by Radio LocMan

Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL). Part 2 -  Failures Common failure is broken capacitor C3.  It is possible mainly at cheap lamps, where are used cheaper components for lower voltage.  Whet the pipe doesn't lights up on time, there are risk of destroying transistors Q1 and Q2 and next __ Designed by Radio LocMan

Compact Fluorescent Lamp Driver -  Operates from a 12V DC supply and can drive up to four 9W CFLs at full brightness.  Use it as part of a solar power installation or anywhere you require good lighting without mains power.___ SiliconChip

Converter Drives Fluorescent Tube -  03/31/94 EDN-Design Ideas In the last few months, several designers have published circuits for cold-cathode fluorescent-tube (CCFT) power supplies, and a specialized power-supply IC is also now available.  However, a significant number of CCFT applications__ Circuit Design by Steven C Hageman, Calex Manufacturing Co, Concord, CA

Digital Dimming DALI Ballast for 32w/T8 110V Input -  This reference design is a high efficiency, high power factor, digital dimming electronic ballast designed to drive rapid start fluorescent lamp types.  The design contains an active power factor correction circuit for universal voltage input as well as a ballast control circuit using the IR21592.  The design also includes a PIC16F628 microcontroller and an isolation circuit for connecting to a Digitally Addressable Lighting Interface (DALI).   __

Digital Dimming DALI Ballast for 36w/T8 220V Input -  This reference design is a high efficiency, high power factor, digital dimming electronic ballast designed to drive rapid start fluorescent lamp types.  The design contains an active power factor correction circuit for universal voltage input as well as a ballast control circuit using the IR21592.  The design also includes a PIC16F628 microcontroller and an isolation circuit for connecting to a Digitally Addressable Lighting Interface (DALI).   __

Digitally Addressable DALI Dimming Ballast -  A digitally addressable digital dimming ballast has been developed.  It conforms to DALI standard requiring very few parts and operates at very low power.  Applications include building management or studio lighting where it is desired to control single or groups of lamps for conserving energy, performing lamp maintenance or creating prefect light quality.  The design includes the digital dimming ballast, the code of the micro-controller and a platform to control the ballast by PC.   __ Designed by Cecilia Contenti and Tom Ribarich Applications Engineer, International Rectifier, Lighting Group

Dimming DALI Ballast for 32w/T8 110V Input -  This reference design is a high efficiency, high power factor, digital dimming electronic ballast designed to drive rapid start fluorescent lamp types.  The design contains an active power factor correction circuit for universal voltage input as well as a ballast control circuit using the IR21592.  The design also includes a PIC16F628 microcontroller and an isolation circuit for connecting to a Digitally Addressable Lighting Interface (DALI).   __

Dimming DALI Ballast for 36w/T8 220V Input -  This reference design is a high efficiency, high power factor, digital dimming electronic ballast designed to drive rapid start fluorescent lamp types.  The design contains an active power factor correction circuit for universal voltage input as well as a ballast control circuit using the IR21592.  The design also includes a PIC16F628 microcontroller and an isolation circuit for connecting to a Digitally Addressable Lighting Interface (DALI).   __

Disturbance simulator checks lines -  10/14/00 EDN-Design Ideas The simple line-disturbance simulator in Figure 1 helps you check the immunity of line-powered devices to line disturbances and noise; you can build the device from leftover parts found in a junk drawer.  The key elements are a ballast inductor(L3] and a slightly modified glow-discharge starter(ST1] from a fluorescent lamp.  Starters for fluorescent lamps__ Circuit Design by Peter Guettler, APS Software Engineering, Cologne, Germany

Dual Monostable Drives Quasiresonant Inverter -  02/17/97 EDN-Design Ideas A zero-voltage-switching (ZVS) controller usually integrates a one-shot circuit, embodied in a VCO system.  An error amplifier monitors the output voltage and adjusts the VCO's off-time to keep the output value at a constant level.  Each on-time period commences as soon as the primary voltage drops to zero, thus eliminating on/off commutation losses associated with the switching element__ Circuit Design by Christophe Basso, Sinard, France

Fluorescent Lamp Circuits:  #'s - D         E - Z

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