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Last Updated: June 02, 2021 01:44 PM

Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

F84 Miniature Real-Time Controller - Build a simple real-time controller with PIC16F84 running at low power X-tal 32, 768Hz.  Daily scheduler for 6-channel resided in 64-byte EEPROM can easily be pre-programmed using Nigel PicProg __ Designed by Wichit Sirichote

F84-Programmer - Build a low-cost and very simple serial programmer for a PIC16F84 Microchip Flash Microcontroller.  Below picture is my personal writer for F84 chip, it works very nice with Nigel WPicProg V1.20.   __ Designed by Wichit Sirichote

FabISP, a fab-able in-system programmer - The FabISP is an in-system programmer for AVR microcontrollers, designed for production within a FabLab.  That is, it allows you to program the microcontrollers on other boards you make, using nothing but a USB cable and 6-pin IDC to __ Designed by David A. Mellis

Facilitate oscilloscope Debug of small microcontroller systems - 07/07/14   EDN-Design Ideas - A probe-to-the-metal approach is often the best way to debug a small µC system, and here’s some code to help out.  If you develop an application on a small microcontroller, your diagnostic tools for debugging of the program code might be very limited.  This Design Idea introduces a simple debugging routine for plotting the binary value of one byte on a scope display.  It uses one output pin of the microcontroller.   Design by Josef Valasek

Fan Thermostat - Build a simple fan thermostat with LM35, ADC0804 and 89C51.   __ Designed by Wichit Sirichote

Fan Timer Based On Motorola 68HC908QT2 - My son got his fan in the bedroom.  The fan has mechanical timer for 0-180mins.  One day it broken.  So I got the idea to use Nitron chip to replace the mechanical timer.  Someone may ask me why so complicated timer made by microcontroller chip?    __ Designed by Wichit Sirichote

Fast LUX Meter - Lux meters that are capable of measuring high-speed light intensity fluctuations are hard to find.  This article describes a DIY lux meter that has a linear relation between the light intensity and output voltage and has a -3 dB frequency range from DC to 350 kHz.  The spectral sensitivity is broadly similar to the human eye. __ Designed by Freddy Alferink

Fast Regulator Paces High Performance Processors - DN87 Design Notes __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices

FFT Made Easy - PIC Project  Disclaimer:  I don't know whether this idea is original, I only know that it works.  Normally, doing DFT  (direct fourier transform) means multiplying each data point with the sine and cosine coefficients and then summing the totals for all points.  The resultant sums are then 'vector added' by taking the 'square root of the sum of the squares'.   __ Designed by Luhan Monat - Mesa Arizona

Find hex-code values for microcontroller’s ADC voltages - 12-Apr-07 EDN-Design Ideas - Ease 8-bit microcontroller programming with a simple formula to calculate hex values of ADC output Design by Harry Gibbens Jr, Deafworks, Provo, UT

Find resistor values for arbitrary programmable-amplifier gains - 08/03/06  EDN-Design Ideas - Roll your own custom programmable-gain amplifiers Design by Sid Levingston, DML Engineering Inc, Aloha, OR

First steps with the PIC32 Ethernet Starter Kit - Add ethernet connectivity your projects, get started with the Microchip Ethernet Starter Kit quickly.  This guide shows how to setup the MPLABX development environment for compiling PIC32 source code and the TCP/IP stack __ Designed by Peter Jakab

Fixing Transformer Buzz In the Class-A Amplifier - Since the 20W Stereo Class-A amplifier was published in 2007, it has been widely acclaimed for its sound quality.  But there has been a consistent niggle experienced by quite a few constructors ? low level buzz from the power transformer.  We recently took a look at this problem and have come up with a cure.__ SiliconChip

Flash Based-Microcontroller Programmer-Atmel 8051 - The Atmel Flash devices are ideal for developing, since they can be reprogrammed easy and fast.  If you need more code space for your application, particularly for developing 89Cxx projects with C language.  Atmel offers a broad range of microcontrollers based on the 8051 architecture, with on-chip Flash program memory __ Designed by Shiao I-Lin e1586110 @ ccmail.ncku.edu.tw

Flash Microcontroller Programmer-Atmel 89c Series - Build your own flexible & easy to built Atmel 89C series flash programmer __ Designed by M Asim Khan   asimkhan @ sat.net.pk

Flying Saucer - This project was inspired by one of those solar powered lawn lights.  I had taken the bottom off of one and hung it in a tree.  A neighbor commented that it resembled a small flying saucer.  Hmmmm.   __ Designed by Luhan Monat - Mesa Arizona

Four Channel PWM Controller. Part 1 - Pulse width modulation  (PWM) is a useful control technique for such applications as light dimming and motor speed control. The aim of this project was to design a low cost PWM controller that would be useful in many areas where PWM is employed. __ Designed by Radio LocMan

Four Channel PWM Controller-Part 2 - All of the ATMega32 software was written in assembler within the AVR Studio IDE environment. This has allowed easy simulation and debugging of the code, and quick transfer of the latest software version to the board via the AVRISP programmer. __ Designed by Radio LocMan

Four ICs implement video AGC & DC restore - 06/18/98 EDN-Design Ideas - Four ICs--a multiplier, a sync separator, an op amp, and a dc-restore IC--along with a handful of passive components can implement a complete AGC and dc-restore circuit for video signals   (Figure 1) .  The circuit consists of three main paths  the signal path, the gain-control path, and the dc-restore path.  The input video signalFile contains several Design Ideas, scroll to this one Design by Tamara Ahrens and Mike Wong, Elantec Semiconductor Inc, Milpitas, CA   

FPGA-configuration scheme is flexible - 22-Jan-04 EDN-Design Ideas - FPGAs are popular in circuit design because of their flexibility and efficiency.  You need to program an FPGA by loading configuration data into designated configuration memory.  Because most FPGAs have no internal nonvolatile memory, you must store the configuration files in external devices.  When you use many FPGAs in a design, it is inadvisable to put a large amount of external memories near t Design by Zhe Lou, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium

Frequency induction switch - This circuit is the circuit which makes the output the high level condition when the signal of the specific frequency which is is inputted.  I made this circuit in the purpose to reset the clock  (adjust the minute correctly) , detecting the time signal of the radio.  I think that it is possible to apply with the variety as well as it, too.   __ Designed by Seiichi Inoue

Fridge Temperature & Humidity Indicator - We can measure temperature and humidity inside the fridge using a normal temperature-humidity indicator but relative humidity  (RH) could be inaccurate in that case.  The moment the fridge door is opened,...__ Electronics Projects for You

FSK Modem with PIC16C84 - schematic only __ Designed by shaunwilson19 @ yahoo.com

Full Color USB LED-Controller - Microcontroller : Microchip PIC18F2550 Sensor : DS18S20 temperature sensor Video: Temperature based color control CPU load based color control Screen based color control License: The source code of this work is licensed under a __ Designed by Steffen Schütte

Fun With the Arduino Inventor's Kit - 14-Sep-11 -Design News:   Steve Ravet -  blogger Steve Ravet follows up on his kids' experiences with the Arduino Inventor's Kit. __ Gadget Freak

Fun with the New PICAXE 14M! - There's a new kid on the block! He's from the rapidly-growing PICAXE family  (now with 11 siblings!) and goes by the name of 14-M.  If you're a PICAXE fan, Stan wants you to meet him 'cos he's really friendly - especially if you already know his younger brother, 08-M!__ SiliconChip

Funcard Programmer - have brought some modifications to the sideburn you monomake in the zip are included following files: Rame.bmp Rows in dimension originates them of the Componenti.bmp print Disposition of the members Ponti.bmp Disposition of the ponticelli to carry out  __ Designed by Diesel

Function Generator Sine / Triangle / Square / SaW / Burst Sweep Noise based on PIC16F870 - PIC Project  Sine Triangle Square Saw Burst Sweep Noise - runs on a PIC16F870 __ Designed by Luhan Monat - Mesa Arizona

Furby Resurrection - PIC Project  There are several websites documenting the original Furby circuit board.  I decided to replace the original circuit entirely and replace it with a PIC based controller.   __ Designed by Luhan Monat - Mesa Arizona

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