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Limiter Circuits
Limiters:  #'s - K      L - Z


Last Updated: June 02, 2021 01:45 PM

Circuits Designed by Dave Johnson, P.E. :

40KHz Limiting AmpThis circuit has a gain of X20 at 40KHz.  The amplifier output level is limited to 2.5v peak to peak.  Limiting action begins with a 50v peak to peak input. . . Circuit by David A. Johnson P.E.-July, 2006

High Temperature Thermocouple activates RelayVoltage from a high temperature thermocouple activates a relay when the sensor detects a temperature above 1000 degrees F . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David Johnson P.E.-July, 2006

Incandescent Lamp Inrush Current LimiterThis circuit limits the large inrush current often associated with large incandescent lamps.  With the components shown the current is limited to 1 amp, but it could be scaled to any desired current. . . Circuit by Dave Johnson P.E.-July, 2006

Inrush Current Limiter for a nIncandescent Lamp This circuit limits the large inrush current often associated with large incandescent lamps.  With the components shown the current is limited to 1 amp, but it could be scaled to any desired current . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David A. Johnson P.E.-July, 2006

Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

24V Overvoltage Regulator Withstands 150V at VIN -  The LT4356 surge stopper protects loads from high voltage transients.  It regulates the output during an overvoltage event, such as load dump in automobiles, by controlling the gate of an external N-channel MOSFET.  The output is limited to a safe value thereby allowing the loads to continue functioning.  The LT4356 also monitors__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Apr 26th 2010

28V Vehicle Application with Reverse Voltage Protection -  The LTC4366 surge stopper protects loads from high voltage transients.  By controlling the gate of an external N-channel MOSFET, the LTC4366 regulates the output during an overvoltage transient.  The load may remain operational while the overvoltage is dropped across the MOSFET.  Placing a resistor in the return line isolates the LTC4366 and allows it to float up with the supply; therefore, the upper limit on the output voltage depends only on the availability of high valued resistors and MOSFET ratings.  __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Jan 16th 2012

40KHz Limiting Amp -  This circuit has a gain of X20 at 40KHz.  The amplifier output level is limited to 2.5v peak to peak.  Limiting action begins with a 50v peak to peak input. . . Circuit by David A. Johnson P.E.-July, 2006

4A, 12V Overvoltage Output Regulator -  The LT4356 surge stopper protects loads from high voltage transients.  It regulates the output during an overvoltage event, such as load dump in automobiles, by controlling the gate of an external N-channel MOSFET.  The output is limited to a safe value thereby allowing the loads to continue functioning.  The LT4356 also monitors__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Apr 26th 2010

5V System Protected from ± 24V Power Supplies -  The LTC4360 overvoltage protection controller safeguards 2.5V to 5.5V systems from power supply overvoltage.  It is designed for portable devices with multiple power supply options including wall adaptors, car battery adaptors and USB ports.  The LTC4360 controls an external N-channel MOSFET in series with the input power__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Apr 26th 2010

5V System Protected from ±24V Power Supplies & Overcurrent -  The LTC4362 monolithic overvoltage/overcurrent protector safeguards 2.5V to 5.5V systems from power supply overvoltage.  It is designed for portable devices with multiple power supply options including wall adaptors, car battery adaptors and USB ports.  The LTC4362 features a soft-shutdown controlled by the ON pin and drives__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Jul 8th 2011

5V System Protected from 80V Overvoltage -  The LTC4360 overvoltage protection controller safeguards 2.5V to 5.5V systems from power supply overvoltage.  It is designed for portable devices with multiple power supply options including wall adaptors, car battery adaptors and USB ports.  The LTC4360 controls an external N-channel MOSFET in series with the input power__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Apr 26th 2010

Active Power Zener -  Schematic only.   __ Designed by Tony van Roon  VA3AVR

Add-On Current Limiter -  This circuit allows you to set a limit on the maximum output current available from your PSU.  It's very useful when you power-up a project for the first timeor carry out a soak-test.  By setting an upper limit on the current available from your PSUyou can protect both your power supplyand any device connected to it __ Designed by Ron J.

An Add-On Current Limiter for Your PS - U -  Power Supply Circuits:  This circuit allows you to set a limit on the maximum output current available from your PSU.  It's very useful when you power-up a project for the first timeor carry out a soak-test.  By setting an upper limit on the current available from your PSUyou can protect both your power supplyand any device connected to it.  It offers a simple and cheap alternative to the Current Limiting Power Supply.  __ Designed by Ron J.

Circuit forms high-frequency polarity clamp -  04/11/02 EDN-Design Ideas You need a negative signal clamp to protect an ADC against negative-going signals while measuring the positive pulse shape of the signal by digitizing the waveform.  In other words, you must clamp negative signals at 0V.  The circuit in Figure 1 can clamp either positive or negative pulses to ground Design by Shyam Tiwari, Sensors Technology Private Ltd, Gwallor, India

Circuit guards Amplifier outputs against overvoltage -  07/05/07  EDN-Design Ideas An automotive-protection circuit withstands repeated insults of direct short circuits to the full battery voltage Design by John Guy, Maxim Integrated Products, Sunnyvale, CA

Circuit limits DV/DTand Capacitor inrush at Regulator Turn On -  10/11/07 EDN-Design Ideas Adding a simple circuit to the adjust pin of a regulator controls the dV/dt of the output voltage, limiting inrush current Design by W Stephen Woodward, Chapel Hill, NC

Complete 12V Automotive Undervoltage, Overvoltage & Reverse-Supply Protection -  The LTC4365 is a unique solution that elegantly and robustly protects sensitive circuits from unpredictably high or negative supply voltages.  The LTC4365 blocks positive voltages as high as 60V and negative voltages as low as –40V.  Only voltages in the safe operating supply range are passed along to the load.  The only external__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Sep 19th 2011

Current Limit Protects Power Bus -  12/12/97 EDN-Design Ideas Protects a power bus from a load short within a guaranteed2 µsec response Time Design by Ron Lenk, Temic/Siliconix, Santa Clara, CA

Current Limiter Allows Large USB Bypass Capacitance -  6-Aug-09 EDN-Design Ideas A current-sense amplifier limits inrush current Design by Daniel Morris, Group IV Technology, Renton, WA

Current limiter provides latch-up signal -  01/01/98 EDN-Design Ideas Current-limiting circuit both signals a latch-up condition and prevents latch-up-induced overcurrent destruction of a CMOS IC or group of ICs Design by Hartmut Henkel, von Hoerner & Sulger GmbH, Schwetzingen, Germany

Current Limiting Bench Power Supply -  This is a 1-amp variable-voltage PSU.  It adjusts from about 3v to 24v: and has the added feature that you can limit the maximum output current.  This is invaluable when  (for example) you power-up a.   __ Designed by Ron J.

Current-limit switch is digitally programmable -  08/17/00  EDN-Design Ideas Current-limit switches are virtually ubiquitous in system controls.  They provide a safe means for regulating the current delivered to a load circuit.  The switches allow the load current to increase to a programmed limit but no higher.  Typically, the current limit is a function of the voltage across an external resistor, produced by the current from a fixed source internal to the switch IC.  This Design by Budge Ing, Maxim Integrated Products, Sunnyvale, CA

Current-Limited DC/DC Converter Simplifies USB Power Supplies -  DN252 Design Notes__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices

Deluxe Charge Rate Limiter for Small Capacity NiCad Batteries -  Here is a deluxe version of the simple charge rate limiter, using the same idea but with the ability to charge two packs simultaneously from a single wall charger.  For circuit description and parts list, see  __ Designed by Kyriakos Kontakos

Demo Circuit for Over-Voltage Protection -  Over-voltage protection circuits are used to protect voltage-sensitive loads.  Voltage transients may occur due to a number of reasons such as transformer switching, load switching, and short/open circuit in rectifier and...__ Electronics Projects for You

Dispensation Limiter -  This circuit keeps a fixed voltage across a voltage regulator, regardless of load or voltage setting.  It provides most of the efficiency of a SCR regulator and precision of a linear.   __ Designed by Andrew R. Morris

Double Dual Limit Window Comparator -  This window comparator circuit has 4 limints, 2 lower limits and 2 upper limits, which can produce up to 4 separate outputs, each dedicated to a warning, an alarm or a control condition.__ Advanced Linear Devices, Inc

Dynamic Limiter -  NOTE : Must register on this site __ Designed by Published in Elecktor July/Aug, 2010

Electronic Fuse -  An absolute necessity of every electronics lab is a workbench power supply.  The power supply should be regulated and protected against short circuit.  Most power-supply protection circuits use a low-value, high-wattage resistor...__ Electronics Projects for You

Electronic Fuse -  Scroll to this one.  Full short-circuit and overcurrent protection is given by this circuit suitable for workbench applications in technical schools and laboratories where there is a need to work directly with the mains.  Additional features are a clearly visible red lamp indicating that the voltage is present, good isolation __ Designed by di Domenico Di Mario

Guard Amplifier outputs against overvoltage -  07/05/07  EDN-Design Ideas An automotive-protection circuit withstands repeated insults of direct short circuits to the full battery voltage Design by John Guy, Maxim Integrated Products, Sunnyvale, CA

High Temperature Thermocouple activates Relay -  Voltage from a high temperature thermocouple activates a relay when the sensor detects a temperature above 1000 degrees F . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David Johnson P.E.-July, 2006

High-Frequency Polarity Clamp -  04/11/02 EDN-Design Ideas You need a negative signal clamp to protect an ADC against negative-going signals while measuring the positive pulse shape of the signal by digitizing the waveform.  In other words, you must clamp negative signals at 0V.  The circuit in Figure 1 can clamp either positive or negative pulses to ground Design by Shyam Tiwari, Sensors Technology Private Ltd, Gwallor, India

How to build Deluxe Charge Rate Limiter for Small Capacity NiCad Batteries -  Here is a deluxe version of the simple charge rate limiter, using the same idea but with the ability to charge two packs simultaneously from a single wall charger.  For circuit description and parts list, see  __ Designed by Kyriakos Kontakos

Incandescent Lamp Cycler -  This circuit modulates the brightness of a small incandescent lamp in a continuous rising and dimming cycle, with the objective of optimizing the aesthetic appearance of the intensity changes.  The lamp used in this application is the miniature low-voltage type 1892, rated at 14.4V, 0.12A, and 0.75 mean spherical candle power.  The lamp's modest level of brightness allows the direct observation of the bulb without eye discomfort.  Control of lamp intensity is achieved by phase-modulation of the AC line voltage, greatly reducing waste power, as compared with circuits employing DC techniques.  The circuit may easily be adapted for driving a multitude of paralleled 1892 lamps, or with the appropriate selection of transformer T2, many other types of incandescent lamps.   __ Designed by Arthur Harrison

Incandescent Lamp Inrush Current Limiter -  This circuit limits the large inrush current often associated with large incandescent lamps.  With the components shown the current is limited to 1 amp, but it could be scaled to any desired current. . . Circuit by Dave Johnson P.E.-July, 2006

Inrush Current Limiter for a nIncandescent Lamp  -  This circuit limits the large inrush current often associated with large incandescent lamps.  With the components shown the current is limited to 1 amp, but it could be scaled to any desired current . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David A. Johnson P.E.-July, 2006

Inrush current limiter stops surges -  08/02/07 EDN-Design Ideas Active circuit and relay replace lossy negative-temperature-coefficient thermistor.  Offline power supplies that drive loads of 200W and more require inrush-current limiters.  Unrestricted inrush currents can reach hundreds of amperes, which may damage the line rectifier, open the fuse and input-filter inductors, and damage the PFC  (power-factor-correction) filter capacitors.  A simple method of limiting the inrush current uses an NTC  (negative-thermal-coefficient) thermistor that connects in series with the supply line.   Design by Gregory Mirsky

Inrush limiter also provides short-circuit protection -  06/09/05  EDN-Design Ideas MOSFET keeps inrush currents due to capacitive loads under control Design by Ryan Brownlee, Process Automation Division, Pepperl & Fuchs Inc, Twinsburg, OH

Inrush-current limiter stops surges -  08/04/07 EDN-Design Ideas Active circuit and relay replace lossy negative-temperature-coefficient thermistor Design by Gregory Mirsky, Juno Lighting Group, ModuLight Division, Des Plaines, I - L

Limiters:  #'s - K      L - Z

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