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Receiver Circuits
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Last Updated: June 02, 2021 01:44 PM

High-speed 75MHz light receiver - This circuit uses one tiny C-MOS inverter IC to form a modulated light receiver with a very fast response.  It is designed around a PIN photo diode that is packaged for use with plastic optical fibers.  It can be used as an optical fiber receiver.  By using the open end of the optical fiber it can "sniff" out any modulated light signals. . . Circuit by David Johnson P.E.-June, 2000

Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

HAM Radio BFO -  circuit diagram of beat frequency oscillator using BF494 and how to listen amateur radio communication on ordinary BC receiver.  __ 

HAMCOM & SoundCard MODEM interface for digital modes using serial- or soundcard audio -  Ham Radio - Modems and Soundcard interfaces - schematic __ Designed by Guy Roels ON6MU

HAMCOM (SSTV, RTTY, FAX, PSK31...) modem using PC-speaker for TX -  Ham Radio - Modems and Soundcard interfaces __ Designed by Guy Roels ON6MU

HAMCOM (SSTV, RTTY, FAX...) modem using serial audio for TX -  Ham Radio - Schematic - Modems and Soundcard interfaces __ Designed by Guy Roels ON6MU

Hear AM ateurs on your FM Radio! -  amateur radio construction projects.   __ Designed by Peter Parker

Heathkit FM Converter -  The Heathkit FM1 was a kit version of the Fremodyne circuit __ Contact blehack @ yahoo dot com

HeNe Laser Transmitter/Receiver -  This set of two circuits from the basis for a very simple light wave transmitter.  A LASER beam is modulated and then aimed at a receiver that demodulates the signal and then presents the information (voice, data, etc).  The whole thing is very easy to build and requires no specialized parts execpt for the LASER itself.  LASERs are available from MWK industries.   __ Designed by Aaron Cake

HF linear Amplifier with MRF454 -  100W HF Linear Amp - Schematic only, no circuit description __ Designed by © 2001 - YO5OFH, Csaba Gajdos

HF TRANSCEIVER -  This page will describe the construction of a multi band SSB transceiver.  Because I do 99% of my operating on my four favourite bands, I decided to build a four band rig with provision for adding a fifth band later.  The design can be used on any band from 160M to 10M.  Mine covers 80M, 40M, 17M, 10M.   __ Designed by EI9GQ homebrew radio

HF/6M Antenna Tuner Preselector & Antenna Switcher -  Ham Radio - BALUN, TUNERS - Schematic __ Designed by Guy Roels ON6MU

HF/VHF mini portable tuner -  if you elect to use an antenna tuner, it is extremely important that you understand exactly how to use tuners and what they can and cannot do.  A few watts of RF can easily become lost in an incorrectly adjusted antenna matching device.  The whole idea of a QRP station is to keep things simple and economical, so I cannot overemphasize the priority of a clean, efficient connection of the amplifier output to a resonant antenna.   __ Designed by Guy Roels ON6MU

HF/VHF portable antenna tuner -  Ham Radio - BALUN, TUNERS - Schematic __ Designed by Guy Roels ON6MU

High Altitude Balloon -  With live APRS tracker, battery heater __ Designed by Thomas Scherrer OZ2CPU

High dynamic range RF Amplifier -  Schematic only, no circuit description __ Designed by © 2001 - YO5OFH, Csaba Gajdos

High Fidelity FM Stereo Modulator (Rev E2) -  This circuitry is used for generating a high quality FM stereo multiplex signal that is suitable for driving mono FM transmitters.  The Rev E2 FM stereo multiplex generator is the most recent design in a series of circuits that have appeared on this site.  This version features improvements to the audio mixer stage, better gain adjustments in the audio filter stage and a rework of the multiplexer stage.  When it is adjusted properly, the Rev E2 design produces an FM stereo signal with excellent fidelity. __ Designed by G. Forrest Cook

High Frequency VCO Design & Schematics -  Schematic only __ Designed by va3iul

High input IP3 mixer enables robust VHF receivers -  08/29/14 EDN Design Ideas:  LTC Design Notes 515: An increasing number of applications occupy the 30MHz to 300MHz very high frequency (VHF) band.  Television and radio broadcasting, navigation controls and amateur radios are a few examples.  Modern RF component development is aimed at much higher frequency bands used for voice and data communications systems Design by Andy Mo

High Performance Direct Conversion Receiver -  In this article, I'll describe two high-performance direct-conversion receivers that are part of a series of SSB with CW receivers.   __ Rick Campbell, KK7B

High Performance Receiver for Wireless Applications -  App Note  Doc #904  1/16/94 __ California Eastern Laboratories

High Power FM Microphone FM Bug -  My FM Wireless Microphone has been a very popular project with beginners and experienced constructors alike.  it has been used inside guitars and as the basis of a remote control system.   __ Designed by Harry Lythall-SM0VPO

High Power FM Wireless Microphone -  This FM Wireless Microphone has been a very popular project with beginners and experienced constructors alike.  it has been used inside guitars and as the basis of a remote control system.  I do however, receive many requests for a higher powered circuit and better microphone sensitivity.  This High Power FM Wireless Microphone has a better frequency stability, over 1 Km range and is good on microphone sensitivity.  This has been achieved by adding an RF amplifier buffer (with 10dB gain) and an AF preamplifier to boost the modulation a little.__ 

High quality AM through your FM stereo -  amateur radio construction projects.   __ Designed by Peter Parker

High-speed 75MHz light receiver -  This circuit uses one tiny C-MOS inverter IC to form a modulated light receiver with a very fast response.  it is designed around a PIN photo diode that is packaged for use with plastic optical fibers.  it can be used as an optical fiber receiver.  By using the open end of the optical fiber it can "sniff" out any modulated light signals. . . Circuit by David Johnson P.E.-June, 2000

Homebrew 20m CW Transceiver -  hand-drawn schematic __ Designed by MINOWA, Makoto  7N3WVM

Homebrew 30m CW Transceiver -  hand-drawn schematic __ Designed by MINOWA, Makoto  7N3WVM

Homebrew 40m CW Transceiver -  hand-drawn schematic __ Designed by MINOWA, Makoto  7N3WVM

Homebrew 6m DSB Transceiver -  hand-drawn schematic __ Designed by MINOWA, Makoto  7N3WVM

Homebrew 6m SSB/CW Transceiver -  hand-drawn schematic __ Designed by MINOWA, Makoto  7N3WVM

Homemade Fremodyne -  This is one of my attempts at building a Fremodyne receiver as an FM mantel radioSound quality turned out to be quite good with this set __ Contact blehack @ yahoo dot com

Horn Speaker for Crystal Radios -  Well, I can’t guarantee that if you just connect it to your crystal radio it be heard throughout the room, but it’s a step ahead anyway.  Loud volume on a crystal set depends on a series of factors such good antenna, good ground, choice of a nice setup, an efficient impedance matching transformer, good construction techniques to avoid “leaks” of the signal and, of course, a fair ratio between the distance from your receiver and the power of the radio stations transmitters.  in other words, “there’s no free lunch”.  __ Designed by Marcos Kusnick

How to Build a 300MHz AM RF Remote Control System -  if you plan to build this project, simply replace the RE-99 receiver & TX-99 transmitter with the RWS-434 & TWS-434A RF receiver & transmitter modules found HERE.  These circuits will work with any RF transmitter and receiver modules.  Due to the huge interest in this project, I have just recently finished the NEW schematics.  The older schematics were scanned and pretty poor quality.  These new ones should make it considerably easier to recognize the parts used for the project.   __ Designed by © Reynolds Electronics

Howard 474 -  Commercially made example of a Fremodyne receiver which I was fortunate to acquire and restore __ Contact blehack @ yahoo dot com

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