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Servo Circuits

Last Updated: November 22, 2021 02:41 PM

Circuits Designed by Dave Johnson, P.E. :
Servo Pulse to Voltage Converter - A while back a Discover Circuits visitor needed a way to convert servo pulses from a radio controlled device into a voltage.  The drawing below, illustrates the pulse train of the received signal.  The time between pulses is a fixed 20ms while the pulse widths vary from a low of 1ms to a high of 2ms . . . Hobby Circuit designed by Dave Johnson P.E.-August, 2005

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Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

0-10V control for RC servos -  This circuit takes standard 0-10V control voltage (for example from analogue light controlling desk) and outputs a standard 1-2 ms RC servo motors control pulse.   __ Designed by Tomi Engdahl

A Servo with lots of grunt -  Looking for a servo with a lot of grunt? This jumbo servo uses a robust 12V motor/gearbox assembly to give you real muscle.__ SiliconChip

Circuit Measures Capacitance or Inductance -  10/21/10 EDN Design Ideas:  Use instruments you already have and a few equations when you don’t have a capacitance meter.   Design by Jim McLucas, Broomfield, CO

Connecting a Servo to a PICAXE -  The three simple routines below go further than the PIC AXE manual.  The programs are self explanatory. __ Designed by Lewis Loflin

DC servo Motor driver -  site is currently under construction __ Contact IQ Technologies

DC Servomotor Controller -  An experiment on the DC servomotor control system.  it is controlled with only an AVR.    __ Designed by The Electronic Lives Manufacturing-presented Chan

Measures Capacitance or Inductance -  10/21/10 EDN Design Ideas:  Use instruments you already have and a few equations when you don’t have a capacitance meter.   Design by Jim McLucas, Broomfield, CO

Modeller’s Clock -  The special feature of this analogue wall clock is that it uses a standard model servo to tell the time.  The display principle is the same as for an ordinary wall clock, but with two important differences.  A standard model servo is unable to cover a travel of 360°, so we’ll need to adapt the clock face to this situation must register on this site __ Designed by Published in Elecktor July/Aug, 2010

Modify Servo Motor for Continuous Movement -  Servo motors are widely used in precise control applications, but most of them can rotate up to 180 degrees only.  Presented here is a process for modifying servo motors so that...__ Electronics Projects for You

Modifying a Servo -  i was in need to modify four expensive JR-DS8231 Ultra Digital servos to rotate 360° instead of the standard 130° or something.  The mods were required so they could be used with a tethered blimp.  The infra-red and night vision camera equipment is mounted underneath the blimp on a special frabicated aluminum cage and is radio controlled (Tony van Roon's R/C)  __ Designed by Tony van Roon  VA3AVR

Parallel Port Servo Controller -  schematic only __ Designed by shaunwilson19 @ yahoo.com

PIC Micro Multiple Servo Motor Interface -  Using a modified version of the last program, we can control as many servomotors as we have i/O lines on port B.  in the next listing, we will control two servos in the same manner as we controlled a single servo in the previous program.  The circuit is shown in figure 4 (below).
 __  Contact:  Images SI, Inc

PIC MicroController Servo Motor Interface -  in our first program , we will simply sweep the servomotor from CCW to CW and then sweep back.  The program will be kept simple as to demonstrate the priniciples of controlling a servo with a the PIC  Basic language.  The schematic can be seen in figure 2 (below).
 __ Contact Images SI, Inc

Pulse-Width Adjuster Reverses Servo Motor -  03/17/94 EDN Design Ideas:  Typical remote-control systems and robotics applications use standard R/C servos, which often require a reversal of the direction of rotation.  Since varying the input signal's pulse width between 1 and 2 msec controls the servo's output position, a circuit that adjusts the pulse width Design by Joe Utasi, Jomar Products Corp, Cincinnati, OH

RC Servo Tester with 555 IC -  Servo refers to an error sensing feedback control which is used to correct the performance of a system.  Servo motor is a DC motor equipped with a servo mechanism for precise control of angular position.  Servo motors usually have a rotation limit from 90° to 180°.  Servos are used for precision positioning in robotic __ Designed by T.K. Hareendran

Serial Servo Motor Controller -  Several people contacted me about our other project for controlling hobby servo motors with the PC serial port.  Servo Commander was designed after quite a few people asked for a version of the serial servo controller that would let the user select a different serial port on the PC, and had the ability to control 8 servos.  Several people contacted me about our other project for controlling hobby servo motors with the PC serial port.  Servo Commander was designed after quite a few people asked for a version of the serial servo controller that would let the user select a different serial port on the PC, and had the ability to control 8 servos.   __ Designed by Reynolds Electronics

Servo Controller -  This circuit can be used to manually turn a servo clockwise and anti-clockwise.  By pushing the forward or reverse button for a short period of time you can control the rotation of the servo.  __ 555-Timer

Servo loop improves linear-regulator efficiency -  8-Jul-04 EDN Design Ideas:  Linear regulators are easy to implement and have better noise and drift characteristics than switching approaches.  Their largest disadvantage is inefficiency  excess energy dissipated as heat.  Several well-known techniques are available to minimize the input-to-output voltage across a linear regulator Design by Aurel Gontean, Technical University, Timisoara, Romania

Servo Motor Controller -  This is the simple basic design of servo motor controller with pulse generator.  it uses the CMOS IC 7555 in the Astable mode to generate pulses to drive the servo motor.  The circuit can be suitably modified to get pulses of sufficient length.  A Servo is a small device that has an output shaft.  This shaft can be positioned to __ Designed by D Mohankumar

Servo Motor Tester -  When using a servo motor in a project, if the servo motor does not respond as per the input, how to make sure that the fault is not in the servo...__ Electronics Projects for You

Servo Pulse to Dual H-Bridge -  interface performs vital control functions needed for propulsion and steering of a fighting robot __ Designed by Bob Blick

Servo Pulse to PWM -  converter connects an H-Bridge to radio control receivers or robotic circuits __ Designed by Bob Blick

Servo Pulse to Voltage Converter -  A while back a Discover Circuits visitor needed a way to convert servo pulses from a radio controlled device into a voltage.  The drawing below, illustrates the pulse train of the received signal.  The time between pulses is a fixed 20ms while the pulse widths vary from a low of 1ms to a high of 2ms . . . Hobby Circuit designed by Dave Johnson P.E.-August, 2005

Servo Signal Trigger -  The main inspiration for setting up this site, this little creation allows you to effectively add functions to your existing R/C set-up for models, robots, model robots, etc.  i'm selling kits on Tindie along with a few assembled ones and some bare PCBs.  You can also Email me directly (see about page for contact details) and i'll sell you one for 5% less (ie.  without Tindie's charge) , but this way I can only guarantee stock when I confirm your order. __ Designed by Kevin Koster

Servo Tester -  This circuit can be used to manually turn a servo clockwise and anti-clockwise.  By pushing the forward or reverse button for a short period of time you can control the rotation of the servo.  it will also test a servo.  __ 555-Timer

Servo Wiring Chart -  After 1991 or so (i can't remember) , most of the major brands of servos became compatible with each other.  You can use any of these brands of servos with any brand of receiver.  Some brands of servos are really great for a particular use in a particular plane, and there are other companies that sell their servos with each different __ 

Servo with lots of grunt -  Looking for a servo with a lot of grunt? This jumbo servo uses a robust 12V motor/gearbox assembly to give you real muscle.__ SiliconChip

Servo Tester -  A simple circuit based around one logic IC which will test/control most radio-control type servos __ Contact P. Townshend - EduTek Ltd

Simple Circuit servo Controller -  This cicuit allows you to test a servo.  The angle of the servo can be set by means of the 10k potmeter.  Perhaps you will not be able to reach all positions with this circuit.  Playing with other__ 

Simple Circuit Servo Controller using 555 Timer -  Servo motors have many uses in everything from robotics to puppetry to photography and beyond.  These little motors can position their output shaft to any position on command hold that position.  Most servos have a range of motion to about 210 degrees and thankfully are very easy to control with a simple circuit such as the one presented here.  Using just a 555 timer and a few support components this circuit can control a servo through it's full rotation based on the position of a pot.  This circuit was originally published in the Think Tank column of the October 1995 issue of Popular Electronics. __ Designed by Aaron Cake

Simple Circuit Servo Tester -  This is a simple servo tester which will comprehensively test the capabilities of almost any modern servo.  It has two pushbuttons, CENTRE and SWEEP and a potentiometer which works as follows: __ Designed by Edward M

Servo Circuits

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