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Remote Control Circuits
Remote Controllers:  #'s - C        D - I        L - S        T - Z

Last Updated: November 22, 2021 02:42 PM
Circuits Designed by Dave Johnson, P.E. :
40khz TV-VCR Light Source Repeater - This circuit is designed to be placed directly in front of a standard TV or VCR remote.  The exiting light pulses produced by the circuit match the pulses from the remote but are about 10 times more powerful.  Using the device, the remote can operate a TV or VCR over three times the normal distance. . . Circuit by Dave Johnson P.E.-June, 2000

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Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:
10-Channel IR Remote Control Receiver -  it works with commercial iR remote transmitters and is a snack to build.  The channels can be wired for momentary or toggle operation.__ SiliconChip

12-channel Infrared Remote Control -  it uses an infrared remote control unit and can switch 12 circuits, all either momentary or latched.__ SiliconChip

1-Wire Network Controls Remote SPI Peripherals -  09/04/08  EDN Design Ideas:  This circuit controls a remote LED display by the 1-wire network through an SPi-compatible display controller Design by Michael Petersen, Maxim Integrated Products, Colorado Springs, CO

2 Channel RF AVR Remote Control -  How many times you needed some remote control to handle some electric device ? many times.  There are lot of remote controls like infrared, RF, SMS (like my other circuit) and more.  The basic small-range remote controls are 2, infrared and RF (Radio Frequency).  One of the weaks of infrared is that the signal can not pass the walls.  So, if you want to control your garage door, the only way is to use some RF remote control.  The circuit (transmitter and receiver) use few components and ordinary (I love few component circuits).  its easy to build it because you don't have to tune-up any coil or variable capacitor.  The RF modules are fix to work in 418MHz area.  __ 

2 channel RF remote control -  This RF remote control it runs at 418 MHz frequency and support up to 2 channels.  it is very safety as the transmitting code is changing every time you push any button (roll-code function)  __ Designed by © Vassilis Serasidis

2 channel RF remote control on AVR -  How many times you needed some remote control to handle some electric device ? many times. There are lot of remote controls like infrared, RF, SMS (like my other circuit) and more. The basic small-range remote controls are 2, infrared and RF (Radio Frequency). One of the weaks of infrared is that the signal can not pass the walls. So, if you want to control your garage door, the only way is to use some RF remote control. __ 

2 Way IR Terminal -  This unit provide 2 way iR communications using a numeric keypad and an LCD display.  Data is sent and recieved in acsii with no regard to what the data means to any particular device __ Designed by Luhan Monat-Mesa Arizona

2^16 remote control encoder & Decoder -  Control up to 16 remote digital output lines by this remote control encoder/decoder.  The encoder can transmit either using a radio module or an infrared LED.  The decoder outputs can be latched or momentary __ Designed by Peter Jakab

2-CH RF Remote Control -  On these pages, I will introduce Remote Controller with Radio Frequency.  The electric wave sending-out is controlled with the code by PIC  for transmission and the code is deciphered by PIC  for receiving.  __ 

2-wire remote sensor preamp -  01/13/14  EDN Design Ideas:  Locally condition and amplify a distant sensor using only a two-wire connection for both power and signal - This Design idea implements a remote sensor preamp (e.g., for a piezoelectric transducer) which transfers both signal and power over a single wire pair or coax Design by Vladimir Rentyuk

2-Wire Virtual Remote Sensing for Voltage Regulators -  Linear Technology AN126 __ Designed by Jim Williams - Oct 1st, 2010

3 Channel IR Remote Control -  This project is a 3-channel iR remote control with 3 output relay and easy to build.  Features: CPU PIC 12F629 at 4MHz crystal for Tx/Rx, 3 channel output relay, The Tx use sleep mode for saving battery power, Use Phillips RC5 protocol, distance more than 7 m, Easy circuit to build and assembly and small amount of components.  Uses RC5 protocol which is probably the most used by hobbyists, probably because the wide availability of cheap remote controls and easy to understand.   __ Designed by

3 Channel RF Remote Control -  This is a 3 channel RF remote control project.  The transmitter powered by 3V battery (coin size) range about 10 m.  This remote control I use PIC 12F509 from Microchip which is a 8-pin single-chip microcontroller designed for low pin count applications with 1 K words flash memory and 41Byte SRAM and some special features such Power-saving Sleep mode, Wake-up from Sleep on pin change.   __ Designed by

300 MHz AM RF Remote Control System -  if you plan to build this project, simply replace the RE-99 receiver & TX-99 transmitter with the RWS-434 & TWS-434A RF receiver & transmitter modules found HERE.  These circuits will work with any RF transmitter and receiver modules.  Due to the huge interest in this project, I have just recently finished the NEW schematics.  The older schematics were scanned and pretty poor quality.  These new ones should make it considerably easier to recognize the parts used for the project.   __ Designed by © Reynolds Electronics

35kHz Magnetic-Radiation Remote-Control -  Short-range 35KHz operation, single-channel units; Simple circuitry, no outer antennas required __ Contact Flavio Dellepiane, fladello @ tin.it

3-Channel UHF Rolling-Code Remote Control, Pt.1 -  This high-security 3-button UHF transmitter and receiver can be used for keyless entry into homes and commercial premises and for controlling garage doors and external lighting.  Three separate outputs on the receiver can be used to activate various electrical devices such as a door strike, a motorised garage door and 230VAC lights.  Up to 16 transmitters can be used with the one receiver so it's even suitable for a small business.__ SiliconChip

3-Channel UHF Rolling-Code Remote Control, Pt.2 -  Last month we introduced our new high security remote control and got as far as completing both the receiver/relay driver and transmitter.  This month we'll put it all together and get the two parts talking to each other - securely! __ SiliconChip

4 channel infrared remote relays -  4 Channel infrared (iR) Remote is a simple kit using the famous HT12A and HT12D encoder / decoder chips from Holtek __ Designed by Rajkumar Sharma

4 channel RF remote control -  Why design a project from the start when there are many modules available on the web that can get a project finished in half the time.   __ Contact Collin Mitchell

40khz TV-VCR Light Source Repeater -  This circuit is designed to be placed directly in front of a standard TV or VCR remote.  The exiting light pulses produced by the circuit match the pulses from the remote but are about 10 times more powerful.  Using the device, the remote can operate a TV or VCR over three times the normal distance. . . Circuit by Dave Johnson P.E.-June, 2000

433MHz Super Remote Control -  Using a PIC 12F683 and a few transistors, it is theoretically possible to boost the power to a standard 433 MHz remote transmitter module. (Note hypothetical image at right). 
This design utilized 10 Pulse Coding for maximum range with minimal power draw.  Very short pulses are generated using a voltage multipier circuit described below.   __ Designed by Luhan Monat-Mesa Arizona

433MHz UHF Remote Switch -  ideal for remote control of practically anything you like and with a range of more than 200m, this wireless transmitter and receiver pair use pre-built UHF modules that make it easy to construct and use.__ SiliconChip

4-CH Remote Control -  You can construct your own long range infrared (iR) wireless remote using Motorola's MC145026 emitter and MC145027 detector chips.  With your remote you can control devices up to 20 feet (7 meters) away.  it operates similiarly to a TV remote.  You just point the emitter at the detector, push a transmit button.  The detector then interprets your data signal.  You can use this circuit to remotely turn on/off devices (like a motors, relays, home appliances).   __ Designed by Boondog web site

4-way remote control uses series transmission -  01/18/01 EDN Design Ideas:  A simultaneous fourway remote-control system adheres to size, cost, and reduced-complexity   constraints and uses a series transmission to drive parallel loads (Figure 1).  You can use.   PDF has several circuits, scroll down.    Design by JM Terrade, Clermont-Ferrand, France

5 channel infrared remote relays -  5 Channel infrared (iR) Remote is a simple kit using the famous HT12A and HT12D encoder / decoder chips from Holtek __ Designed by Rajkumar Sharma

6-channel IR remote system with  micro PIC 16F84 -  This project is a remote control system based on a pic and an universal remote controller  for TV, named SiMPLEX.   __ Designed by Alfred73

6-Channel IR Remote Volume Control-Part 1 -  it's ideal for use with Dolby 5.1 digital decoders and lets you adjust the volume of all six channels simultaneously.__ SiliconChip

6-Channel IR Remote Volume Control-Part 2 -  it's ideal for use with Dolby 5.1 digital decoders and lets you adjust the volume of all six channels simultaneously.__ SiliconChip

8 Channel IR Remote Control -  Simple iR remote control with up to 8 channels! __ 

8 Channel RF Remote Control -  This is an 8 Channel RF Remote Transmitter and Receiver that will allow to remotely control various electronic projects.  RF Remote Control provides 2 latched and 6 momentary outputs that could be used to control your favorite devices such as amplifier, robotic devices, RC cars, computer, home appliances, lamps and many other cool gadgets.  __ 

8-Function Remote Uses One Button, No Microcode -  12/15/09  EDN Design Ideas: Simplify the operation of a remote control Design by Jay Davis, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems, Wichita, KS

9 Volt 2 Amp PSU -  A simple 9 Volt 2 amp supply using a single IC regulator.   __ Designed by Andy Collison


Remote Controllers:  #'s - C        D - I        L - S        T - Z

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