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Receiver Circuits
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Last Updated: November 22, 2021 02:42 PM

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Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

Forced quenching improves three-transistor FM tuner -  EDN Design Ideas:  02/29/2016    That an FM tuner can be built using one transistor is impressive.  This Design idea is the luxury three-transistor version of that!  Design by Lyle Williams

Four Band Double Tuned Preselector -  The circuit requires an RF input which can be from a longwire or a loop antenna.  The Preamplifier has a range from 550kHz (Medium Wave) up to 30 MHz in the SW band.  The input Switch S1, applies voltage to a set of relays which switch in the appropriate coils __ Designed by David Sayles

Four channels RF wireless transmitter and receiver -  This is a very simple Wireless RF transmitter circuit that consists of the Holtek HT-12E encoder chip and AM 418MHZ-transmitter module (WZ-X01, other similar device can be used).  Using the hybrid RF xmit/receive modules make building the RF remote control a lot easy __ Contact info @ wzmicro.com

Four Valve TRF Receiver -  This MW receiver uses four modern TV valves and provides hi-fi sound with its infinite impedance detector.  UPDATED with cascode RF amplifier.   __ Contact blehack @ yahoo dot com

Four-Watt AF Amplifer -  i have recently included a page about AF amplifers for use with Homebrew rigs.  in this I mentioned that I may include a practical one-watt circuit, complete with PCB foil and layout.  Here it is, but I have taken the liberty of engineering it to provide 4-watts of AF output and with a frequency response almost suitable for Hi-Fi applications __ Designed by Harry Lythall-SM0VPO

Foxhole radio - true tinkering! -  Building a foxhole radio is rewarding and the basic setup is very simple. it is, however, difficult to adjust, and it may take several attempts to find a proper razor blade for the detector. This is a project that requires patience and much trial and error, but it will pay off once it begins to work. it will help to be versed in the construction and operation of crystal sets before building one. __  Brian Carusella

FPGA Based ADS-B Receiver & Decoder -  This page describes the development of the final product Mode-S-Beast, which you can find here. __ Designed by © Günter Köllner, DL4MEA

Frequency Calibrator for AM & Shortwave Radios -  Antique transistor and tube AM/short wave radios can be fun restoration projects.  One of the restoration tasks involves the alignment of the receiver's local oscillator so that the dial readout correctly represents where the receiver is tuned.  This circuit can produce AM-modulated tones on various frequencies that these receivers pick up.  The circuit can produce signals at 10, 5, 2.5, 1.25 and 0.6125 Mhz.  By changing the master oscillator block from 10 Mhz to 16Mhz, the generated frequencies can be changed __ Designed by G. Forrest Cook

Frequency Tripler Using the CA3028 -  Here is a simple frequency tripler using a CA3028 differential amplifier.  The CA3028 has internal bias resistors for setting the differential amplifier's current at about 7 mA when connected as shown.  With this current, the output level is about 0 dBm at 30 MHz with a 1v p-p, 10 MHz input.   __  Contact:  Charles Wenzel of Wenzel Associates, Inc.

Full-Bridge Load Current Monitor -  The LT1990 is a micropower precision difference amplifier with a very high common mode input voltage range.  it has pin selectable gains of 1 or 10.  The LT1990 operates over a ±250V common mode voltage range on a ±15V supply.  The inputs are fault protected from common mode voltage transients up to ±350V and differential voltages __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Apr 5th 2010

Funster receiver Part 1 -  The Funster serves as fodder for your own experiments.  The front-end RF concepts and bifilar wound quadrature hybrids come right out of EMRFD Chapter 9, however, in no way does Funster come close to perfection.  By the time you read this, i'll have changed something. __ Contact Vasily Ivanenko

Funster Receiver Part 2 -  Welcome to part 2 — the Funster receiver front end arose from my experiments with Chapter 9 of Experimental Methods in RF Design EMRFD. __ Contact Vasily Ivanenko

Funster receiver part 3 -  The most common home brew receiver part = the LM386 audio amplifier.  A Signetics brainchild like the NE/SA602, the LM386 first appeared in home brew receivers in the late 1970s.  The impact of the Signetics design team on modern home brew radio building exemplifies an outward phenomenon. __ Contact Vasily Ivanenko

Generic VHF power Amplifier -  Once again my collection of projects creation has been interrupted by another necessity.  Patrick and other people have asked me for a circuit of a VHF power amplifier.  These circuits are my "standard" building blocks that can be used to amplify RF power signals, from 50MHz to 170MHz, just a few component changes are required. __ Designed by Harry Lythall-SM0VPO

Gilfillan 68F -  Another commercially made mantel radio using the Fremodyne circuit for FM reception __ Contact blehack @ yahoo dot com

GPIB to USB with Pic-Plot -  Let's help you to put together a Pic-plot and an inexpensive USB to serial converter.   __ Designed by Andrea  IW9HJV and Johnny  IW9ARO

GPS Module for Your PC -  Link it to your PC and trace your position on and on-screen map.  There's lots of freeware and shareware to use with it as well.__ SiliconChip

GPS receiver (Gamin, Eagle etc) to PC interface cables -  GPSy (TM) has extensive documentation on how to create your own data cables, and if you are handy with a soldering iron (or know how to use crimp connectors) , there are some instructions.   __ Designed by ©  Global Mapping Systems and Karen Nakamura

GPS Receiver Based Frequency Standard -  Frequency accuracy has been a topic of special interest to many amateurs and experimenters since the early days of radio.  Until recently, the best frequency standard available to most hams was a crystal oscillator carefully adjusted to zero-beat __ Designed by Brooks Shera, W5OJM

GPS-based universal clock generator -  For your microwave frequency counter you don't need a Cesium-beam clock inside your lab when there are at least five flying at 20000Km above you.  Locking on the 10KHz output of a Rockwell GPS module we built a 10ppb accurate frequency reference.    __ Designed by Andrea  IW9HJV and Johnny  IW9ARO

GPS-Synchronised Clock -  Tired of resetting the time on your wall clock? This GPS circuit will convert a standard battery wall clock into a precision timekeeper that never needs to be corrected.  it will even automatically adjust for daylight saving time.__ SiliconChip

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