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RFID Circuits

Last Updated: November 22, 2021 02:42 PM
Circuits Designed by Dave Johnson, P.E. :

125khz Wireless Smart Key Detector - This circuit will turn on an indicator light whenever it detects a smart car key containing an RFID chip. . . Circuit by David Johnson P.E.-July, 2006

Optical RFID Test Circuit - I designed this test the concept of using light techniques to send identification data instead of RF.. . . Circuit by David Johnson P.E.-February, 2002

RFID Smart Key Detector - The hobby circuit below was designed to indicate if a key held over the small coil of wire contains a 125KHz RFID chip.  These chips are often used in smart car ignition keys.  The left side circuit forms a 125KHz power oscillator, which drives the 680uH a . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David Johnson P.E.-July, 2006

RFID Test Circuit - I designed this test the concept of using light techniques to send identification data instead of RF. . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David Johnson P.E.-February, 2002

Wireless RFID Smart Key Detector - The hobby circuit below was designed to indicate if a key held over the small coil of wire contains a 125KHz RFID chip.  These chips are often used in smart car ignition keys.  The left side circuit forms a 125KHz power oscillator, which drives the 680uH a . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David A. Johnson P.E.-July, 2006

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Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

.125 kHz RFID tag reader -  This RFID reader is based on  a small 8 pin micro-controller (ATtiny13) and an Operational Amplifier (LM358).  The reading-decoding and output the unique iD serial number of RFID tag is made entire in software by ATtiny13.  No special chip is used!  __ Designed by © Vassilis Serasidis

125khz Wireless Smart Key Detector -  This circuit will turn on an indicator light whenever it detects a smart car key containing an RFID chip. . . Circuit by David Johnson P.E.-July, 2006

A Low Power RF ID Transponder -  This is the Grand Prize winner in the design category of the 1993 RF Design Awards Contest.  This entry exhibited both innovative use of RF technology and an elegant implementation of that technology __ Designed by Raymond T. Page, Reprint courtesy of RF Design Magazine

AB RFID Security System -  Here's a high-security system that's very easy to build but offers you peace-of-mind for your home, car - In fact, anything where entry needs allow the good guys in but reject the bad guys.  Team it with an electric lock and you can have a keyless entry system as well! __ SiliconChip

An RFID Security Module -  No more codes and no more keys; just wave a key tag to open doors and control security systems.__ SiliconChip

Basebands for an RFID Receiver -  DN381 Design Notes__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices

Greek telecard reader -  This telecard reader can read the contain of any  telecard until 64 bytes (512 bits) and display it  to  hyper terminal software, using RS232 port __ Designed by © Vassilis Serasidis

Low Power RFID Transponder -  This is the Grand Prize winner in the design category of the 1993 RF Design Awards Contest.  This entry exhibited both innovative use of RF technology and an elegant implementation of that technology __ Designed by  Raymond Page

Optical RFID Test Circuit -  i designed this test the concept of using light techniques to send identification data instead of RF.. . . Circuit by David Johnson P.E.-February, 2002

RFID Based Access Control using Arduino -  RFID is a non-contact, automatic identification technology that uses radio signals to identify, track, sort and detect a variety of objects including people, vehicles, goods and assets without the need for...__ Electronics Projects for You

RFID Based Attendance System -  Most educational institutions' administrators are concerned about student irregular attendance.  Truancies can affect student overall academic performance.  The conventional method of taking attendance by calling names or signing on paper is...__ Electronics Projects for You

RFID Demokit 125kHz -  Transceiver including antenna for reading and writing, where possible, the 125kHz transponders EM4100, EM4102, EM4105, EM4150.  includes 2 tags each using the EM4150 and EM4100 and demonstration software.  __ 

RFID Smart Key Detector -  The hobby circuit below was designed to indicate if a key held over the small coil of wire contains a 125KHz RFID chip.  These chips are often used in smart car ignition keys.  The left side circuit forms a 125KHz power oscillator, which drives the 680uH a . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David Johnson P.E.-July, 2006

RFID Test Circuit -  i designed this test the concept of using light techniques to send identification data instead of RF. . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David Johnson P.E.-February, 2002

RFID Transponder-Low Power -  This is the Grand Prize winner in the design category of the 1993 RF Design Awards Contest.  This entry exhibited both innovative use of RF technology and an elegant implementation of that technology __ Designed by  Raymond Page

RFID-Based Automatic Vehicle Parking System -  RFID technology is used in vehicle parking systems of malls and buildings (refer Fig.1). The system normally consists of a vehicle counter, sensors, display board, gate controller, RFID tags and RFID reader. Presented here is an automatic vehicle parking system using AT89S52 microcontroller.__  6/26/2012 - EFY

RFID-Based Security System -  A radio-frequency identification (RFID) based access-control system allows only authorised persons to enter a particular area of an establishment.  The authorised persons are provided with unique tags, using which they can...__ Electronics Projects for You

Telecard reader -  This telecard reader can read the contain of any  telecard until 64 bytes (512 bits) and display it  to  hyper terminal software, using RS232 port __ Designed by © Vassilis Serasidis

Transponder coils in an RFID system -  Coilcraft RF Magnetics App Note- __ Designed by Coilcraft Power Magnetics Application Note

Wideband RF ICs for Power Detection & Control -  DN335 Design Notes__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices

Wireless RFID Smart Key Detector -  The hobby circuit below was designed to indicate if a key held over the small coil of wire contains a 125KHz RFID chip.  These chips are often used in smart car ignition keys.  The left side circuit forms a 125KHz power oscillator, which drives the 680uH a . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David A. Johnson P.E.-July, 2006

Radio-Frequency Identification Circuits

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