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Oscillators:  Sine Wave
#'s - N        O - S        T - Z

Oscillator Circuits -- Main Page


Last Updated: June 02, 2021 01:44 PM

Circuits Designed by Dave Johnson, P.E. :

125Khz Ultra Pure Sine Wave Signal Source - For some RFID systems operating at 125KHz, a very low distortion signal source reference is needed.  The circuit shown on this page produces a 10-volt peak-to-peak signal into a 50-ohm load, with a distortion of only 0.01% . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David Johnson P.E.-February, 2002

175Khz Inductive Pulse Receiver - This circuit is discussed in more detail in the Experimenters Journal.  The receiver’s six inch diameter coil detects the ring signal from the above transmitter and use a single NPN transistor to provided enough amplification for the signal to be easily viewed on an oscilloscope. . . Circuit by David Johnson P.E.-June, 2000

240VAC to 5VDC Power Supply - This is simple way to power some 5v logic from a 240vac source.  If a 120vac power adapter is used, the circuit will also work for 120vac power lines. . . Circuit by David A. Johnson P.E.-February, 2002

CMOS Inverter Parallel LC Oscillator - I have used this parallel resonant LC oscillator circuit countless times.  The oscillator frequency is determined by the inductor and capacitor values.  I have shown an adjustable inductor to make it easy to set the frequency to a specific value. . . Circuit by David Johnson P.E.-March, 2002

Inductive Pulse Receiver (175Khz) - This circuit is discussed in more detail in the Experimenters Journal.  The receiver’s six inch diameter coil detects the ring signal from the above transmitter and use a single NPN transistor to provided enough amplification for the signal to be easily viewed on an oscilloscope . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David Johnson P.E.-June, 2000

Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

µC makes inexpensive sine-wave generator -  12/17/98 EDN-Design Ideas - You can use A/D converters or external, controllable oscillators to generate sine waves from low-power, low-cost µCs.  However, these methods add cost, reduce reliability, increase circuit and software complexity, increase power consumption, and increase overall size.  Alternatively Page includes several designs.  Scroll to find this one Design by Jorge Luis B Romeu, IdeaWorks LTD, Syracuse, NY

10 MHz GPS Disciplined Oscillator (GPSDO) -  A unique feature of the Rockwell/Conexant/Navman Jupiter GPS engines is that they have a 10 kHz output, synchronized to GPS time.  So, with a few additional components one can phase lock a 10 MHz VCXO to the 10 kHz, and then have a simple low cost frequency standard with surprising performance __ Designed by James Miller G3RUH

125Khz Ultra Pure Sine Wave Signal Source -  For some RFID systems operating at 125KHz, a very low distortion signal source reference is needed.  The circuit shown on this page produces a 10-volt peak-to-peak signal into a 50-ohm load, with a distortion of only 0.01% . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David Johnson P.E.-February, 2002

175Khz Inductive Pulse Receiver -  This circuit is discussed in more detail in the Experimenters Journal.  The receiver’s six inch diameter coil detects the ring signal from the above transmitter and use a single NPN transistor to provided enough amplification for the signal to be easily viewed on an oscilloscope. . . Circuit by David Johnson P.E.-June, 2000

1kw Sine Wave Inverter -  An inverter provides power backup for mains-based appliances in the event of a power failure.  Most of the inverters available in the market have complicated circuit design and are not very...__ Electronics Projects for You

240VAC to 5VDC Power Supply -  This is simple way to power some 5v logic from a 240vac source.  If a 120vac power adapter is used, the circuit will also work for 120vac power lines. . . Circuit by David A. Johnson P.E.-February, 2002

3 phase sinusoidal waveform generator uses PLD -  10/12/06  EDN-Design Ideas - Five ICs substitute for electromechanical three-phase source Design by Eduardo Perez-Lobato, University of Antofagasta, Antofagasta, Chile

4 Transistor Tracking Transmitter -  Schematic and parts list only, no circuit description included.   __ Designed by Tony van Roon  VA3AVR

68HC11 Synthesizes Accurate Sine Wave -  09/02/96 EDN-Design Ideas - You can use a 68HC11 and a 12-bit serial DAC (Figure 1) to generate accurate sine waves without using floating-point arithmetic.  Figure 2 shows a block diagram for this sine-wave generator.  You can easily analyze the generator's behavior by writing state equations in the z domain.  You can also write equations in the domain.  The location of the two poles Design by Mika Maaspuro, Espoo, Finland 5793261

Add phases to Simple Circuit RC oscillator -  08/25/14  EDN-Design Ideas - Demonstrates a simple way to generate a multiphase clock signal, the frequency of which can be varied with minimal change in phase shift (s).  The phase shift of the second output can be tuned from near zero to 180° without affecting the frequency.  The basic circuit uses a minimum of parts: one cap, two resistors, plus two Schmitt triggers.   Design by Einar Abell

Adjustable High/Low Frequency Sine wave generator -  This circuit uses the versatile MAX038 function generator.  Although in this circuit some of the advanced characteristics of this IC are disabled, you can generate Sine, Triangle, Square waves (adjusting A0 and A1 pins see datasheet on www.  maxim-ic.  com if you want other waves, use a switch __ Designed by Jonathan Filippi

AF Generator -  The sinewave generator is based on 4 op-amps which are present in a single TL084 ic. (see fig.1).  Op-amps A1 and A2 are connected to the frequency determining RC networks R5+P1a/C1 and R6+P1b/C2, respectively.  In my version of the generator, P1 is replaced by a stepped attenuator (dual rotary switch with 12 positions, see above).  Moreover, I have included two additional frequency ranges; thus, S1 is in my version a dual rotary switch with 5 rather than 3 positions.   __ Designed by W.Mieslinger

Amplitude-Stable Oscillator Has Low Distortion, Low Cost -  11/09/00 EDN-Design Ideas - The multivibrator is a common circuit that consists of an amplifier with both positive and negative feedback (Figure 1a).   When the output is positive, the positive.   PDF contains multiple circuits, scroll to find the one of interest Design by Moshe Gerstenhaber, Chau Tran, and Mark Murphy, Analog Devices Inc, Wilmington, MA

Analog LED Bar VU Meter -  The circuit was designed to work with an audio power amplifier which operated off +18v-0v-18v power rails.  The actual voltage used is not too critical except that the feedback is referred to the LED chain which itself is anchored to a +12v rail, hence the separate stabilizer __ Designed by Richard Torrens

Basic RF Oscillator #1 -  This circuit switches a relay at dark via a Light Dependent Resistor or LDR for short.  The applications are numerous.  In my application, it switches on a light with an older type movement sensor and is mounted on the top corner of my workshop with the LDR facing upwards.  The Dark Activated Relay prevents that the light is triggered during daylight hours.  But, it can also be used to switch led-beacon lights for your driveway, or whatever __ Designed by Tony van Roon  VA3AVR

Circuit generates clean sine waves -  06/19/97 EDN-Design Ideas - Generating a square wave at a particular frequency is fairly simple.  Many techniques for doing so exist, using counters, flip-flops, and--everyone's favorite--the venerable 555 timer.  Generating a sine wave, however, is not nearly as simple or inexpensive.  Figure 1 shows a technique for generating a high-quality sine wave from a square-wave source Design by Med Dyer, Jabra Corp, San Diego, CA

CMOS hex inverter generates low-distortion sine waves -  06/09/05  EDN-Design Ideas - Audio signal source uses hex inverter and handful of passives Design by Al Dutcher, West Deptford, NJ

CMOS Inverter Parallel LC Oscillator -  I have used this parallel resonant LC oscillator circuit countless times.  The oscillator frequency is determined by the inductor and capacitor values.  I have shown an adjustable inductor to make it easy to set the frequency to a specific value. . . Circuit by David Johnson P.E.-March, 2002

Compensation Extends Oscillator's Range -  12/05/96 EDN-Design Ideas - A simple technique provide as phase compensation for the oscillator in Figure 1a.  In this circuit, a tungsten lamp regulates the amplitude of a crystal bridge oscillator.  This type of oscillator produces a very low-distortion output at a very stable frequency.  The op amp must have a negligible phase shift at the operating frequency, which Design by Israel Schleicher, Green Spin, Bakersfield, CA

Create a Swept-Sine Function In Labview with Just One Virtual Instrument -  25-Jun-09 EDN-Design Ideas - Swept sine waves are useful when you want to test a product over a wide frequency range.  A large research project included the requirement to determine wave propagation in the open ocean.  This application required the generation of a swept sine wave to drive an acoustic transducer.  Although many waveform generators have a built-in function Design by Sean McPeak, University of California—San Diego

Current-Feedback Amp Yields Simple Circuit Oscillator -  06/08/95 EDN-Design Ideas - Using a current-feedback op amp, you can generate high-frequency sine waves with larger amplitude than conventional op-amp-based designs.  The circuit in Fig 1 uses four passive components, connecting one capacitor to the compensation node (another op amp that has this pin a Design by Celma and P A Martinez, University of Zaragoza, Spain

Current-Feedback Amps Square Up Fast Signal -  06/23/94 EDN-Design Ideas - Using current-feedback amplifiers to convert signals from sine waves to square waves for DSP confers advantages over the more common comparator approaches.  Current-feedback amplifiers have wide bandwidths and relatively small and constant propagation delays.  These small, constant delays help meet the setup-and-hold requirements of Design  Rea Schmidt, Comlinear Corp, Fort Collins, CO

Digital Signal Controls Sine Generator -  05/15/03 EDN-Design Ideas - The circuit of Figure 1 produces an accurate, variable-frequency sine wave for use as a general-purpose reference signal.  It includes an eighth-order elliptic, switched-capacitor lowpass filter, IC3, which uses a 100-kHz square-wave clock signal that microcontroller IC2 generates. (Any other convenient square-wave source is also acceptable Design by Simon Bramble, Maxim Integrated Products, UK

Digital Signal Processor DSP for Radio Communications -  The W9GR DSP-3 is an improved low cost digital signal processor for radio communications use.   It features 18 DSP functions, a LED display, and 13 bit audio precision__ Quantics

Digital signals produce pure sine waves -  10/09/97  EDN-Design Ideas - Analog oscillators produce excellent sine waves but are temperamental and hard to design.  They also require extensive redesign every time you change the oscillation frequency.  Digital oscillators.       Design by Ronald Mancini, Harris Semiconductor, Melbourne, FL

DTMF Coder Makes Low-Cost Sine-Wave Generator -  10/13/94 EDN-Design Ideas - A telephone DTMF IC produces, by design, two tones if you connect a single intersection of the IC's 4[x]4 keypad matrix (Fig 1]. (Telephones commonly have 3×4 keypads but, unknown to many people, the applicable standard allows for a fourth row of four keys.   ]But, if you connect two key inputs at once, the IC produces a single-frequency, Design by Criscuolo Anna Rita, Labtec Telecommunications, Nichelino, Italy

Few Extra Components Stabilize Oscillator -  02/15/96 EDN-Design Ideas - The circuit beneath the dashed line in Figure 1 is the well-known Wien-bridge oscillator.  The lamp is a common tungsten incandescent bulb.  Its resistance forms a substantial part of the gain-setting network.  For the oscillator to function properly, the increase in lamp resistance accruing from the ac signal must bring the open-loop Design by Israel Schleicher, Green Spin Bakersfield, CA

Four Transistor Tracking Transmitter -  Schematic and parts list only, no circuit description included.   __ Designed by Tony van Roon  VA3AVR

Gates Provide Low Cost Sine Wave Generator -  08/15/97  EDN-Design Ideas - One of the troubleshooting tests required for telephone/data twisted-pair copper lines is the determination of the attenuation factor.  The test uses frequencies of 300 to 4000 Hz to plot the attenuation performance.  Because many central-distribution lines Design by Adolfo Mondragon, Philips Components, Juarez, Mexico

Generate Noisy Sine Waves with a Sound Card -  01/20/11 EDN-Design Ideas - A sound card, software, and an amplifier circuit is all you need.   [Design Ideas by José M Miguel, RF-Electronics Ltd, Barcelona, Spain Design by José M Miguel, RF-Electronics Ltd, Barcelona, Spain

Inductive Pulse Receiver (175Khz) -  This circuit is discussed in more detail in the Experimenters Journal.  The receiver’s six inch diameter coil detects the ring signal from the above transmitter and use a single NPN transistor to provided enough amplification for the signal to be easily viewed on an oscilloscope . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David Johnson P.E.-June, 2000

LC Oscillator has 1% THD -  03/31/94 EDN-Design Ideas - At the heart of many oscillators is a parallel-resonant LC tank circuit whose impedance is infinite at the resonant frequency of 1/2[pi]ÖLC Hz.  Infinite impedance implies an absence of parallel damping resistance, so once an ideal tank circuit Design by Gary Sellani, Maxim Integrated Products, Sunnyvale, CA

Low Frequency Sine Wave Generator -  The two circuits below illustrate generating low frequency sine waves by shifting the phase of the signal through an RC network so that oscillation occurs where the total phase shift is360 degrees.   __ Designed by Bill Bowden

Low-distortion Audio-range Oscillator -  Generates very low-distortion sine waves up to 1V RMS No thermistors required No settling time __ Contact Flavio Dellepiane, fladello @ tin.it

Low-Distortion Oscillator Starts Fast -  05/26/94 EDN-Design Ideas - Unlike a Wien-bridge oscillator, the phase-shift oscillator in Fig 1 starts up quickly.  Also, the circuit does not require that you adjust several trimming resistors just to tune the oscillator to a given frequency.  Experiments show that the circuit's total harmonic distortion (THD]measures Design by Mika Maaspuro, Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, Finland

Negative-To-Negative Switch-Mode Converter Offers High Current & High Efficiency -  11/12/09  EDN-Design Ideas - Don't let variations in input voltage affect the output voltage Design by Budge Ing, Maxim Integrated Products Inc, Sunnyvale, CA

Oscillators:  Sine Wave#'s - N        O - S        T - Z

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