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Power Supplies:  DC to DC / Switch Mode and DC to DC Converters
Boost,    Buck,    Buck-Boost,    Switchmode

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DC to DC:  #'s - A       B - D       E - L       M - R       S - Z

Last Updated: November 22, 2021 02:42 PM

Circuits Designed by Dave Johnson, P.E. :
Battery Powered Plus-Minus 15v Supply - Many classic operational amplifier circuits call for a split positive and negative 15 volt supply.  The circuit below makes the job of generating such a supply much easier by using an off-the-shelf DC to DC converter, powered from a cheap 6v battery made . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David Johnson P.E.-August, 2008

Capacitance Proximity Switch
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Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

Basic UPS -  This circuit is a simple form of the commercial UPS, the circuit provides a constant regulated 5 Volt output and an unregulated 12 Volt supply.  in the event of electrical supply line failure the battery takes over, with __ Designed by Andy Collinson

Battery Backup Converter uses One NiCd Cell -  02/03/97 EDN Design Ideas:  Notebook computers and or portable equipment often use a backup battery to retain memory contents during replacement of the main battery.  Such "bridge batteries" usually consist of five or six series-connected NiCd coin cells.  They're expected to keepsystem alive for approximately 5 minutes—plenty of time to swap batteries Design by David Bell, Linear Technology App Note, Milpitas, CA

Battery Booster Delivers 75W -  07/16/98 EDN Design Ideas:  (FILE
has several circuit ideas.  Scroll to find this one.) The circuit in Figure 1defies no laws of physics; it just makes creative use of an isolated DC/DC converter.  The application uses the isolated converter in a nonisolated configuration to boost a 48V battery voltage to 60V.  The  Design by Donald V Comiskey, Power Trends Inc, Warrenville, IL

Battery Charger 12v SLA -  Before we go into the operation of the SLA Battery Charger circuit, there are a number of points we need to cover about the care and use of Sealed Lead Acid batteries.  Firstly, these batteries must be charged, discharged and stored very carefully.  We normally think batteries can be stored for months (if not years) and they will be available for immediate use __ Designed by Collin Mitchell

Battery Powered Plus-Minus 15v Supply -  Many classic operational amplifier circuits call for a split positive and negative 15 volt supply.  The circuit below makes the job of generating such a supply much easier by using an off-the-shelf DC to DC converter, powered from a cheap 6v battery made . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David Johnson P.E.-August, 2008

Battery Simulator Has Variable ESR Response -  03/18/10 EDN Design Ideas:  This active circuit represents many battery types.    Design by Barry Galvin, Grae LLC, Simi Valley, CA

Battery-Charger Load Switch Approximates an Ideal Diode -  Most rechargeable battery-powered systems include a switch that connects the load either to the battery or to a source of charging power.  This switch allows a system with a depleted battery to operate immediately when plugged in, running on adapter__ 

Bench power supply -  Back before we had computers to occupy all our time, my brother and I were always tinkering with motors and electronic junk and such.  This required electrical power, and good power supplies were hard to come by, so we each ended up building our own.  We had few parts and lots of time, so we each ended up taking apart and rewinding transformers at one time or another __ Designed by Markus Wandel

Bench PSU for PC -  Given that every PC has a powerful, well-regulated PSU that supplies, among other things, a 12 V rail, why not make use of it to produce a PSU variable from 1.25 to 10 V? Well, that’s just.  must register on this site __ Designed by Published in Elecktor July/Aug, 2010

Bench Supply -  PiC Project  This unit delivers 0 to 20 volts at up to 4 amps in 0.1volt increments.  The entire device runs on a PiC16F870 (about $3 in small quantities).  This is basically a switching power supply with the voltage regulation done in software.  The PiC used here has analog inputs (used to measure voltage and current) and hardware PWM (pulse width modulation) output used to control the power.   __ Designed by Luhan Monat - Mesa Arizona

Better MOSFET H Bridge -  Schematic only - no circuit desciption included __ Designed by Eugene Blanchard

Bias supply accepts high inputs -  12/23/99 EDN Design Ideas:  When you design DC/DC converters, it is often necessary to generate a bias supply to operate the control circuitry from the raw input voltage.  Many methods are available for configuring the bias supply, each with its own benefits and shortcomings.  Some methods use a "trickle-charge" start-up circuit, with a back-feed winding to provide power under normal operating conditions.    Design by Robert Sheehan, Linear Technology Corp, Milpitas, CA

Bipolar transistor boosts switcher's current by 12 times -  05/24/01 EDN Design Ideas:  The circuit in Figure 1 uses a minimal number of external parts to raise the maximum output current of a 0.5A buck switching-regulator IC to more than 6A.  The circuit accommodates input voltages of 15 to 60V and delivers output voltages of 3.3, 5, or 12V, depending on your choice of iCPDf has several circuits, scroll to find this one Design by Wayne Rewinkel, National Semiconductor Corp, Santa Clara, CA

Boost 3.3V to 5V with tiny audio Amplifier -  09/05/02 EDN-Design ideas This charge-pump circuit quietly converts a 3.3V source to 5V at 500 mA (figures 1 and 2].  National's (www.national.com] LM4871LD power amplifier makes This design idea both possible and practical, thanks to its low output resistance, low cost, compact size, and high dissipation capability.  its output resistance has an average value of 0 Design by Wayne Rewinkel, National Semiconductor, Santa Clara, CA

Boost Controller Drives Buck Converter -  02/03/97 EDN Design Ideas:  By adding an external Switching Transistor, you can use a step up DC/DC Converter to step down voltages to produce an efficient Battery Powered Power Supply, this example Circuit can step down inputs as Low as2V to Outputs as Low as1.25V, with efficiency as high as 80% Design by Michael Keagy, Maxim Integrated Products, Sunnyvale, CA

Boost converter controls 12V fan from 5V supply -  12/12/97 EDN Design Ideas:  Temperature-controlled PWM boost converter allows operation of a12V brushless dc fan from a5V supply.    Design by John McNeill, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA

Boost Converter for Solar Cell Array -  The boost converter is used to charge batteries from low voltage solar  arrays.  Results were obtained using 3X3 cells that deliver about 400  millivolts at 1 amp.  The pictured panel array contains 20 cells in series  and generates about 8 watts at 8 volts in bright sunlight and was assembled  on a 12 X 16 picture frame.  Efficiency of the converter measured 87% and  delivers almost 600 milliamps into a 12 volt SLA battery.  Efficiency drops  to about 72% using 4 single cells in series (pictured above) charging the  same 12 volt battery at around 70mA. __ Designed by Bill Bowden

Boost converter generates three analog rails -  EDN Design Ideas:  July 2, 1998        [  NOTE:    FILE
has multiple design, scroll for this one.]  The standard boost converter in Figure 1 uses not only iC1, C1, L1, D1, and C2 to generate a main 5V output, but also additional small, low-cost components to provide two auxiliary supply rails of 10 and -5V.  These auxiliary outputs are useful for analog circuitry in small handheld instruments, which often require supply voltages greater than the signal range.  input voltages of 0.8 to 5.5V, which is equivalent to voltages from a battery pack of one to three cells, sustain the main regulated output of 5V±2%.  With an input of 1.8V from two flat cells, for instance, and with the other rails unloaded, the circuit can produce 25 mA with 80 to 90% efficiency. Design by Tim Herklots, Maxim Integrated Products Ltd, Theale Berkshire, UK

Boost converter generates-27 and-87V -  05/22/97 EDN Design Ideas:  in modern telecommunications applications, the basic communications link to the home is becoming either digital or wireless.  The normal circuitry to control a telephone is moving from the central office to the home.  Subscriber-li Design by David Feller, Harris Semiconductor, Dallas, TX

Boost converter works with wide-range negative-Input supply -  18-Mar-04 EDN Design Ideas:  Assume that a design requires positive voltage, but only a negative-voltage power source is available.  Using a standard boost-converter IC in the circuit of Figure 1, you can efficiently generate a positive voltage from a negative source.  The boost converter generates an output voltage that's higher than the input voltage Design by Mike Wong, Intersil Corp, Milpitas, CA

Boost Regulator Makes Low Profile SEPIC with Both Step-Up & Step-Down Capability -  DN317 Design Notes __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices

Boost Voltage to Piezoelectric Transducers -  06/09/11  EDN Design Ideas:  Drive a piezo device at maximum power and its resonant frequency.  Piezoelectric transducers are common in ultrasonic and acoustic-alarm-signaling applications.  To get enough acoustic power from a piezoelectric transducer, you must power the device with a frequency at or near its resonant frequency.  Furthermore, the driving voltage should be as high as the transducer allows.   Design by Kurt Nell, Sankt Pölten, Austria

Booster enables reliable solenoid operation -  EDN Design Ideas:  10/30/2012    Rather than increase the power supply voltage and current capability, this workaround uses a momentary voltage boost to turn on a solenoid Design by Shankar Nakhe

Boosting Regulator Current -  An outboard pass transistor used to increase the current output of a voltage regulator iC.   __ Designed by Andy Collison

Bootstrapped Boost Converter operates at 1.8 Volt  -  04/23/98 EDN Design Ideas:  NOTE: File contains multiple circuits scroll to find this circuit.   Many circuits, such as those that use batteries or solar cells, must operate in the face of decreasing supply voltages.  The circuit in Figure 1  maintains the maximum load current as the supply voltage drops.  The regulator boosts a 2.5 to 4.2V input to 5V Design by Tom Gross, Linear Technology, Milpitas, CA

Bootstrapped Timer -  This circuit demonstrates how to use bootstrapping to seriously boost output power of timer.  The LC555 can only put out about 50mA as it is.  This circuit can put out at least 200mA and goes torail as well.  The LM555 timer puts out 300mA max, but does __ Designed by Andrew R. Morris

Bootstrapping Allows Single-Rail Op Amp to Provide 0V Output -  02/06/03 EDN Design Ideas:  Circuit offers improved active rectification - Many single-supply-powered applications require amplifier-output swings within 1 mV—or even submillivolts—of ground.  Amplifier-output-saturation limitations normally preclude such operation.  Figure 1's power-supply bootstrapping scheme achieves the desired characteristics with minimal parts count Design by Jim Williams, Linear Technology Corp, Milpitas, CA

Buck Converter (1 watt LED driver) -  This is an example of efficiently driving a 1 watt white LED from a 12 volt battery using a buck converter.  The LED could simply be connected with a series resistor to get the desired current, but the efficiency would be only 25% since the resistor would drop 9 volts while the LED only requires 3.  The buck converter provides about 90% efficiency. __ Designed by Bill Bowden

Buck Converter Handles Battery-Backup System -  04/24/03  EDN Design Ideas:  Circuit forms gamma-photon detector - A synchronous buck converter is inherently bidirectional.  That is, it transfers energy from input to output as a buck regulator when the output voltage is low, but, when the output voltage is high, the converter acts as a boost regulator, transferring power from output to input.  This design idea shows how to use this bidirectional energy transfer to automatically recharge a battery when the mai Design by Haresh Patel, Linear Technology Corp, Milpitas, CA

Buck converter uses low side PWM IC -  19-Mar-09 EDN Design Ideas:  A voltage-level shifter lets you control voltages above a PWM controller's power source Design by L Haachitaba Mweene, PhD, National Semiconductor Corp, Richardson, TX

Buck converter works efficiently from phone line -  02/15/00 EDN Design Ideas:  A switching converter provide as an inexpensive way to generate 5V, 18 mA (48V, 5 mA maximum) directly from a standard phone line (Figure 1).  The high input voltage and low available current require a unique design approach to achieve high efficiency.  The circuit uses the LM2597HVM, which has a 60V rating and power-saving features.   Design by Wayne Rewinkel, National Semiconductor, Santa Clara, CA

Buck Converter-AC Model -  We've already developed a SPiCE model for the Buck Converter in a voltage control loop.  The controller performed brilliantly holding the output steady under varying load conditions.  However, closing the loop is fraught with danger!  Without proper insight, Vo can start ringing and oscillating out of control (spice design) __ 

Buck IC Boosts Battery Voltage for White LED -  04/24/03  EDN Design Ideas:  White-light LEDs are finding their way into many markets that incandescent bulbs once served.  Flashlights are among the newer applications in which reliability, ruggedness, and ability to control the power draw of the LEDs make these devices attractive.  With incandescent bulbs, the power management for the device is a simple on-off switch Design by Robert Kollman, Texas Instruments, Dallas, TX

Buck Mode Switching Regulator for Solar Applications -  The purpose of a voltage regulator circuit is to take a variable input voltage and produce a steady output voltage.  Two common regulator types are linear and switch-mode.  Linear regulators are simple, but waste a lot of power in the process of regulating the voltage.  Linear regulators can be thought of as self adjusting series resistors.  Switch-mode regulators such as this one are much more efficient.  Switch-mode regulators convert DC input voltages to pulses of high voltage DC.  The DC pulses are used to charge a storage capacitor to the desired output voltage.  The voltage is regulated by varying the width of the DC pulse __ Designed by G. Forrest Cook

Buck or Boost: Rugged Fast 60V Synchronous Controller Does Both -  DN370 Design Notes__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices

Buck Regulator & Two Inductors Make Dual-Polarity Converter -  20-Mar-03 EDN Design Ideas:  A common problem for power-supply designers is to create a compact, dual-polarity step-down converter.  if space and cost are not concerns, the obvious solution is a pair of DC/DC converters, one for each output.  But space and cost are almost always issues for communications, data-acquisition, and disk-drive applications Design by Keith Szolusha, Linear Technology Corp, Milpitas, CA

Buck regulator controls white LED with optical feedback -  10/25/07  EDN-Video Design ideas - By using optical feedback, you can stabilize the output level of a high-intensity LED Design by Dhananjay V Gadre, Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India

Buck regulator forms high-power, inverting –5V supply -  04/01/04  EDN Design Ideas:  Configuring a step-down switching-converter IC as an inverter yields an efficient, high-power, -5V supply that can of deliver currents as high as 4.5A at the 12V input or 3.2A at the 5V input (Figure 1).  Conventional inverting power  Design by Bruce Denmark, Maxim Integrated Products, Sunnyvale, CA

Buck regulator generates flexible VTT for PECL -  08/15/97 EDN Design Ideas:  Circuit to generate Output which can both Source and Sink Current -The positive emitter-coupled logic (PECL]in most high-speed clock-distribution and -recovery circuits requires a termination voltage, VTT, that imposes special requirements on  VTT supply.  First, typical switching thresholds for PECL must refer to VDD Design by Bruce D Moore, Maxim Integrated Products, Sunnyvale, CA

Buck regulator handles light loads -  09/09/10 EDN Design Ideas:  if your design uses too small a boost capacitor, it will not operate reliably.    Design by Justin Larson and Frank Kolanko, On Semiconductor, East Greenwich, RI

Buck Regulator Operates Without a Dedicated Clock -  08/21/03 EDN Design Ideas:  Most switching regulators rely on a dedicated clock oscillator to determine the switching frequency of operation.  A dedicated oscillator circuit within the power controller usually generates the clock signal.  A class of hysteretic switching regulators can actually operate at a relatively fixed frequency without a clock, even with changing input-line and output-loading conditions Design by Robert Bell, National Semiconductor, Phoenix, AZ

Buck Regulator Terminates Fast Data Buses -  07/20/95 EDN Design Ideas:  The limitations of 5 and 3.3V CMOS buses are spurring the development of high-speed, low-voltage buses for the next generation of computers.  These buses, such as Futurebus and Rambus, require low-voltage supply rails to reduce signal-voltage swings.  Other buses, such as CTT (center-terminated transceiver) and HSTL (high-speed transceiver logic) , have center termination and, therefore, require a power source that can sink current as well as source it Design by Bruce Moore, Maxim Integrated Products, Sunnyvale, CA

Buck Regulator Uses Step-Up Controller -  11/09/95 EDN Design Ideas:  The circuit in Fig 1uses a step-up (boost) DC/DC controller in a negative buck-regulator application.  The circuit’s function is to power the laser diode in an optical amplifier/booster unit, a job for which no commercial IC is available.  The anode of the laser diode connects to ground, so the supply voltage must be negative and must deliver 160 to 750 mA.  Although the boost-regulator IC operates in a buck-regulator circuit, its standard connections permit proper control of Q1.  However, you need an op amp Design by Massimo De Marco, Maxim Integrated Products Cusano Milanino, Italy

Buck-Boost Controller Drives High-Power LEDs, Charges High-Voltage Batteries -  08/29/13  EDN-Design Notes The LT®3791 is a 4-switch synchronous buck-boost DC/DC converter that regulates both constant-current and constant-voltage at up to 98.5% efficiency with a single inductor.  it can deliver hundreds of watts and features a 60V input and output rating, making it ideal for driving high power LED strings and charging high voltage batteries when both step-up and step-down conversion is needed.  it can also be used as a constant voltage buck-boost regulator with current limiting and monitoring for both input and output.   __ Designed by Keith Szolusha, Linear Technology Corporation, also see Linear Technology Design Note 501

Buck-Boost Converter In SuperCap Backup Power Supply -  The LTC3536 is an extended ViN range, fixed frequency, synchronous buck-boost DC/DC converter that operates from input voltages above, below or equal to the regulated output voltage.  The topology incorporated in the LTC3536 provides low noise operation, making it ideal for RF and precision measurement applications __ Designed by Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Aug 8, 2011

Buck-Boost Regulator Suits Battery Operation -  09/04/03  EDN Design Ideas:  A buck/boost converter can step a voltage up or down.  Such a converter is appropriate for battery-powered applications.  One application derives a regulated 14.1V at 1A from 12V solar panels with 9 to 18V variation.  in this type of b Design by Kahou Wong, On Semiconductor, Phoenix, AZ

Buck-converter charger also provides system power -  05/22/97 EDN Design Ideas:  Switching Regulator provide as  charge voltage setpoint with Current regulation, and second Switching Regulator provide as5V System Power -Many systems require long-time operation during periods of power loss.  Often, a gel or wet-cell lead-acid battery is  best choice because of high capacity and relatively low cost.  The battery charges __ Designed by Robert Hanrahan, National Semiconductor, Woodcliff Lake, NJ

Build a charge pump with ultralow quiescent current -  5-Aug-04 EDN Design Ideas:  Portable battery-powered devices often spend most of their life in standby mode, in which the quiescent current of an internal boost converter continuously bleeds the battery.  The quiescent current during standby can be larger than the actual load current.  Though several inductor-based converters offer maximum quiescent current of less than 10 µA, designers usually prefer or require a regu Design by Greg Sutterlin, Maxim Integrated Products, Sunnyvale, CA

Build a transformerless 12V-to-180V DC/DC converter -  8-Jul-04 EDN Design Ideas:  Some transducers for portable or automotive applications need accurately regulated, high-voltage bias and draw little current.  To produce such high voltages from a low battery voltage, designers typically use switch-mode DC/DC converters—generally, flyback converters.  These converters exhibit high efficiency at medium or high output power Design by Francis Rodes, ENSEIRB/IXL, Talence, France


DC to DC:  #'s - A       B - D       E - L       M - R       S - Z

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