Biasing & Modulating Laser Diodes - After several mishaps trying to set up laser diode feedback regulators I decided there had to be a better way! The following circuit is a result of my experimentation. This regulator has been used for CW, MCW, FM, SSB, BPSK and video with no difficulty. Since going to this circuit I have not lost a single laser diode! It has been used with laser diodes from 5 mw to 500 mw. __ Designed by JohnK3PGP Build your own Light Painter - A touch sensitive mutlicolor light wand. __ Contact: Jameco Electronics
Circuit provides laser-diode control - 09/19/02 EDN-Design Ideas Laser diodes are sensitive to ESD, rapid turn-on currents, and overvoltage conditions. To address those problems, the simple laser-diode controller in Figure 1 has several functions. The first part of the circuit comprises an 8.2V zener diode, D1 that forms the heart of a constant-voltage source for the laser diode Design by Michael Fisch, Agere Systems, Longmont, CO
Circuits for biasing & Modulating laser diodes - After several mishaps trying to set up laser diode feedback regulators I decided there had to be a better way! The following circuit is a result of my experimentation. This regulator has been used for CW, MCW, FM, SSB, BPSK and video with no difficulty. Since going to this circuit I have not lost a single laser diode! It has been used with laser diodes from 5 mw to 500 mw. __ Designed by John, K3PGP
Communication with Laser Beam - Communicating with laser is not new. Here the laser beam is used as a carrier, which is modulated by the signal to be transmitted. On the receiver end, the desired signal...__ Electronics Projects for You
Complete Helium Neon Laser Power Supply Schematics - 11 AC line and 4 inverter types, most you can build
Count Cars with Laser - This is an illustration how a laser could be used to count traffic and measure the speed of each car passing through the sensor area . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David A. Johnson P.E.-January, 2007
CW-PWM-AM Laser Transceiver-G0MR - F - Schematic only __ Designed by va3iul
Diode Laser Power Supplies - Drive requirements, modulation, sample circuits for low and high power devices
Experimental laser data link - This document tells about one of my experiments with semiconductor laser modules. I bought one semiconductor laser for all kinds of experiments. This TIM202 module is a small (38x14x14 mm) semiconductor laser module, similar to those types used in laser pointers. It takes 3V 45mA and outputs 3-5mW 670nm laser beam. __ Designed by Tomi Engdahl
FM Laser Transceiver-VK7MU - Schematic only __ Designed by va3iul
Heathkit Modulated HeNe laser power supply kit (HK-HI1) - Schematic only, no circuit description __ Designed by Don Klipstein
HeNe Laser Power Supply - If you have ever worked with lasers, you know how fun and interesting it can be, you also know how expensive it can be. The high voltage power supplies for the laser tubes are often more expensive then the tubes themselves. This supply can be built with commmon parts, most of which you probably already have in your junk box. The secret is the transformer used. It is a common 9V 1A unit, connected backwards for step up __ Designed by Aaron Cake
HeNe laser power supply - This is the power supply I traced out and measured which is in an Edmond Scientific 0.5 mw. Laser circa probably around 1975. I bought a 1mw. tube (1986) when the old one broke. It is still running just fine. I think it is a rather clever design. __ Designed by Tomi Engdahl
HeNe Laser Transmitter/Receiver - This set of two circuits from the basis for a very simple light wave transmitter. A LASER beam is modulated and then aimed at a receiver that demodulates the signal and then presents the information (voice, data, etc) . The whole thing is very easy to build and requires no specialized parts execpt for the LASER itself. LASERs are available from MWK Industries. __ Designed by Aaron Cake
Home Built Laser Projector - Laser projector is one of the laser display equipments. This project builds the closed-loop galvos mainly and aiming at professional grade. __ Designed by The Electronic Lives Manufacturing-presented Chan |