12v-24v AC & DC Day/Night Switch- The circuit uses a bridge rectifier circuit to convert AC into DC. A 12v zener diode limits the operating voltage of the circuit to 12v. A tiny Schmitt trigger inverter and a phototransistor detects the ambient light intensity. If there is sufficient light, the inverter disables a push-pull oscillator circuit . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David A. Johnson P.E.-March, 2012
1A Variable Regulated Power Supply- A 'must-have' for the experimenter. __ Designed by Peter Parker VK3YE
200W AdvancedTCA Hot Swap Controller- The LTC4252 negative voltage Hot Swap controller allows a board to be safely inserted and removed from a live backplane. Output current is controlled by three stages of current limiting: a timed circuit breaker, active current limiting and a fast feedforward path that limits peak current under worst-case catastrophic fault __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Mar 26th 2010
231 Volt Dimmer- Find out how to put together a simple but efficient PWM dimmer circuit for LEDs. __ Designed by REUK-Renewable Energy UK website
240VAC to 5VDC Power Supply- This is simple way to power some 5v logic from a 240vac source. If a 120vac power adapter is used, the circuit will also work for 120vac power lines. . . Circuit by David Johnson P.E.-February, 2002
2-Wire Virtual Remote Sensing for Voltage Regulators- Linear Technology AN126 __ Designed by Jim Williams - Oct 1st, 2010
3-30 V/2.5 a Stabilized power supply- This is a very useful project for anyone working in electronics. It is a versatile power supply that will solve most of the supply problems arising in the everyday work of any electronics work shop. It covers a wide range of voltages being continuously variable from 30 V down to 3 V. __ Contact IQ Technologies
3-Phase Rectifier & Voltage Reducer form a Offline Single-Phase Supplies- EDN-Design Ideas -- 04/06/12 Missing diodes create gaps to allow voltage reduction. Design by JB Castro-Miguens, Cesinel, Madrid, Spain; C Castro-Miguens, University of Vigo, Spain; M Pérez Suárez, University of Vigo, Spain; and A Abal Pena, Tekplus, Vigo, Spain
3V supply Delivers 12V p-p to piezo speaker- 10/16/03 EDN Design Ideas: Low-profile piezoelectric speakers can provide quality sound for portable electronic devices, but they require voltage swings greater than 8V p-p across the speaker element. Yet, most portable devices include only a low-voltage pow Design by Royce Higashi and Tony Doy, Maxim Integrated Products, Sunnyvale, CA
5V power supply teams low-dropout regulator, charge pump- 8-Jan-04 EDN Design Ideas: Auxiliary power of 3.3V is replacing the 5V auxiliary power that "silver boxes" supply in most computer systems, but some circuits still require a 5V supply. Such systems impose the messy task of creating a central 5V auxiliary supply from the 3.3V auxiliary supply and then routing 5V power throughout the motherboard Design by Jim Christensen, Maxim Integrated Products, Sunnyvale, CA
5V powersupply- This circuit will regulate voltage to 5V input range is 6V.12V. The diode prevents the circuit being damaged when the input is connected the wrong way around. The resistor and LED are optionial, they are for power on indication__
9v Battery Eliminator- If you use 9v battery powered devices for long periods of time, you may get tired of constantly changing batteries. The circuit below can be wired into any 9v battery powered device, drawing power from an external AC to DC power adapter. I designed the circuit. . . Circuit by David Johnson P.E.-December, 2009
AC to DC (240v to 5v)Power Supply- This is simple way to power some 5v logic from a 240vac source. If a 120vac power adapter is used, the circuit will also work for 120vac power lines . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David A. Johnson P.E.-February, 2002
Add foldback-current protection- 07/21/05 EDN Design Ideas: Enhance three-terminal regulator with foldback oversight Design by Rafael García-Gil and JM Espí, Electronic Engineering Department, University of Valencia, Spain
Add gain to an absolute-value Amplifier- 08/22/02 EDN Design Ideas: The absolute-value amplifier is a basic building block in test-and-measurement and signal-processing applications. The addition of a DPP (digitally programmable potentiometer] adds another dimension, G (gain], to this key circuit. Because the gain is programmable, you can use the circuit as an absolute-value amplifier (G&1] or an absolute-value attenuator (G>1] Design by Chuck Wojslaw, Catalyst Semiconductor, Sunnyvale, CA
Adjustable Low-voltage Power Supply- If you want to check the behaviour of an electronic circuit at low voltages, an adjustable power supply as shown here may be heLPFul. Powered from a 3 to 16 volts source ( DC for sure) , it will provide a stable output voltage in the 0 to 1.5 V rangemust register on this site __ Designed by Published in Elecktor July/Aug, 2010
Adjustable Power Supply- well filtered variable1.2-30 volts at5 amps using LM338K __ Designed by Aaron Cake
Adjustable power supply using LM317- voltage regulator for1.2V to35-Volt output voltages and up to1A load __ Designed by Tomi Engdahl
Adjustable Power Supply with Charger- This power supply has adjustable and charger output. The charger circuit can be use for cellular phone. The adjustable output serves as multipurpose power supply. It can handle a 1 ampere current. The 317 must have a heat sink. __ Designed by Milardo de Guzman
Adjustable Step Up Voltage Regulator- Find out more about a step up voltage regulator used to output a voltage higher than the input voltage. __ Designed by REUK-Renewable Energy UK website
Adjustable Voltage Motor Controller- One of the nice things about flying electric is you can test run your motor in the house, workshop, or in the yard and the neighbors won't complain. The problem is how to control the speed of the motor. One way is to use the plane, radio, and speed control with the motor in it. That's no fun! __ Designed by One of the nice things about flying electric is you can test run your motor in the house, workshop, or in the yard and the neighbors won't complain. The problem is how to control the speed of the motor. One way is to use the plane, radio, and speed control with the motor in it. That's no fun! Mount the motor on the bench and just plug the battery into the motor. That's even worse! It's hard on the motor and gearbox.
AdvancedTCA Four Fuse Monitoring Application- The LTC4261 negative voltage Hot Swap controllers allow a board to be safely inserted and removed from a live backplane. Using an external N-channel pass transistor, the board supply voltage can be ramped at an adjustable rate. The devices feature independently adjustable inrush current and overcurrent limits to minimize stresses __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Mar 26th 2010
AdvancedTCA with High-Side & Low-Side Ideal Diode-OR & Hot Swap Controller with I2C Current & Voltage Monitor- The LTC4355 is a positive voltage ideal diode-OR controller that drives two external N-channel MOSFETs. Forming the diode-OR with N-channel MOSFETs instead of Schottky diodes reduces power consumption, heat dissipation and PC board area. __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Mar 26th 2010
AMC 2V & 3.3V Hot Swap Controller Application with Digital Monitoring- The LTC4222 Hot Swap controller allows two power paths to be safely inserted and removed from a live backplane. Using external N-channel pass transistors, board supply voltages and inrush currents are ramped up at an adjustable rate. An I2C interface and onboard ADC allows for monitoring of current, voltage and fault status __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Mar 26th 2010
AN126 - 2-Wire Virtual Remote Sensing for Voltage Regulators - Clairvoyance Marries Remote Sensing- Linear Technology AN126 __ Designed by Jim Williams - Oct 1st, 2010