All-In-One USB Power Management IC Solution - DN1008 Design Notes__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices Automated USB controlled Power Switch - Power for TV and set top box (STB) is derived from a common switchboard. The switched-mode power supply (SMPS) of the TV continues to draw a small amount of power from mains and the STB is not switched off when you switch off the remote. This next project presents a circuit that can control mains power of an LED TV and the DTH STB. it also protects the devices from harmful initial surges when power comes back after a power failure.__ Electronics Projects for You
AVR In-System-Programmer - USB AVR programmer that supports a lot of AVR microcontrollers __ Designed by © Vassilis Serasidis
AVR ISP MK2 Modding USB power supply - The original AVR iSP MK2, is USB powered. it needs to sense target power to be able to work, so why not make it power the whole target ? __ Designed by Thomas Scherrer OZ2CPU
Bicycle USB Charger - This circuit has been developed to add a USB charging port to a bicycle for charging a mobile phone. The input supply for the circuit is produced by a dynamo (6V, ...__ Electronics Projects for You
Bit Wacker-18F2550 - This is an easy to assemble, through-hole version of the popular UBW board. This is a spectacular little development board featuring the PIC 18F2550. Based on the work of Brian Schmalz, the UBW is a small board with a command interpreter for basic input and output control. When attached to a Windows/Max OS X/Linux computer, the UBW will show up as an RS232 Com port! You control the individual i/O pins on the PIC through simple serial commands. This is a kit and includes a pre-programmed 18F2550 and both male and female connectors so you can choose which connector you would prefer. __
Bit Whacker-Simple Circuit input/ output Device - The UBW board is a small board that contains a Microchip PIC USB-capable microcontroller, headers to bring out all of the PIC s signal lines (to a breadboard for example) , only costs about $15-$20 to build and is powered from the USB connection. I designed this board to be a simple parallel port replacement tool for Bruce Shapiro for use in his bits-to-bytes-to-bots class. Apologies to all other 'Whacker' projects like EDTP's Packet Whacker for stealing a great name. All tools used to design this project are free, and the design is open to anyone to use for whatever they wish. Please build your own and improve upon it! . __
Build a UPS for USB Devices - 04/11/02 EDN Design Ideas: Portable systems often include circuitry that derives power from an external source, such as USB. When the system disconnects from the USB supply, a battery takes over and supplies current via a DC/DC converter. A diode-OR connection (Figure 1) offers the easiest way to ensure that the supply voltage doesn't sag during this switchover to the battery __ Circuit Design by Mark Cherry and Jean-Claude Ailloud, Maxim Integrated Products, Sunnyvale, CA, and France
Build a USB Powered AA NiMH
& NiCd Battery Charger - i’m always complaining about all the chargers and wall warts I need to carry with me when going on a trip. This project, which can charge a pair of AA Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH
) or Nickel Cadmium (NIC d) cells using a laptop’s USB port for power, arose to address part of that problem. __ Contact Stefan Vorkoetter
Build a USB-based GPIB controller - 112/06/05 EDN Design Ideas: Roll-your-own USB-based instrumentation bus __ Circuit Design by Boštjan Glazar, Marko Jankovec, and Marko Topic, Laboratory of Semiconductor Devices, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Build a USB-Controlled Electrocardiograph - it's controlled by a USB port on your PC or laptop and displays a person's electrocardiogram (ECG) on the monitor or LCD screen__ SiliconChip
Capturing Images with USB Camera, Wi-Fi & Raspberry Pi - Ever since this tiny, credit-card-sized computer, Raspberry Pi, appeared in the market, it has caught the imagination of every electronics and computer hobbyist around the world. The powerful Linux operating system...__ Electronics Projects for You
Circuit Charges Supercapacitors to 7V from USB Power - 04/26/07 EDN Design Ideas: Switching regulator charges three supercapacitors with current limit. __ Circuit Design by Fran Hoffart, Linear Technology, Milpitas, CA
Circuit compensates system offset of a load-cell-based balance - 08/16/07 EDN Design Ideas: A dual DAC stores the system-offset voltage, which gets determined during a power-on calibration sequence. it’s a challenge to interface a resistive bridge sensor with an ADC receiving its power from a 5V single-supply power source. Some applications require output-voltage swings from 0V to a full-scale voltage, such as 4.096V, with excellent accuracy. With most single-supply instrumentation amplifiers, problems arise when the output signal approaches 0V, near the lower output-swing limit of a single-supply instrumentation amp. A good single-supply instrumentation amp may swing close to single-supply ground but does not reach ground even if it has a true rail-to-rail output. __ Circuit Design by Luca Bruno, ITIS Hensemberger, Monza, Italy
Circuit for UPS to Hybernate PC - Most of the low-power UPS systems available in the market do not have the facility to shut down the PC before they turn off automatically due to low battery. Some of them have the facility but they require software for the same. __ Electronics Projects for You
Compensate system offset of a load-cell-based balance - 08/16/07 EDN Design Ideas: A dual DAC stores the system-offset voltage, which gets determined during a power-on calibration sequence. it’s a challenge to interface a resistive bridge sensor with an ADC receiving its power from a 5V single-supply power source. Some applications require output-voltage swings from 0V to a full-scale voltage, such as 4.096V, with excellent accuracy. With most single-supply instrumentation amplifiers, problems arise when the output signal approaches 0V, near the lower output-swing limit of a single-supply instrumentation amp. A good single-supply instrumentation amp may swing close to single-supply ground but does not reach ground even if it has a true rail-to-rail output. __ Circuit Design by Luca Bruno, ITIS Hensemberger, Monza, Italy
Control stepping Motor via USB interface - This is an example that demonstration how to control some devices via USB interface. The PC software program with delphi. Feature:, CPU PIC 18F4550 with full speed USB interface at 48MHz. , USB 2.0 compliance, Use on-chip USB driver__
Current-Limited DC/DC Converter Simplifies USB Power Supplies - DN252 Design Notes__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices
Data acquisition with PIC18F4550 - This project is simple and small component count USB data acquisition or USB DAQ. The main core of USB device is PIC 18F4550. The firmware for PIC modified from Microchip CDC library. When connect this USB Data acquisition with PC then windows ask for driver after driver installed (only first time) you will have a new COMx if not connect the COMx not create by Windows. __
Data-acquisition system captures 16-bit voltage measurements using the USB - 05/25/06 EDN Design Ideas: The USB has become the interface of choice for connecting to PCs. Available on all relatively modernPCs, the USB offers a standard connector and can supply power to peripheralsat 5V and as much as 100 mA of current. The circui __ Circuit Design by Terry Millward, Maxim Integrated Products Inc, Blonay, Switzerland
Derive an efficient dual-rail power supply from USB - 06/13/13 EDN Design Ideas: Wind the transformer yourself for the voltage you need. __ Circuit Design by R O Ocaya
DS1820 PC Thermometer - This is a digital thermometer based on USB PIC 16C745 microcontroller from Microchip and DS1820 sensor from Dallas Semiconductor. Temperature readings are sent over USB port in HiDCOMM USB mode to VB6 program on a PC. Hex program and sample Visual Basic 6 application is included. __
Dual-voltage regulator meets USB-power needs - 19-Aug-04 EDN Design Ideas: This design idea stems from the limited availability of IC voltage regulators that can meet key USB-power specs, coupled with the need for turn-on sequencing and rise-time control at each output. As always, for PC-related designs, minimum cost is a primary motivation. USB specs require all loads to limit inrush current to less than 100 mA plus 50 µC of charge when powered on __ Circuit Design by Wayne Rewinkel, National Semiconductor, Phoenix, AZ
Dynamic siphon steals current from USB port - 12/15/06 EDN Design Ideas: Make maximum use of a USB port's current-delivery capability __ Circuit Design by Donald Schelle, Maxim Integrated Products Inc, Sunnyvale, CA
Efficient All-In-One USB Power Management IC Solution - DN1008 Design Notes__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices
Fabricate a High-Resolution Sensor-To-USB Interface - 11/17/11 EDN Design Ideas: A precision analog acquisition system fits in your pocket. The circuit in this Design idea combines a mixed-signal microcontroller, a USB UART (universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter) , and a novel adaptable analog sensor-input circuit. it allows you to connect many types of sensors to the design’s two analog-input channels, control the device, and read measurement data on a USB host. The USB connection powers the circuit. You can control the device from your computer with simple commands; even terminal software can make the measurements __ Circuit Design by Zoltan Gingl, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary
FT232 USB Interface Adapter - Control up to three devices from a PC with FT232 IC (USB to Serial UART) from Future Technology Devices international FTDi. Circuit is simple and does not require external microcontroller or any type of firmware programming. PC control software written in VB6 is included. __
General-Purpose Components Implement USB-Based Data-Acquisition System - 26-Jun-08 EDN Design Ideas: A serial ADC communicates with a PC's USB port through a serial-to-parallel converter and a USB-interface IC __ Circuit Design by V Gopalakrishnan, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam, India
Handy USB Breakout Box for Project Development - You can build it in 10 minutes and for less than $15__ SiliconChip
Hints & kinks for USB Decoding - 02/07/02 EDN Design Ideas: The USB is a serial data-transmission system that uses cables to connect peripheral equipment to PCs. All new computers have two orUSB receptacles, and the predictions are that they will replace most of the legacy receptacles on older PCs. The 1.0 and 1.1 standards for USB were for 1.5 and 12 Mbps at low- and full-speed rates, respectively __ Circuit Design by Bert Erickson, Fayetteville, NY
How-to build an USB Device with 18F4550 or 18F2554 - PIC 18F4550 and 18F2550 are powerful microcontrollers including a full-speed USB V2.0 compliant interface. With these MCU it's very easy for the hobbyist to design USB devices with very few components. in these pages, i'm describing how to use the CDC firmware from Microchip. it permits to emulate a serial port with a PC running Windows or Linux. it's also very easy to build HiD devices. __ Designed by Radio LocMan |