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LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) Circuits
LCD Circuits: #s - H      I - O      P - Z

Last Updated: June 02, 2021 01:45 PM

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1 IC Biases LCD & GaAsFET Amplifier -  04/09/98 EDN-Design Ideas -    (File , contains several circuits, scroll to this one) Operating from a lithium-ion cell or a four-cell NiCd battery, the circuit in Figure 1provIdeas 6V bias for LCDs and a separate, quiet negative bias for a GaAsFET power ampli Design by John Wettroth, Maxim Integrated Products, Apex, NC

1 wire brings power & data to LCD Module -  01/27/14EDN-Design Ideas If you need to connect a small remote LCD display, or your µC has run out of I/O pins, here’s a good, cheap solutionEmbedded systems frequently use HD44780type LCD displays as it is considered the most popular alphanumeric display controller.  The interface comprises at least 14 pins: eight for data, three for control    (EN, WR, RS) , two for power supply    (Vdd, Vss) , and one for contrast    (Vre) .  Configured in 8bit mode, it requires at least 10 I/O lines    (D0D7, EN, RS) .  Configured in 4bit mode, it requires at least six I/O lines    (D4D7, EN, RS)  Design by Benabadji Noureddine

1-wire controls LCD Module -  EDN-Design Ideas 03/20/2017    This one-wire LCD interface DI generates all the signals required to control the ubiquitous character display Design by Rex Niven

2-Wire LCD Interface using PIC16cf84 -  Alphanumeric LCD displays have become very popular for microcontroller applications because y can add a lot to a project in a variety of different ways.  A text message givinguser instructions as well as feedback can make application seem much more "professional" and easy to use.  I like to use LCD's to help debug applications, with breakpoints set to display variable and I/O conditions and y are a lot cheaper than using a microcontroller emulator.  To top it off, surplus LCD's can be found for a dollar or less __ Designed by Reynold's Elec

7-segment LCD uses two-wire interface -  09/04/03 EDN-Design Ideas You can connect seven-segment LCDs using only a two-wire interface    (Figure 1) .  The two-wire interface may be at the field-effect, direct-drive LCD or at a serial interface    (such as I2C) that uses an eight-pin microcontroller.  The design in Figure 1 uses an Atmel    (www.  atmel.  com) ATtiny12 microcontroller, IC1.  VCC can range from 2.7 to 5.5V.  Each digit receives drive from an 8-bit 74HC164 shift register, which provIdeas seven outputs for each of the segments and one output for a decimal point or a colon Design by Hans Krobath

A Fourth Generation of LCD Backlight Technology -  Linear Technology AN65 __ Designed by Jim WilliamsNov 1st, 1995

A Precision Wideband Current Probe for LCD Backlight Measurement -  DN101 Design Notes__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices

Active-Matrix LCD Bias Supply Operates from Battery Input -  02/03/00 EDN-Design Ideas Many active-matrix-LCD applications need multiple voltages for thin-film-transistor    (TFT]bias.  Typically, three voltages are necessary5V forcolumn driver; a positive voltage, such as 10V; and a negative voltage, such -5V, for  Design by Michael Shrivathson, National Semiconductor Corp, Santa Clara, CA

AN49Illumination Circuitry for Liquid Crystal Displays -  Linear Technology AN49 __ Designed by Jim WilliamsAug 23rd, 1992

AN65A Fourth Generation of LCD Backlight Technology -  Linear Technology AN65 __ Designed by Jim WilliamsNov 1st, 1995

AN81Ultracompact LCD Backlight Inverters -  Linear Technology AN81 __ Designed by Jim WilliamsSep 1st, 1999

Audio noise generator drives earphones or small speaker  -  This is a circuit that generates white noise, rolled-off to drive earphones or a small speaker.  White noise creates is a "rushing" sound, which sounds something like air rushing by your ear    (s) .  White noise would be flat with frequency, and since this circuit rolls off within the audio range, I refer to it as "rolled-off" noise.  White    (or rolled-off) noise __ Designed by Dick Cappels

AVR 2x16 LCD & 4x4 keypad driver -  Connect some 2x16 characters LCD display and 4x4 keypad with AVR microcontroller __ Designed by © Vassilis Serasidis

Build your own printer cable LCD Display -  Connecting a LCD display to your personal computer is an easy job.  Displaying data from your PC to a LCD can be proven very exiting, so give it a try and build your own today! In this article we will use a 2 lines x 16 characters LCD display with Hitachi HD44780 onboard controller  __ Contact: IQ Technologies

Character LCD Displays. Part 1 -  LCD character displays can be found in espresso machines, laser printers, children's toys and maybe even the odd toaster.  The Hitachi HD44780 controller has become an industry standard for these types of displays.  This tutorial will

Character LCD Displays. Part 2 -  This tutorial continues from Character LCD DisplaysPart 1.  In this part we will connect the LCD module to an Atmega8 microcontroller, then write some code to drive it.  The Circuit Our first task is to build the circuit.  Click to

Circuit for driving a liquid crystal (LCD) shutter to simply pass or block light -  Many of our customers request samples of a simple liquid crystal display shutter that can pass or block light.  Usually this light is in the visible spectrum, however occasionally we hear of applications where IR or UV wavelengths are involved.  If your application is for a shutter that operates outside the visible spectrum, please let us know at the time you request your sample.  __ Liquid Crystal Technologies

Circuit provides effective LCD drive -  09/28/00 EDN-Design Ideas LCDs find wide use in portable instruments, thanks to their attractive display and low power consumption.  The circuit in Figure 1 is an effective driver for LCDs.  The circuit comprises two main sections—the ICM7211 drivers  (IC2  Design by Luo Ben Cheng, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China

Circuit Tricks Increase LCD Contrast -  04/24/97 EDN-Design Ideas A popular combination in embedded designs is the Microchip Technology PIC µC mated to one of the many available LCD modules.  These combinations provide a low-cost, simple way to add intelligence to any design.  The LCD modules are specified to operate from one 5V supply, but the lack of a negative voltage to bias the LCD backplane severely limits the available LCD contrast.    Design by Steve Hageman, Hewlett-Packard, Santa Rosa, CA

Clock with Timer & Solar Panel Regulator -  This is a combination digital clock timer and solar panel charge controller used to maintain a deep cycle battery from a solar panel.  The timer output is used to control a 12 volt load for a 32 minute time interval each day.  Start time is set using 9 dip switches and ends 32 minutes later. __ Designed by Bill Bowden

Connecting AT90S2313 with LCD display 2x16 char & 4x4 keypA - D -  Connect some 2x16 characters LCD display and 4x4 keypad with AVR microcontroller __ Designed by © Vassilis Serasidis

Digital Clock with Timer & Solar Panel Regulator -  This is a combination digital clock timer and solar panel charge controller used to maintain a deep cycle battery from a solar panel.  The timer output is used to control a 12 volt load for a 32 minute time interval each day.  Start time is set using 9 dip switches and ends 32 minutes later. __ Designed by Bill Bowden

Digital pot adjusts LCD's contrast -  02/04/99 EDN-Design Ideas NOTE : Page includes several designs.  Scroll to find this one.  You can use a digitally controlled potentiometer for many purposes.  In this example, you can use the device to regulate the contrast of a standard (such as two lines by 40 characters] LCD.  You can use the circuit in Figure 1 in a portable test system, in which you need to change the contrast of the LCD as a function of the viewing angle.  You choose the contrast setup Design by Jef Collin, CSE Systems, Turnhout, Belgium

Digital Potentiometer Controls LCD Bias -  03/17/94 EDN-Design Ideas Designers of pen-based computers can easily relegate some controls that were previously mechanical, such as switches and potentiometers, to on-screen icons.  For example, the circuit in Fig 1 shows one way that digital logic can control the -24V-dc LCD bias using two general-purpose I/O command lines.  The DS-1669 from Dallas Semiconductor Design by Michael Cortopassi, Dauphin Technology, Lombard, I - L

Display bit-map images on small-graphic LCDs -  11/19/98 EDN-Design Ideas NOTE :  File contain several designs.  Scroll to find this one.  Combining a high-level language, such as Microsoft Windows, with low-level assembly code or C++ code allows you to display perfect bit-map pictures on your small-graphic LCD screen.  You can use Microsoft Paint or any other bit-map-generating program to define and edit the picture.  Unlike segmented and alphanumeric LCDs, small-graphic LCDs are fully graphical and can display logos, graphs, or any other image in addition to numbers and characters.  The main hurdle to upgrading to this type of display is the software necessary to display the bit-map pictures. Design by Todd Fitzsimmons, Densitron Corp, Santa Fe Springs, CA

DisplayTech LCD interface -  Low cost LCD module interface with optional LED backlight __ Designed by Michel Bavin

Driving an LCD From the Parallel Port -  You build the module, then use the software to display messages of to program a thermometer/thermostat chip.__ SiliconChip

DVI/HDMI Decoder -  From the day i received my beagleboard rev.  B7 i was missing an easy way to use the digital video interface with a small LCD screen.  Many people seem to have the same problem and often end up with big and expensive adaptors.  Further indication that this is a common problem comes from the fact that the latest incarnation of the beagleboard includes a way to directly interface to the OMAPs parallel video interface.  Unfortunatately this only provides 1.8v signals and still needs a converter to interface to the 3.3v signals most raw LCD use. __ Designed by Till Harbaum <Till @ Harbaum.org>

EE 491 Senior Project Digital Oscilloscope Cornell University 2000 -  My senior project is to design and build a digital oscilloscope for Professor Land.  This project involves a number of design challenges.  On the analog side, I need a fast, low noise A/D converter.  In addition, the circuit requires a -20V bias from a 5V supply.  In the realm of digital, it involves interfacing two micro-controllers with each other, an LCD display, and an analog to digital converter.  With such a broad range of challenges, I searched for help from my professors and contacts I made on the web.  I was successful in getting __ Designed by Reid Gurnee

Embedded Processor Directly Drives LCD -  01/09/03 EDN-Design Ideas Driving a bare LCD does not necessarily require specialized interface circuitry or peripherals.  This design idea describes an alternative drive scheme, which you can easily implement using the general-purpose outputs of a microcontroller.  Many embedded-system applications need to interact with a user by displaying simple numeric or alphanumeric characters Design by Daniel Malik, Motorola, Czech Republic

Excel offers painless LCD initialization -  09/20/01  EDN-Design Ideas To display a font or a symbol on an LCD, you need to convert the desired character into numerical data.  Creating the data for an entire font set requires specialized tools; even with these tools, the task can be daunting.  Alternati Design by Alberto Bitti, Eptar, Lugo, Italy

Fourth Generation of LCD Backlight Technology -  AN65 Linear Technology This publication, LTC's fourth effort devoted to LCD backlighting in as many years, treatssubject comprehensively.  The text considers lamps, display and layout induced losses, circuitry, efficiency related issues, optimization and measurement techniques.  Twelve appended sections cover lamp types, mechanical design, electrical and photometric measurement, layout, circuitry and related topics.  __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices

GPS LCD Display Project -  This is a project that I started back late 2003 when I just starting to learn PIC programming.  I wanted to building something that actually did somthing useful.  This project is based on a PIC16F84.  I actually came up with this idea and then after doing some searching I found that a few people had the same idea.  But, I wanted to build my own that I could call mine, developed by me.  The whole idea is, I have several GPS units with no display __ Designed by Jason KE4NYV from Roanoke, Virginia

High Power Ccfl Backlight Inverter for Desktop LCD Displays -  DN164 Design Notes __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices

High Power Desktop LCD Backlight Controller Supports Wide Dimming Ratios While Maximizing Lamp Lifetime -  DN264 Design Notes__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices

LCD Circuits: #s - H      I - O      P - Z

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